Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


Spain Moderator
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Despite the efforts of presenters to counter contrary opinions, even reaching nearly to insult some guest, for saying "I don't agree with bombing civilians", even most former fanatic guests are asking loud "If Putin was recently speaking about West is finished, multipolar world is now... Why do we need to negotiate? He repeated negotiate like five times"

The guy with balls of steel, never disappoints, and says President of Guinea-Bissau is acting as mediator for negotiations, and since the start of the war nothing is in favor of Russian interests, using now Russian President instead Russia to refer to the unfortunate situation of the war.

November seems promising for Russian TV.


Spain Moderator
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Based on alot of actions, dont know if many are happy about it but we are heading more towards a multipolar world.

I will be very happy of heading to a more multipolar world. Despite not having a drop of oil, being behind Turkey in science/technology research and begging for money to the rest of Europe because a harder flu than normal.... we are going to be on par in GDP with Russia next year....

I hope Kazakhstan and Urals would like to help to make some room for us on the table.


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There is growing discernible impact of the results of (sustained proven superiority of western defence ecosystem) the UKR-RUS war on Indian strategic thinking with regards to the earlier heavy reliance (to the order of 70% or so of defence equipment) on Russia.

"Gone are those days!" as following interview soundbite contains.

The (retired) Lt. General talks about the shift away from that India already was commencing upon (in radars, missiles especially)....and how developing full spectrum of competence on this locally is desirable over simply switching to reliance on the US/West (and pressure they can then bring to bear). i.e one must discern, prioritise and absorb the core competencies well regarding this for one's own interests.

For interested members, the quite telling soundbite here from about the 22 minute mark onwards:

There is also interesting nested analysis of larger chip manufacture in world geopolitics (US, China, CHIPS act, Korea, Taiwan TSMC etc) and ultimately the need for greater self reliance on crucial strategic technologies.

There are many parallels to much of what I have read here on this forum w.r.t Turkiye...and for any country that desires greater strategic independence (on the various strategic crucial technologies) in this uncomfortable more polarised world.

@Bogeyman @Anmdt @Yasar @TR_123456 et al.


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I guess things are getting interesting again boys.

MoD Russia

Today at 4.20 am, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack against the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian ships that were on the outer and inner roadsteads of the Sevastopol base.

The attack involved nine unmanned aerial vehicles and seven autonomous maritime drones.

The prompt measures taken by the forces of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed all air targets.

When repulsing the terrorist attack on the outer roadstead of Sevastopol, four marine unmanned vehicles were annihilated by shipborne weapons and maritime aviation of the Black Sea Fleet, and three more were destroyed on the inner roadstead.

Minor damage was received by the sea minesweeper Ivan Golubets as well as the floating net boom in Yuzhnaya Bay.

It should be emphasised that the ships of the Black Sea Fleet that were subjected to the terrorist attack are involved in ensuring the security of the ‘grain corridor’ as part of an international initiative to export agricultural products from Ukrainian ports.

The preparation of this terrorist act and the training of military personnel of 73rd Marine Special Operations Center were carried out under supervision of British specialists in the city of Ochakov, Nikolayev region in Ukraine.

According to the available information, representatives of this unit from the British Navy were involved in plotting, organising, and implementation of the terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea on 26 September this year to blow up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines.


Fuzuli NL

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Despite the efforts of presenters to counter contrary opinions, even reaching nearly to insult some guest, for saying "I don't agree with bombing civilians", even most former fanatic guests are asking loud "If Putin was recently speaking about West is finished, multipolar world is now... Why do we need to negotiate? He repeated negotiate like five times"

The guy with balls of steel, never disappoints, and says President of Guinea-Bissau is acting as mediator for negotiations, and since the start of the war nothing is in favor of Russian interests, using now Russian President instead Russia to refer to the unfortunate situation of the war.

November seems promising for Russian TV.
The Kremlin would probably announce their condolences for finding his body in a ditch next week.


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"The gloves are off"

Russia's gloves have come off so many times in the past 8 months their hands must be made of gloves

The scary thing for Russia is that there are still so many more options on the table for the west in terms of weapons. Even Turkey could send quite a few weapons to Ukraine that would screw Russia harder like the Akinci drones with her assortment of munitions as well as multiple types of suicide drones.

Russias fate hangs by a thread, its going to be entirely decided on what the 3rd party influencer nations decide to supply Ukraine.

Until the Russians can question Putin, they have no hope of changing course, they are in absolute freefall.


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Russia once again showing how it cant be negotiated I hope Erdogan learns from this.

So many times we negotiated instead for Russia to roll it all back.

I think Turkiye should up it up. Send the Ukrainians whatever the fck they need.

So much for that Grain Deal.

He won't learn from it. Sometimes i feel islamists need a white mans approval to feel justified in this world. So we will get another round of "diplomacy" only for the Russians to do what they always do with any agreement they sign.

In Islam one the lowest things you can do is not stand by your agreements and no other nation breaks her agreements on a whim like the Russians do.


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This zelensky monstrosity has plagued the world.

With the wheat shipment, which started with the efforts of our President and the UN, the poor people in poor countries were relieved to some extent.

Now, when this Zelensky and his administration attacked the Russian ship with the negligence of his administration, Russia rightly stopped the food shipment for security reasons.

What are you doing with the warship in the port, Ukraine?

there is no more nonsense that they did not do to play the theater of victimization.

But already 2.3 months, Russian sites were writing, the British were giving these disgraced Ukrainians unmanned submarine and unmanned surface vehicle training.

I will no longer feel sorry for any ukrainian for the loss of these poor starving people. May they be better.


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The Admiral Makarov, as well as the Buyan M and Kilo 636.3 of the Blacks sea fleet are not sitting innocently in port, they are active through out the war, firing Kalibr cruise missile on Odessa, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv etc. For Ukraine there's only course of action. To sink it and save lives.

Ukraine is not responsible for Russia unilateral exit from the grain deal.


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The war in Ukraine so far is heading in the favour of Ukrainian due to the unlimited military aid from both USA and EU
Be real please. The help is VERY limited.
No planes, no tanks, no IFV, very few MAV (and US has thousands of them to send if they wanted to).
This is not a war Russia vs Nato, This is Russia vs 2 to 3 % of a NATO.

But I hope those numbers will change in a time.
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Fuzuli NL

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He won't learn from it. Sometimes i feel islamists need a white mans approval to feel justified in this world. So we will get another round of "diplomacy" only for the Russians to do what they always do with any agreement they sign.

In Islam one the lowest things you can do is not stand by your agreements and no other nation breaks her agreements on a whim like the Russians do.
Don't talk about Islam, please.
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