Patrol ship of the Russian Federation "Vasily Bykov" fired at the civilian cargo ship
Sukru Okan? Chronology of events.

Yesterday, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported: early in the morning in the Black Sea, their ship opened “warning” fire on a cargo ship flying the flag of Palau (it was heading to the port of Izmail, Odessa region).

After that, the Russians allegedly lifted a Ka-29 helicopter with a group of marines and landed them on board a dry cargo ship. They examined the ship, and then it continued to move.

Later international reconnaissance. The InformNapalm community stated that the Russian Federation lied both about the inspection of Sukru Okan and about the shots. There were only threats on the radio.

In the Ukrainian OK "South" they emphasized: the words of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have not been officially confirmed by anyone else. Although this is in any case a demonstration of aggression.

But it looks like there was a Russian inspection of Sukru Okan. Russian media publish a video where allegedly a Ka-29 helicopter picks up an inspection team that boarded the ship at 30 nautical hours. miles off the coast of Turkey.
I am following the situation and really looking forward to Erdogan's reaction.
Патрульный корабль рф «Василий Быков» обстрелял гражданский сухогруз Sukru Okan? Хронология событий. ▪️Вчера Минобороны россии сообщило: рано утром в Черном море их корабль открыл «предупредительный» огонь по сухогрузу под флагом Палау (он шел в порт Измаил Одесской обл). ▪️После этого...