Because we couldn't comprehend this, We host millions of Syrian refugees with no end in sight . The Europeans are doing the right thing.Finland is closing the door as EU will not let in large numbers of Russians pouring the rest of the EU countries:
Ulkoministeri Pekka Haavisto: Suomi valmistelee pikaisesti uutta ratkaisua viisumeista – "Suomi ei halua olla kauttakulkumaa"
Haavisto kommentoi Venäjän liikekannallepanoa. Aiemmin presidentti Niinistö kutsui tilannetta hyvin
And just for clarifying my position, I don't have anything against Russian citizens, I have made it clear in previous posts about brainwashing and oppresed citizens.
But we have to araise a point here.
They way to defeat the dictatorship at this moment is to protest agains it, Putin is trying to use them for political objectives, you'll be safer in a prison for a couple of days with some bruises, than going to the front to die while trying to kill other people you don't have anything against them.
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