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Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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The fact is large swathes of Afghanistan actually are open to Taliban. If this outfit is a Pakistani proxy then somebody tell me what magic spell ISI has that has overcome 150,000 US soldiers, NATO, 20 years, 2 trillion dollars?

If one looks at the map districts adjacent to Turkemenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran have fallen to Taliban. These are distal from the Pakistani border and some are not even Pashtun majority. My own opinion the strongest reaction against Taliban will come from Bamiyan region because of the Hazara Shia who will be worried of the sectarian nature of the Sunni Taliban, the Kabul elite living on American gravy train since 2001 and the Panjshiris. This is where Iran, Tajikistan come into this. But 2021 is not 2001. The Russians, Central Asians and Iranians are wary of USA.


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Talking of crimes perpetrated by foreign armies let me give you personal anecdote. Last yeat in my village in Pakistan I met a relative on my mum's side who had worked as a logistics contractor for US forces in Iraq for over 5 years and had made good money. First driving trucks carrying fuel etc to US bases in Iraq from Kuwait and then based at a major US logistics base as a PA to the base in charge who was a Black American officer. He told me he personally saw instances of US soldiers just shooting at random Iraqi's and then covering it up as 'insurgents'. Nobody was bothered. Bloodthirsty new recruits would be looking to out to score a kill. This was routine and never would be reported in media.

The exact same thing has been going on in Afghanistan. Think of all those Muslim haters and racists Americans, Australians etc walking in Afghan villages - killing some random victim is not exactly going to get you in bother given that 10,000s have been killed. We have seen footage of Apache gunships taking out people like they were playing video games. Only in extreme cases have these incidents come out like soldiers slicing ears of their victims and keeping them as war regalia or Australian Special Forces engaging in wanton killing.

So let's not pretend that the last 20 years were anything but civilized. Only that global media never covered it. The weak have no voice.
For 20 years,
many parties have been busy
tarnishing one party only at Afghanistan,
the Taliban.

There came one time,
when some one start supporting Taliban,
almost everyone lost their minds.


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For 20 years,
For 20 years the global media has ben screaming, screaming and dumping Pakistan as the evil monster. You probably could hear the screams on Mars. We were vilified. Our neighbour climaxed and indulged in this hate fest. Finally the table is turning. I don't hear USA say to Pakistan 'do more'.


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When the Americans invaded Afghanistan they did not cultivate a new class of libertarians and then out of them establish the new government in Kabul. What they did was allied with those groups fighting the Taliban. This included primarily the Northern Alliance. But although NA provided them with the core of the new order they needed a wider spectrum to peddle the new order as 'Afghan'. To achieve this they simply bought warlords from across Afghanistan. US dolars provided the impetus to these warlords to join in and don western suits, exchange their trucks for Mercedez cars and nice homes in Kabul. This is what ANA is. Just a re-hashed bunch of warlords, cowboys, profiteers, criminals with Ghani or Karzai providing the acceptable face to the order.

As America is leaving and US patronage ends things are fast reverting back. You see ANA melting away. Chances are we will see the old warlords re-emerge. This also explains the fast speed of Taliban gains. Many have simply switched sides. In fact more gain has come about as result of switching sides as opposed to combat. The reason is they guys on the ground probably feel which way the wind is blowing. Exactly like they changed sides in 2001.


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