Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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Dear members,

We noticed that this thread has been abused by several members. The purpose of this thread is to inform members about the conflicts in Afghanistan. Please don't make it a propaganda tool.
Take this written warning as a goodwill. If it continues, we are going to have to limit some members' posting on this thread for a while, and we really don't want that. Thanks for your understanding..


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Rotten and decaying wreaking of hate that's their morality to deliberately leave some parts out to feel good & fool the masses. Deluded, broken and defeated are foaming every where that IEA and Pakistan will collide etc

Word by word translation :-

Question :
Sir Mujahid if you don't mind can i ask about the border fence that Pakistan has erected, previous government had shown there discomfort that this is not the correct thing to do, What is your view and IEA view on this issue, this border fence ?

Answer :
Insh-Allah when the government is formed they will represent their views, we are talking about it and our people disagree with it c/z our people have a great friendship, relationship, partnership with the nation (People in Pakistan) like a family, it is like dragging a line between a family.

At that time, for what ever reason they talked to previous government is understandable.

We want to bring a kind of atmosphere so that the people of Pakistan living on the other side of the fence should be satisfied and had no worries that they will get harm from Afghanistan.

They wont need the border fence any more and both countries will have relationship like brothers, between them, Both sides should be satisfied from each other to the depth of their hearts.


Sadly I do see a problem there. This is akin to being in a partnership and you want this to be defined in clear, concise legal terms and written down leaving no ambiguity. But your partner insists "come on man we are brothers and we don't need this. Our brotherhood makes such agreement unneccessary".

They wont need the border fence any more and both countries will have relationship like brothers, between them, Both sides should be satisfied from each other to the depth of their hearts.
The "they won't need the border fence" is cause of concern. The "depth of hearts" leaves lot of space for wrangling and issues to fester.


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I give some examples why border fence must stay. Under Afghan Trade Transit Agreement Afghanistan uses Pakistan ports to import. These goods land at the ports in Pakistan and under ATT are not subjected to any checks or custom duties. Trucks are sealed and they head straight to Af-Pak border crossing into Afghanistan.

What smugglers do is buy products under ATT which are actually destined for Pakistani market. These products are trucked just over into Afghan border. Then the products are smuggled back into Pakistan through the porous border [until Pakistan fenced it recently] and sold at profit because it has zero taxes on it. The figure of such contraband has been estimated to run into billions of dollars. This means Pakistan loses out on tax and local industry is damaged.

This is just one example of porous border. Drugs, guns, terrorism, illegal migration are all issues. Cars get stolen in Pakistan and then these are driven over the border never to be returned to the owners because local police have no jurisdiction across the border. Even people get kidnapped and held across the border until ransom is paid.

The costly border fence resolved these issues to a large measure. Instead evereything had to cross at the legal check points which recieved appropriate security clearence like what happens in rest of the world. Pakistan should and cannot go bacxk to having a porous border.

Yes, as a future goal when one day Afghanistan is a stable, law abiding society it woould be lovely to have EU style open borders. Indeed I expect this given Pakistan and Afghanistan shared history, ethnic and religious links. But that is at a future time when Afghanistan is developed to the same level as Pakistan and boith countries can have open borders as they operate in tandem. Until then the border fence stays.




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Sharia law is the order of the Prophet s.a.w.
It is relevant to the end of time.

If Afghan want it,
why outsider want to intervene?

Do you want Afghan detect
what law Turkey should use?

Do Afghans want Sharia law?

Will Taliban allow a free and fair elections where all parties will be allowed to stand, so that the people can choose?

Will Taliban allow elections every 5 years, so that if Afghans are not happy with Sharia they can choose another system?


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Do Afghans want Sharia law?

Will Taliban allow a free and fair elections where all parties will be allowed to stand, so that the people can choose?

Will Taliban allow elections every 5 years, so that if Afghans are not happy with Sharia they can choose another system?

20 years of democracy in Afghanistan
already a failed system.
Its not a short period.

Give a chance to Sharia law.
Their country, their rule.

We as an outsider should wait & see,
whether IEA capable in governing the Afghanistan.
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20 years of democracy in Afghanistan
already a failed system.
Its not a short period.

Give a chance to Sharia law.
Their country, their rule.

We as an outsider should wait & see,
whether IEA capable in governing Afghanistan.

Will 20, or 50 years of Sharia lead to a successful system?

Is Afghanistan "their" country? How? Just because they conquered it? So if another group conquers it from the Taliban then the new invader can impose any law they want?

What about Israel? Is it "Their country, their rules" too?


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Will 20, or 50 years of Sharia lead to a successful system?

Is Afghanistan "their" country? How? Just because they conquered it? So if another group conquers it from the Taliban then the new invader can impose any law they want?

What about Israel? Is it "Their country, their rules" too?

Yes. Included Israel.
Their country, their rule.
The keyword, within their country.


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Yes. Included Israel.
Their country, their rule.
The keyword, within their country.

What if Israel decides that "their country" includes all territory inside "Greater Israel"? They have military power to occupy all of it.

Do you then support this new "Greater Israel" discriminating against Arabs and Muslims, since its "their country, their law"?


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What if Israel decides that "their country" includes all territory inside "Gre uniater Israel"? They have military power to occupy all of it.

Do you then support this new "Greater Israel" discriminating against Arabs and Muslims, since its "their country, their law"?

Their country, their rule apply
as long as like I said before,
within their country.
This will become irrelevant,
once they cross other border.

Same case like Nazi Germany.
No one really care what happen at Germany
before they invaded Poland.
The rest is history.

Ok. We stop here.
Back to Afghanistan. 🙂


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What if Israel decides that "their country" includes all territory inside "Greater Israel"? They have military power to occupy all of it.

Do you then support this new "Greater Israel" discriminating against Arabs and Muslims, since its "their country, their law"?

Greater Israel would be suicide for the Israelis.

Israelis did hand over territory in the past.

If the Israelis want to go on some territorial irrendentism they would be in turn having more Arabs in their country.

That explains why Israel is even hesitant on expanding its borders because they know themselves its a demographic time bomb by taking majority Arab and Muslim places.

Israel will just become more Arab in turn.

Unless Israelis do genocide and deportations against the Arab populations who live in these lands i doubt Greater Israel will ever happen.

Israel is outnumbered they cant apply any colonial methods like in the USA and Australia.

I dont think Arabs would tolerate getting genocided or deported. This will also turn public opinion against Israel for trying to do Lebensraum.

Greater Israel even spans into Turkey. You really think Israel would risk a war against everybody just to complete the promise land of Greater Israel.

For Turks, land is sacred it cant be sold off. We treat land like our parents.

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