Russian higher-ups may not want to stop but that's not up to them. It's up to the soldiers, some of whom are already starting to refuse to fight. Not to mention that Russia does not have infinite supplies and manpower to throw at Ukraine let alone a steel plant in ONE GODDAMN CITY.
True, some Russian soldiers are refusing to fight; but guess what, according to recent reports, most of those who died from the Russian side are mostly turkic origin, serbian origin, and above all speratists from DNR and LNR! Russia is now transferring the mercenaries in Libya and Syria to fight in Ukraine which are around 20,000. This means that Russia replinshed its troops and are ready to fight again while a war of attrition is never in Ukraine's favour as Russia can still produce its 1960s weapons in bulk
What is that tweet supposed to prove? Oh gosh, Kadyrovites are in Kherson. So what?
Kadyrovites were normally sent to Mariupol after the initial Russian batch got rap*d by Azov battalion. At first, Putin thought he would win with ease and thus transferred Russians to the front line in Mariupol to gain the fame. After the big slap on the face that Putin got, he started to transfer the Muslim Chechens as the front line troops while the Russians are just using artillery and jets within the safe zone to avoid casualities. The fact that such Kadyrovites canoon fodder are now in Kherson proves that they arent needed in Mariupol anymore and this means more fighting force within the Russian forces for more territorial gains in the South and East
Russia makes some gains and loses others. Ukraine has already successfully counter-attacked and dislodged them from previously captured regions so even claiming that they are making any progress is overly generous.
This is what I have been talking about. While defending cities, Ukraine has the advantage since the defender (in most war scenarios) is the most protected compared to the attacker. However, when Ukraine loses a city to Russia like in Izyum or Kherson it becomes near impossible for Ukraine to win them back as the role of the attacker and defender along with their pros and cons are switched. I said it before that whether Ukraine can switch from a defending mentality to an attacking one is a real test and until now, no results worth mentioning
What exactly did Erdogan lose from this war? Russian "support"? Not really. If anything this war has raised Turkey's importance in Russia because Russia is getting screwed by virtually everyone else in Europe so whoever didn't completely cut them loose is now being clung on like a shipwrecked sailor to a life raft.
Who cares about Russian support? In fact this war just proved how important Turkey and Erdogan is important yet dangerous at the same time. Rn, Putin needs Erdogan more than anything else! However, This war did screw Erdo in lots of cases especially ECONOMICALLY! Thx to this rotten war, gas prices are soaring, Ukrainian tourists for the next 5 years at least may not come in huge numbers and obviously turkish export market in Ukraine took a hit. This is without a doubt a blow to Erdogan. However, he did gain lots of things such as Free Promo for Turkey's defence products, Ukranian aviation engineers are relocating in Turkey' Antalya, and US businesses are reshifting from Russia to Turkey etc which is good and is proven by the fact that Turkey's unemployment rate dropped to a low of 10.7% and may drop even more
No offense Lool but you seem to be going weirdly out of your way to defend Russia here and keep talking about how "doomed" Ukraine is. That may be so but you aren't making very convincing arguments for it.
Iam not supporting Russia; In fact, Iam praying that those assholes lose this war tbh. I hate Putin's Modus Operandi in the region (as I explained in a previous post). However, rn, I just cant seem to see how Zelensky is planning on retaking nearly 20-35% of his lands when he is in a defensive position and Russia is still racking in those gains albeit with a lot of sacrifices and refilling its ranks with suicidal Chechen fighters and rapers like DNR and LNR separatists; ofcourse add Russian troops as well
I hope for Ukraine to win but the West (especially Germany) is gradually becoming unreliable and none of the countries supporting Ukraine wanna go all in as they may risk losing sensitive technologies to Russia
That is why a war of attrition is never in Ukraine's favour
What is even worse is that the Russian public, thx to state propaganda, seems to believe that this is some sort of holy war and if the ppl suffered for a while then it is a fair price to pay
Just look at this bullshit

Those Russians aee teuly deprived of brain power, I swear
However, while Russians are being brainwashed; Ukrainians are either getting fed up with the war or are being bought up by Russia