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Pro-Russian accounts are claiming that Russia has over 12k tanks ready to be deployed. How reliable is this figure?40% destroyed tanks is the visually confirmed ones. There's a lot of undocumented Russian losses, either from enemy fires or used as cannibalized spares for other tanks.
And the US only spend like 5% of it's yearly budget to reduce Russian conventional military by half.
It’s Costing Peanuts for the US to Defeat Russia
The cost-benefit analysis of US support for Ukraine is incontrovertible. It’s producing wins at almost every
And there's people here and there that actually believes that Russia still has its " real army " in Russia waiting for NATO.
No!Pro-Russian accounts are claiming that Russia has over 12k tanks ready to be deployed. How reliable is this figure?
That's a lot of copium. This one is more accurate.Pro-Russian accounts are claiming that Russia has over 12k tanks ready to be deployed. How reliable is this figure?
That's a lot of copium. This one is more accurate.
12K tanks and I assume these are older T-62 with 4 crew. That means Russia would have to find another 48K men just to operate this tanks and at least 1/5th the number of mechanics and maintenance crew to keep them running.
The more this war progresses and I could already see the delusions among Russian supporters. Not only in this forum but other forums as well as the internet as a whole. There's now even chatter that Russia will launch a winter offensive to drive Ukraine back.
In short, don't take it serious when the likes of Geroman, Spriter are spitting up updates.
Oryx corrected (replied thru twitter to be precise) the so called supply of Sungurs to “to be delivered”.
Well, I guess it was Russia that threw the 2 s 300 missiles to poland in land-to-land mode in order to expand the war and join the war in natoyu. These Ukrainians are like angels.
Funny how the Russians constantly spread lies and stupid conspiracy theories about how Ukraine will use nuclear dirty bomb or biological weapons.
When the Russians are the only ones who can deploy such weapons.
While their history is full cover ups and lies.