This part is personal comment:
Apart from this, Havelsan and other USV manufacturers have agreed upon principles to discuss and implement ADVENT integration in all USVs. This is so far a major requirement by Navy, such that all USVs and UAVs to be delivered in future shall be ADVENT compatible.
First news have already dropped about this:
Two new members to the ADVENT SYS family for USVs: ROTA and KALYON
Türk savunma sanayisi, yerli ve milli imkanlarla geliştirilen insansız deniz araçlarını güvenlik güçlerinin kullanımına sunmaya hazırlanıyor. Muharebe sahasındaki etkinliği ve çeşitliliği son yıllarda artan insansız platformların güvenlik güçlerine kazandırılmasına yönelik çalışmalar sürüyor...
SANCAR USV will be the first platform on which ADVENT ROTA, the version of the proven ADVENT Combat Management System (SYS) to be used in unmanned vehicles, which is included in many of the Turkish Navy's surface platforms, will be deployed.
USV will bring important capabilities; It will take an active role in critical missions such as base protection, search and rescue, intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance, patrol, surface warfare and mine countermeasures. The "factory acceptance tests" of the Phase-1 phase of ADVENT ROTA, the "mission intelligence" that SANCAR has in order to perform all these tasks unmanned and which distinguishes it from its similar ones, were successfully completed with the participation of SSB and Naval Forces Command officials.
SANCAR SİDA can be controlled from the control station with the ADVENT C4ISR mission system in accordance with NATO Interoperability Standards. Thanks to this competence, the vehicle will have the ability to work with other naval platforms equipped with ADVENT SYS.
The ADVENT KALYON Mission System, which will be located at the control station, has also successfully passed the Phase-1 "factory acceptance tests" jointly with ROTA.