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This is Ukrainian war thread so I would like just to tell you that you assume a lot. You are talking in slogans , clichés and repeatative phrases and accusations I can safely say that's it is you who absolutely knows nothing what you are talking about and with what you are surrounded. The critique has to have purpose, logical intentions and be formulated in certain manner, also when " answer " is offered, that answer should be not contra dictory.How can I be an islamophobe when I'm a Muslim? I even come from a family here in the UK that was responsible for helping finance the construction of mosques here. Actually my family has probably done more for the dawah cause then most. Ironically the people who have treated me as the biggest enemy have been political islamists.
People like you are ignorant of the world and how it operates. Keep your sectarian agenda's to yourselves. Erdogan is a disaster that has played the Islam card to turn him and his cronies into billionaires at the expense of the nation.
Islamic charlatans are nothing new, wherever you look you see them operating whether it iran, saudi arabia or pakistan. They are nothing new, in Turkey they almost always come out of the non-Turk minorities who realise that islam is the quickest and easiest way to make a buck.
Only devils fear the truth. As a Muslim i could never tolerate evil and i'm to wise to fall for cheap tricks.
BTW mehmed ali pasha was an Ottoman traitor who stabbed the Turks in the back. Turks turned him from a peasant into a ruler only for him to turn on the Ottomans.
This is Ukrainian war thread so I would like just to tell you that you assume a lot. You are talking in slogans , clichés and repeatative phrases and accusations I can safely say that's it is you who absolutely knows nothing what you are talking about and with what you are surrounded. The critique has to have purpose, logical intentions and be formulated in certain manner, also when " answer " is offered, that answer should be not contra dictory.
And let's not to talk about Vakuf , I am sure Sokolovic ( Sokollu)family ( me) , contributed a bit as well.
Its basically to ratchet up pressure against putin not to dare think about using a nuke on Ukraine.
Good, just carry on speaking against Putin. I find it pretty amusing that someone who is pseudo fascist like you speaks against kindered soul like Putin.added to ignore. honestly got no time for these people. So ignorant. Calls you an islamophobe without knowing you are Muslim, then claims you assume alot. Brainless, have a good life.
We all do.Who owns this forum?
English is the forum language.Why are they here so many Turks speaking English?
The staff members(admins,mods,TTA's,professionals etc) .Who determines who is the moderator, country correspondent etc?
How is Ukraine going to get better? Terminal demographics, a traumatised generation,millions fled (and except a small portion will never return),the country is destroyed etc.. Even the military aid is given in steps to prevent them from loosing. I wouldn't bet on the big economic help after the war. They loose big time. They didn't ask for it,it just fell on them,unfortunately.One of the most observant and realistic and insightful comment I’ve seen anywhere lately!
Wont take any credit from your comment but I see it the same way: Ukraine will come on top (battered, bruised but on top) and will get merry on his way with the financial aid, investment and unsurpassed political support from the West.
Meanwhile, like you said, the West, The US in particular, will want to exclude Turkey from any kind of relations (economic, militar, political and so on) as much as they can as since they are steadily moving Turkey to a pariah state level.
Therefore when I hear any average Mehmet believing that Turkish companies help rebuild post-war Ukraine, I say “in your dreams”![]()
Ok, now I am convinced that you are a russian. And not someone from Azerbajcan.I think Russia should demand back the money and gold it has for international trade. These resources should not be left to vampire westerners. These resources may not be seized for trade or for any other reason whatsoever.
If necessary, go to arbitration courts. If necessary, nuclear weapons are used for these resources, which are more than 500 billion dollars. I approve of this response.
The President of the USA, other statesmen and politicians still shamelessly say that they gave weapons, money, etc. in the form of aid to Ukraine, and that they will rebuild Ukraine free of charge. I think it's a lie, they will do all this illegally, by extorting the money of the Russian people.
Russia's move is towards perdition. I dont believe those strategic trade route bla bla. This is like some commentators on TV, when asked about a military operation on nord iraq, they say we should begin explaining this by chinese one belt project....The annexation of Kherson with a so-called referendum, the project of connecting the Baltic to the Black Sea will be under Russian control, and the new trade route in the Baltic, Dnieper and Black Sea connection, which is the exit to the Black Sea, will be under Russian control.
View attachment 48303
Think with eurasia canal project,
and also with Turkiye's policy transition against west.
Russia's game, or let's say its goals, is evaluated in a very narrow framework by some circles. But Russia's moves are steps towards a broader strategy.
The annexation of Kherson with a so-called referendum, the project of connecting the Baltic to the Black Sea will be under Russian control, and the new trade route in the Baltic, Dnieper and Black Sea connection, which is the exit to the Black Sea, will be under Russian control.
View attachment 48303
Think with eurasia canal project,
and also with Turkiye's policy transition against west.
Russia's game, or let's say its goals, is evaluated in a very narrow framework by some circles. But Russia's moves are steps towards a broader strategy.
Sigh! Please read the previous post I replied to first and then read my very enthusiastic reply.How is Ukraine going to get better? Terminal demographics, a traumatised generation,millions fled (and except a small portion will never return),the country is destroyed etc.. Even the military aid is given in steps to prevent them from loosing. I wouldn't bet on the big economic help after the war. They loose big time. They didn't ask for it,it just fell on them,unfortunately.