Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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They need to cut off this supply route for their soon to launch Kherson counteroffensive, otherwise Russia could just keep sending more and more equipment and ammo against it.
Putin knows it very well and he make his plan as well. He promised to retaliate and attack on much more taregets specially fuel and energy infrastructures. Perhaps it is his winter plan .


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If you look at Russia's Ukraine invasion and see "well planned" you should be taking some kind of medicine. I prescribe 250mg HIMMIES. Take after meals.
No , I just pointing about kretch bridge. Putin knew it may be targeted and he mede his plan as well .


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Russia has the weapons to strike the Ukrainian military but they use it to strike civilians.

Either its used for

-Psychological warfare to make the enemy surrender and submit due to high civilian casalualties

-either they dont have proper capabilities and lied about it because they barely have PGMs which is embarassing.

-stupidity and incompetence

I wonder which one it is because the Ukrainians nearly have the same stuff as the Russians I dont see them wasting their stuff on civilian targets.


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In my opinion targeting Kretch bridge Ukranians gained nothing but sufferings of peoples .
As HIMARS were doing their job well and Russians has no answer of HIMARS , why they need to open a new front .
I think perhaps you are not aware of giving about military aid . Germans did not give arms to Ukraine, even Britain France also give by many limitations .
USA is not providing long range missiles .
Turkey maintaining a very good relations with both sides . Lavarov express their unhappines to Turkey for giving military aid to Ukraine .
Turkish leadership is not so immature like you to give advance weapons to Ukraine. They know their limitations what you do not realise . Please try to be logical rational and mature thinking . Please Don't lead by emotions . Remember , it is not a war of Turkey , it is a problem of west and Russia .

Remember your opinion is just an opinion, don't make the mistake in thinking it has any basis in reality. Because it really doesn't.

Pretty much everything you said is wrong. But that's normal, I'm not expecting any great insight or reason from you. I don't think anyone here is.
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Its not appeasement Erdogan has lots of Eurasianists not to mention Dogu Perincek saved his ass while Erdogan returned the favour.

Turkish foreign policy is split with two camps its either Eurasia aka(Russia, China and Iran) or Nato. Turkiye needs a independant and pragmatic policy rather than being in any stupid camp.

As you mentioned being in these camps leads too much appeasement because we have to balance both sides which comes at a cost.

Turkic World and the Islamic world have to be strong to form their own camp if not they will be forced to join one.

USA/EU/Nato, Russia and China dont have their best interests at their hearts for us.

Eurasianist is no more then Russian imperialism. Even Dugin says "eurasianism" is basically the name they feed the fools into accepting the new russian empire. So any eurasoamits in Turkey are either exceptionally ignorant or they are agents of Russia, neither are fit for purpose to rule Turkey.

We have seen that Russias has been able to buy out many politicians and beauraects across the entire world. You have to wonder watching the way Turkey has behaved, especially this last decade how many AK party politicians are no more then paid shills. Especially when you consider that Turkey is an easy nation to infiltrate as displayed by FETO. And i focus on AK party because they are the current administers of Turkey, i have no doubts that many other politicians across many of the other parties are Russian shills, especially HDP could entirely be a russian enterprise.

But not just them but also the media, how much pro Russian propaganda have the Turks been bombarded with in their media. In every direction we look the Russians were arming and supporting our enemies. Doing everything to harm, still to this day they have photo shoots with the PKK to mock us. Yet are media doesnt talk about it. It wants the common Turk to think this abhorrent and evil enemy Russia is our friend and ally. Absolute madness.

The Russians bombed our troops and not even a day passes and erdogan was begging Putin for a meeting. That was some of the craziest shit i've ever seen in politics. The only thing crazier was before it AK party and their entirely controlled media were doing everything to hide if from the people.

You have to wonder if close advisors to erdogan have been comprised like jesuit agents of the past who used to whisper into the ears of princes to manipulate wars and conflicts, or stop them from defending their interests.

Anyway despite all their planning an all their manipulations this is Dugins reality now.

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Eurasianist is no more then Russian imperialism. Even Dugin says "eurasianism" is basically the name they feed the fools into accepting the new russian empire. So any eurasoamits in Turkey are either exceptionally ignorant or they are agents of Russia, neither are fit for purpose to rule Turkey.

We have seen that Russias has been able to buy out many politicians and beauraects across the entire world. You have to wonder watching the way Turkey has behaved, especially this last decade how many AK party politicians are no more then paid shills. Especially when you consider that Turkey is an easy nation to infiltrate as displayed by FETO.

The Russians bombed our troops and not even a day passes and erdogan was begging Putin for a meeting. That was some of the craziest shit i've ever seen in politics. The only thing crazier was before it AK party and their entirely controlled media were doing everything to hide if from the people.

You have to wonder if close advisors to erdogan have been comprised like jesuit agents of the past who used to whisper into the ears of princes to manipulate wars and conflicts, or stop them from defending their interests.

Russians have did so much damage to the Turkic World and the Islamic World.

They brought down the Ottoman Empire and sent Muslims of Central Asia and the Caucasus to gulag camps.

Not to mention how Russia backed Serbians in the Bosnian War while they pummeled Chechnya and the city of Grozny.

It boggles my mind how some people think how Russia can be an ally. Just because they hate the USA.

Russia also played a big role in the Refugee crisis that engulfed Turkiye and Europe.

They caused another one by invading Ukraine.

Russia also played a big role in starting WW2 by green lighting Nazi Germany into invading Poland.


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Russians have did so much damage to the Turkic World and the Islamic World.

They brought down the Ottoman Empire and sent Muslims of Central Asia and the Caucasus to gulag camps.

Not to mention how Russia backed Serbians in the Bosnian War while they pummeled Chechnya and the city of Grozny.

It boggles my mind how some people think how Russia can be an ally. Just because they hate the USA.

Russia also played a big role in the Refugee crisis that engulfed Turkiye and Europe.

They caused another one by invading Ukraine.

Russia also played a big role in starting WW2 by green lighting Nazi Germany into invading Poland.

The past should be enough, but even if we ignore the past like most Turks tend to do. How are they ignoring what's happening right in front of their faces today. In Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan etc. Or how Russia does everything to try and undermine our relationship with the central Asian Turkic states.

Even the invasion of Ukraine is direct threat to Turkeys position in the black sea, creating new vulnerabilities and problems going forward. While the Turks are made to focus on the Americans by the islamist entities of Turkey, they are made to forget that Russia was/is encircling Turkey, In Syria they have bases against us, in Armenia they have bases against us, in Crimea they have bases against us. Even their movement into Libya was to place bases against us, hence why they are able to work together with NATO nation France there.

Turkey should be doing everything to make sure that Russia is completely crushed in Ukraine. So no appeasement and every time certain ak party shills talk about russia wanting a deal, no deal except to leave Ukraine 100%.

You keep appeasing these russian criminals and falling for their tricks, one day they will be saying why not give them Istanbul, it was the orthodox capital in the past anyway. All these ignorant people who are pro-Russia and eat up cheap soviet propaganda like its a MacDonald's happy meal will be the first people to sell you out.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Do you ever get tired of acting like a bitter ex-girlfriend whenever Goat's Milk posts anything?
What's that to you? Anything personal in regards to you? Akp has something to do with The Crimean Bridge? Analysis of Turkish politics ( slogans only) in every thread and even in the dialogue with some Bangali person in the tread about Ukrainian war. The same phrase and construction repeated in every thread? We have to read hear time and again about someone's else obssesion? Well , he can open a thread, can't he?

Mehmed Ali

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What could have been done exactly I don't know but one thing I know. Since failed coup MIT and other agencies were able to stop every single big terrorist attack in Turkey. I wonder why? Well I am sure that many " good old boys" colluded with pkk and other. For that , there's a presedan. As I have written a long time ago ex minister of interior ( before Erdoğan) stated in interview in Hurriyet that all left wings movements in Turkey were established by USA, by the way didn't they kill Aldo Morrro together with Red Brigades?. All in all it is pretty obvious that " good old boys" are traitors and were around when Turkey had time to do something. The same boys who stopped development of radar and electro optics in 80s or let Geece back in NATO , I am sure that these days the main job is slandering , that's the main method of that kind anyway.
What people say ,MIT has become good? Primarily because they don't have to look behind their shoulders.


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Erdogan pushing for ceasefire in Ukraine.

That will benefit Putin greatly if it happens. Ukrainians will lose out since the momentum is with them to take back all their occupied land. If a frozen conflict is established in Ukraine with erdogans activism, you will see Russia redirect her efforts against Turkey in syria, liby and other places.

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