How many kids died in the Kiev pediatric hospital today thanks to Russian Kinzhals? I bet that these Ukrainians Nazis were hiding munitions next to the hemodialisys machines and the MRIs...
In Kyiv, the death toll increased to 27, including three children.
Plus in Dnepr Region 11 people killed.
More than 170 people were injured.
An attack on a maternity hospital, as well as a children’s hospital, is unfortunately not the first time that this has happened during the war.
Planned terror attack

Киев инициирует созыв Совбеза ООН в связи с массированной атакой по Украине, в том числе из-за удара по «Охматдету», сообщил Зеленский. В результате ракетного удара по «Охматдету» погибли двое взрослых, в том числе женщина-врач. Также известно о 16 пострадавших, среди которых 7 детей, сообщил...

⏺ The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on July 9 due to the Russian terrorist attack on Ukraine today.
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