russian training goes according to plan.
russian killing own new recruits at training camp
russian killing own new recruits at training camp
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Sorry but Turkey is putting top much effort into this. Unless it is for the direct flights to KKTC and the energyhub plan.
They have nothing to gain from creating emnity with Russia. They’re still part to CSTO.Sadly, all Turkic states except Türkiye were either absent or chose abstention regarding the condemnation of annexed areas by Russia.
russian training goes according to plan.
russian killing own new recruits at training camp
Because they were afraid of an assassination. Commanders gathered all magazines.question:
In video it is clear that Rifles do NOT have attached magazine!
But shooting sounds are on the video and soldiers act like they shooting. Pure russian propaganda
Sadly, all Turkic states except Türkiye were either absent or chose abstention regarding the condemnation of annexed areas by Russia.
Whats this about, didnt get it.
Before the public vote against Russian anexation of UKR territories, there was a secret vote to avoid it, the result was secret .... but Sergiy...Whats this about, didnt get it.
Whats this about, didnt get it.
Before the public vote against Russian anexation of UKR territories, there was a secret vote to avoid it, the result was secret .... but Sergiy...
U.N. publicly rejects Russia's call for secret vote on Ukraine
The United Nations General Assembly voted on Monday to reject Russia's call for the 193-member body to hold a secret ballot later this week on whether to condemn Moscow's move to annex four partially occupied regions in
putin's "bishops" army are training
bishop is training for killing!
russian zombies Think that -> "We can NOT be possibly losing to Ukrainians. It must be NATO!!!!!"
Any new update regarding the war guys?
Did Ukraine gain any new territory?