Papa Murica left, now the lonely & defeated had to beg to Saudi Arabia :
Looks like thst Greek dude from brooklyn 99
It does continue to put a spammer in their endeavor to be recognized. But overall, yes - they don't care.Just to be frank here, this women's protest doesn't hurt the Taliban at all, actually for the long term, it will be intra Jihadists infighting that will present a headache for the Taliban.
And it appears the war continuation has already resumed. 6 explosions killing 30+ Taliban in the last days.
I've warned this long time ago.
I suggest you find out where is Taliban's Mullah Baradar, he's reported injured after getting into a fight.Don't know about the infighting - are they back to killing and maiming each other?
Here is a fact. Female rights across the globe vary. They are not the same in Sweden and India. Not the same as France and Indonesia. Not the same as Canada and Saudia. In the West it's taken a century for female rights to reach where they are today and even then it's work in progress.
But to use this as basis of international politics is pathetic. What next? Is the West going to sanction Saudia, India and Pakistan or African countries that practice FGM?
Not to worry, mate. I am inured to such barrages - I have a permanent red dot fixed on me by certain type.Watch out mate you might get barraged with Indian-sourced propaganda tweets that are just the poster's thinly veiled racism against Pakistanis and prejudice against muslims at large.
I suggest you find out where is Taliban's Mullah Baradar, he's reported injured after getting into a fight.
Basically fight between the conservatives and the more pragmatic faction of Taliban (Baradar belongs to the later).
Not only from their ranks but under increasing attack by competing jihadi group such as ISKP. Go check natsecjeff and Abd Sayyed twitter now if you want to find out more.
It's along expected lines. Reality bites. The apologists for the Taliban treatment of women are like those Americans in the 1800s who defended slavery under the garb of history and cultural reasons.Yes its quite interesting that natsecjeff has suddenly fallen out of favour among some twit-twat spammers here all of a sudden regarding AFG news. The selective cherry pick continues for the beardo mouthbreathing lovers.
The kind that name themselves after a virus (that has inflicted so much on this world) and hide their flags with western ones completely.
The "intelligence" matches it when the virus-guy larps as "we turk" and then instant translate hindi videos in detail.
Its the stuff right out of a ertugul instagram "heavy intellect" simp horde. The virus name is actually apt one in the end.
That virus-guy did a laugh emote (the only one to do so) on a post about french knife terror attack's victims.
I won't forget that (early formative days of the forum.....and "intellectual heavyweights" like virus-guy made their early mark/spawns)
The depravity and cowardliness (or is it basic morality and honour for another?) of some really know no bounds. They are lost causes to some.....but total winners to others I suppose.
But I suppose we can chat about "thinly veiled racism" and "prejudice" given that still.
Just to be frank here, this women's protest doesn't hurt the Taliban at all, actually for the long term, it will be intra Jihadists infighting that will present a headache for the Taliban.
And it appears the war continuation has already resumed. 6 explosions killing 30+ Taliban in the last days.
I've warned this long time ago.
not to mention the many international player that will eventually fight, not cooperate for influence in Afghanistan such as:
1. Pakistan
2. Iran
3. China
4. Russia