Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to Others

Ahmed Shah Massoud's son is continuing what his dad left behind. They refuse to accept pashtun rule or share power.

Also Ahmed Shah massoud also called upon the world to intervene in Afghanistan he basically wanted the whole world join in the civil war.

Instead of a local conflict he made it worldwide. Also Al qaeda and the taliban alliance made things worse too.


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Ahmed Shah Massoud's son is continuing what his dad left behind. They refuse to accept pashtun rule or share power.

Also Ahmed Shah massoud also called upon the world to intervene in Afghanistan he basically wanted the whole world join in the civil war.

Instead of a local conflict he made it worldwide. Also Al qaeda and the taliban alliance made things worse too.

I feel this Massoud is very selfish.
Instead of negotiate toward peace,
he choose war.
& he invited infidel to join it.
What a traitor. 👎

Wallahu a'lam
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Its bad blood to be honest. After the Soviets left none wanted to share power. They all wanted it for themselves.

You are Malay right?? Do you think Malays, Chinese and Indians will share power in Malaysia??

Nobody will share power. People will always keep their ethnic group, tribe or clan's interest above the others.

People underestimate human nature.

Ahmed Shah Massoud should not be romanticed he committed some awful atrocities especially against Hazaras. He was a great commander that cant be denied.

Trust me once the Hazaras get power they will extract their revenge on Pashtuns and Tajiks.

Seriously its never gonna stop. No side wants to compromise. Everybody is out there for their piece.

I said this again once when the Taliban tookover there is going to be resistance to them and their rule. Uzbeks, Tajiks and Hazaras will no way accept Pashtun rule.

Taliban should not underestimate the Panshir Resistance. In history a lot of peoples rule ended due to them underestimating an enclave or having this acceptance well its an enclave nothing will happen as we already won.

The resistance already captured a few places. This could go both ways.

This is a sensitive issue regarding
power sharing in Malaysia.
I don't want to touch this issue. 😊
I let the one who have an authority in Malaysia
talking about it.

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