RAF still have 59 pieces last gen Tornado GR4s. İ would like to know those Gr4s condition because Brits are known for being greedy. I think Tornados could be operational with the little amount of money.
Having said that 50 Tornado GR4s would be great stopgap solution for Air Force of Ukraine for short term till Ukraine creates modern air force.
Look at the latest GR4 :the aircraft can launch British ALARM ANTI-RADIATON MISSILES and laser guided PAVEWAYs and etc.!!!!
If making them operational is not a big trouble, 50 Tornado could fulfill SEAD missions as well as destroying enemy lines with heavy bombs.
For RAF, Training 50 Ukrainian pilots should not be a big deal since UK is one of the biggest supporter.
UK would ever never give EFs while retired TORNADOs wouldnt harm their budget.
Remember Tornados are still operational in 3 countries.
Let old birds fly for Ukraine.
I am %100 sure UAF wouldn't turn down Tornados if UK offered GR4 with anti-radiation missiles and PAVEWAYs.