Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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Wouldn't the Taliban itself be un-Islamic considering they kill little kids? So how could their supporters be true Muslims?
actually talking about un-islamic,

this is actually un-islamic according to the prophet himself.

according to islamic law, the grave are to leveled to the ground, am sure the fighters knows it

once again the Taliban will have to walk the tight rope between appeasing radicals inside and showing them the pragmatic face of Taliban, this is just one example in which the Taliban will struggle to maintain its delicate game of thrones.


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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to Other

"Under US and Tomian rule,
Kabul has become a hub
for armed robbers and kidnappers.

The National Directorate of Security (NDS) arrests
up to eight armed robbers, kidnappers, alcoholics and drug dealers
every day and brings them to justice.
Now the boundaries need to be issued."



Think Tank Analyst
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Pakistan has a storied history of nurture, unleash and blowback on itself....w.r.t the why's and hows of the objective resolutions (euphemism to carry water for islamism of the draconian majoritarian variety) done after the founding father died (when he and a specific group of those like him were the best chance to guide the formative process in crucial early years).

The problem is the scope and intent of the nurture stage crucially in that it is inevitably done in a blockheaded angst and bile-ridden short-term way.....with little to no deference (or maybe understanding) given to what exists in longer timeframes (like the intricacies involved with the pathan-sphere existing across the durrand line).

In the end, this is a circling the (same ole) drain phenomenon (in this soon to be 250 million people entity) that only @VCheng can properly (IMO) give a one line summary (out of his greater resignation to it than I could ever dream to have) about.

What can I add here? Not much, except that the history of nurture, unleash and blowback is not unique to Pakistan, but no one else has the unique combination with radical religiosity that is used to blackmail the world into supporting its military. Quite clever actually, but this gravy train may be coming to a halt, and might even derail due to the rising internal issues that pose increasing and inevitable existential threats.


This post sounds like something a low-budget Indian newspaper would write but hey I guess some gotta dream here and there.

The dust has settled from all political angles. 1) Iran is weak and doesn't want hot border or hostile Pakistan which could create issues inside her own border directly. This one is off-limits.

The factions part is taken out of disney fairytale and Taliban has denied that again and again basically spread by Indian tabloids you know credibility and them don't go hand in hand. They were even writing tonight that Mullah Baradar has been killed:LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

As for the ISKP. They will remain active but not as you envision them and not less active than they are in Indonesia the once in awhile pop up from months to months or years to years will occur once in a while but they will not just all of sudden emerge from the death and become a militant group they are very unpopular amongst the tribes and have no local support you can't just magically create supporters and tribal alliance out of thin. Hard sell for ISKP because people have already Shariah how do you make promotions for new fighters and motivation is very difficult for them and recruiting will hit a wall.

As for regional powers helping to build Afghanistan this will definitely happen and right now they are competing for the rights to extract the goods from the ground..

IEA is doomed c/z suhpa-puwa is sending the ugly brigade that Taliban's wont be able to stand.


General Bakshi crying due to IEA victory

Muhuhahahaaaaaaa...........!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

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