“Before this, I was just fighting jihad,” the 30-year-old said, boasting of his battlefield credentials. “I fought in many different provinces in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. We also trained in Pakistan, and fought against the Pakistani army.”
the Taliban are supposed to be Pakistani project, I challenged this long time ago
Supposed is the key operative word.
Pakistan has a storied history of nurture, unleash and blowback on itself....w.r.t the why's and hows of the objective resolutions (euphemism to carry water for islamism of the draconian majoritarian variety) done after the founding father died (when he and a specific group of those like him were the best chance to guide the formative process in crucial early years).
The problem is the scope and intent of the nurture stage crucially in that it is inevitably done in a blockheaded angst and bile-ridden short-term way.....with little to no deference (or maybe understanding) given to what exists in longer timeframes (like the intricacies involved with the pathan-sphere existing
across the durrand line).
In the end, this is a circling the (same ole) drain phenomenon (in this soon to be 250 million people entity) that only
@VCheng can properly (IMO) give a one line summary (out of his greater resignation to it than I could ever dream to have) about.
I on other hand (when occasional time permits or event calls for) prefer to read/observe the salt mine in other places.
This forum like Zeus sprang forth from Cronus....but I do remember Cronus you see...in fact a good deal about him....and I watch him still, imprisoned in a Tartarus of his own mind....for he had his good and bad ....and to me at least, the bad has won in the end...yet the good torments him so.
In his mind's many dark chambers rest things like the TTP's actions (going on now)...and how persistent voices call for a complete genocide in Waziristan. How other pashtoonglish (as vcheng pointed out to me funnily the one time) voices of the birdbrain vulture vendetta variety then nullify such with quick easy progressive "pink"...in an "all ij well"....trying to outdo baghdad bob I suppose....maybe Peshawar Peter works?
Its not like Pakistan is stranger to this in most brazen way, it lost half its population (inherited by the founding father's principle).....again with the voice of knee-jerk genocide winning out because of gaslighting squelching of any smallest canary that warned it.
No other country, NOT ONE.... has done so in this most unnecessary, clumsy and evil of ways in such short order....to itself.
So you see the psychological remnants occur in "people" naming themselves after viruses here and "

" emote spamming over the sickest, stupidest things again and again....and lo and behold its two-flags in the West....of course of course *head nods*.
That meme of the cry-laugh just scratches the surface of whats going on inside the head of such a person....what the mere word India does to such a pile of wonderful enriched manure...
...after all you can imagine it given what happened in Dhaka...out on the maidan for the world to see....and the weakest flimsiest of stamps plead for resolution away from angry takfiri mobs baying for the blood of the pure chosen ones.
No other country today has to live with it and let it fester in the ego built up and the ego thus diminished and irreversibly chastised so....and at such cost....and at the hands of the pagan (and takfiri ally) whom the supposed sky god does not favour.
AFG is just latched onto it in unholy inertia....and competing with other unholy inertias in other directions to west and north.
It thus cannot access a coastline to try "get away" in some basic measure.....it is stuck with itself, its own problems and doubly burdened with problems of those around it....as they see fit to impose on it at whatever cost to it and themselves.
Most of the vicious cut-throat barbaric types (and all variants thereof) more generally are nurtured in landlocked places I have found (at least in the massive continent of Asia, across its time and space)....and then they unleashed at various times on larger civilisation hearths at consequence you can fill up time reading history about.
Even in India I find a difference between those states with calming expanse of coastline compared to more landlocked ones....where a psyche grows and festers much more.
Anyway sorry about the rant....I'll revisit the thread a lot later maybe.