An apt reminder w.r.t the talibunny barbaric degeneracy known to entire world.
Their "fanboys" are interesting bunch whenever Talibunnys or other degenerate extremists are in the convo/debate.
On a hunch here (not pointing fingers at anyone specific).... Western origin flag, claims to be Turkish, yet insta-translates Hindi videos for the "lols" (
huh? a Turk knows this language?), spammed "

" for weeks in Indian defence section on multiple threads (till admin had to intervene), emoji-celebrated terrorist attacks in France...hits insta-likes on AKP-stronk posts...the list continues.
Never seen such "fanboys" in previous fora at all, not even one

....they dont follow Turks around and play pretend one good faith + consistent honest basis. Definitely No ertugul-simping and extreme-islamist fanboying and all related sheer hypocrisy (given actual clear origin compared to fake origin flag) at all. Nada, not one bit.
But then again they actually have to believe they are accomplishing something by all this, to make up for deficit in reality.