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Ram Ram to all ..
One thing i realised on this thread is that there is another war going on. Info warfare and a very subtle attempt to project Taliban as messiah of Afghanistan.
fact remains that nobody knows what the ground reality is & these twitter Posts coming from unverified source should be taken with truck load of sea salt. Anyways, it's already proved beyond doubt that SM companies like Twitter / FB / google have adopted a typical commie , lefties mind set in and are centre to build any Narrative world Over.
Taliban - I wonder if anyone even knows how many terrorists are on ground killing Afghan people.
When the 2000 Karabakh war started,The thread has turned into a Taliban and Pakistani propaganda festival. According to OPs Taliban have a "justification" for everyone they kill and the Afghan army are savage RAW agents. Reality on the ground is both are brutal as each other. One side is better at the propaganda war.
Taliban opium love won't last long when violence spills over.
Ehh is this not what I have said on this thread multitude of times. Which side you choose is entirely consequence of your national or individual POV. From my POV both are bas*ards but after having seen 'their' bas*ards rule the roost since 2001- it's a source of satisfaction to see 'our' bas*ards gaining ground.Reality on the ground is both are brutal as each other.