Well those acts, for me is also terror acts and I condemn it, there aren't military targets, we don't have a war declaration among other things... and putting them more on context, we are already on month 8th since the start of the invasion.
From my point of view, targeting civilians might be a reason to say, please Zelensky stop it, we don't have windows, hot water, electricity, imagine a winter like this... Allies have to supply more energy to Ukraine, gas, fuel... with the prices topping.... gaspipes broken, ZNPP treathed, launching cruise missiles over Moldova air domains and trying to drag Luckacheko into the war.... might this change something? Just sit and
blockade your door....
For me the message is clear "look I'm an agonizing bear and you should give me this.... if not..." And western support rising everyday, as more terror attacks are being counted... war crimes and
more evidences found... The support for Ukranians and current goverment will just be unstoppable.
We should condemn those acts, answer them hard on the battlefield, drop some gm's near their "newest" troops and let them fight between themselves, with a bit of luck and knowing the rest of the world doesn't really like in what they had become today.... maybe their "advance" will turn on Moscow to find the source of the problem.