"When others weaken"
Scholz assures Ukraine of further aid
Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for perseverance in German support for Ukraine. “This war is probably not over any time soon,” said Scholz at the SPD federal party conference in Berlin. It is therefore important “that we are able to do what is necessary for a long time”, namely “continue to support Ukraine in its defense struggle”.
Germany must even be prepared to have to do even more "when others weaken," said the Chancellor, apparently alluding to the unclear political situation in the USA before next year's presidential elections. Therefore, there must be decisions on the German side “so that we are able to do this.”
Scholz also referred to the economic consequences of Russian imperialism - for Germany, and even more so for some other countries. “We know that there have been consequences that also affect us,” said the Chancellor, referring to the high energy prices. He emphasized that the government had nevertheless managed to ensure a good energy supply, even if this was of course "a major financial challenge".
Scholz assures Ukraine of further aid
Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for perseverance in German support for Ukraine. “This war is probably not over any time soon,” said Scholz at the SPD federal party conference in Berlin. It is therefore important “that we are able to do what is necessary for a long time”, namely “continue to support Ukraine in its defense struggle”.
Germany must even be prepared to have to do even more "when others weaken," said the Chancellor, apparently alluding to the unclear political situation in the USA before next year's presidential elections. Therefore, there must be decisions on the German side “so that we are able to do this.”

Scholz sichert der Ukraine weitere Hilfen zu
Bundeskanzler Scholz geht nicht von einem schnellen Ende des Ukraine-Kriegs aus. Daher sei es wichtig, "dass wir lange in der Lage sind, das zu tun, was notwendig ist". Kremlchef Putin dürfe nicht darauf setzen, dass der Westen nachlasse.

Scholz also referred to the economic consequences of Russian imperialism - for Germany, and even more so for some other countries. “We know that there have been consequences that also affect us,” said the Chancellor, referring to the high energy prices. He emphasized that the government had nevertheless managed to ensure a good energy supply, even if this was of course "a major financial challenge".