Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Battalion specialized to fire CG, Ironman battalion. Why not just bigger gun sekalian 105mm to replace your CG anti tank battalion?
Well, I only propose a battalion, not so much "specializing" (implying capable of only one task), but simply being "equipped and organized well enough to have increased effectiveness against armored units" (dubbed AT battalion), because obviously a simple rifle platoon/ all rifle battalion is not enough for such a task. Hence Weapons Company" is probably the closest to my idea.

"Why not bigger gun?", well that's a different topic altogether, because the purpose here is to defeat a Tank column, hence I mean equipped with handheld AT weapons like CG, NLAW and Javelin, or at most something akin to TOW. If you say 105mm, well I regard them as either artillery or cavalry assets which are not being discussed, not of Infantry battalions which is being discussed here.


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So Kompi shoulder fired AT weapon, this way more sense than 'dedicated AT battalion equipped with CG'.
I mean such kompi is nearly half of the battalion's personnel and is an inseparable part of the battalion as a whole. So when upper-up guys want some AT capability, they will see that it is the battalion that has the capability and deploys them as a whole and not just the specific company or platoons, as they are part of the battalion. The battalion is the essential combat unit here, all units below it are simply part of the battalion and not to be treated as separated, but as part of a whole.

I mean look at Kodam I for example:

The battalion is the lowest level of combat unit listed here, they don't go into the separate companies and platoons and don't need to, as it is the battalions that are regarded.

This is complex stuff, we need proper organizational understanding.


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I mean such kompi is nearly half of the battalion's personnel and is an inseparable part of the battalion as a whole. So when upper-up guys want some AT capability, they will see that it is the battalion that has the capability and deploys them as a whole and not just the specific company or platoons, as they are part of the battalion. The battalion is the essential combat unit here, all units below it are simply part of the battalion and not to be treated as separated, but as part of a whole.

I mean look at Kodam I for example:

The battalion is the lowest level of combat unit listed here, they don't go into the separate companies and platoons and don't need to, as it is the battalions that are regarded.

This is complex stuff, we need proper organizational understanding.
Well if wiki could be refered, our yonif should already have some kind of weapon company...
Batalyon umumnya terdiri dari unsur:
  • Sebuah Markas Batalyon,
  • Kompi Markas (umumnya terdiri dari Peleton Angkutan, Kesehatan, Komunikasi atau Perhubungan, Perbekalan dan lainnya),
  • Kompi Senapan (biasanya 3-5 Kompi, disesuaikan dengan luas wilayah tugas), dan
  • Kompi Bantuan (mengoperasikan senapan mesin berat, Mortir, STTB, Senjata Anti Tank dsb).
g tau jg realisasiny gmn tp...:whistle:


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Well if wiki could be refered, our yonif should already have some kind of weapon company...

g tau jg realisasiny gmn tp...:whistle:
I think we can simplify the idea by simply making "A battalion, that has more kompi bantuan of greater proportion compared to a regular infantry battalion, and especially equipped heavily with anti-tank weapons".

Though tbh I kind of don't like the term "kompi bantuan" as if a single heavy weapons company is only supposed to be "supporting" the other dominant rifle companies, when they pack the most firepower.

Of course, a Yonif is more of a "light infantry" unit and they are supposed to combat mostly lightly armed insurgents and other infantry. But against armored cavalry units, they are not optimized. But it does show that the idea of equipping the regular Yonif troops with AT to render all of them able to fight against tanks, cannot really be realized with this current arrangement. Because if a Yonif gets heavy weapons, it will be assigned to kompi bantuan, which is only a small portion of a battalion.

This is basically the rough sketch of my idea:

So this is regular Yonif:

Vs This is what heavier "Anti Tank" Brigade and Battalions may look like:

Yonif AT.jpg


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Canadian Foreign Minister admit that she push other countries to use artillerie lourde (big gun, which for this context mean sanction). She said that Russia only answer to force. Does she ever met Indonesian officials? If ever, she might be lobbied our officials to be more harsh to Putin's Russia. At 1:30


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Banyak banget komentar di sosmed yakin Rusia akan serang Finlandia klo jadi gabung NATO. Kira-kira mereka akan komentar apa klo ternyata nanti sudah gabung tapi ga diserang Rusia?

Bakal seru nih baca komentar hasil mental gymnastic bocah ura ura

just give em this.


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Losing at least 3600 major weapon system, including a fucking Cruiser along with dozens of high end tiered jet fighter/fighter bomber, in mere 78 days of battle need special skill and capability. This losses in manpower and resource only comparable to major operation during world war II.


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Btw, quality and quantity of our major equipment should be priority, such major conflict required attrition rates as major concern. Including logistic management and production capability and capacity to build our munition, AT system, armor, Manpads, fighter, rocket artillery, helicopters and Naval platform.

Indonesia itu diapit sama negara negara yang punya kapasitas dan kapabilitas industri militer yang lumayan besar, negara kek India, China, Jepang, Korsel, Australia punya industri militer yang kuat dan kalau ada kemungkinan konflik antara mereka kita harus bisa punya deterrence dan sekaligus punya modal untuk mengambil keuntungan dari konflik. Mereka pasti butuh munisi, logistik, pangan dan hasil industri lainnya, kalo bisa jualan bakalan cuan luar biasa.

Van Kravchenko

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Banyak banget komentar di sosmed yakin Rusia akan serang Finlandia klo jadi gabung NATO. Kira-kira mereka akan komentar apa klo ternyata nanti sudah gabung tapi ga diserang Rusia?

Bakal seru nih baca komentar hasil mental gymnastic bocah ura ura


Btw, quality and quantity of our major equipment should be priority, such major conflict required attrition rates as major concern. Including logistic management and production capability and capacity to build our munition, AT system, armor, Manpads, fighter, rocket artillery, helicopters and Naval platform.

Indonesia itu diapit sama negara negara yang punya kapasitas dan kapabilitas industri militer yang lumayan besar, negara kek India, China, Jepang, Korsel, Australia punya industri militer yang kuat dan kalau ada kemungkinan konflik antara mereka kita harus bisa punya deterrence dan sekaligus punya modal untuk mengambil keuntungan dari konflik. Mereka pasti butuh munisi, logistik, pangan dan hasil industri lainnya, kalo bisa jualan bakalan cuan luar biasa.
Couldn't agree more,
Masalahnya buat memenuhin produksi dalam negeri aja masih keseok seok, jangankan untuk ekspor. Produk swasta pun juga dipandang sebelah mata. Inovasi yang dipuja puja hanya yg berasal dari kalangan "Negri"(ga jarang cuma bullshit).

Kupikir Indonesia perlu membenahi sistem logistik dan manajemen di bidang pertahanan :3


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It’s almost like an insult wkwk, but at least they have commitment to ASEAN. What we expect? Marshall Plan? 4th or 6th biggest Air Force in the world like what they gave to South Vietnam?

“The US Coast Guard will also deploy a ship to the region to help local fleets counter what Washington and countries in the region have described as China's illegal fishing.” No sign that US want to change the status quo, they might think South China Sea need no change the status quo yet.

“The White House also announced that Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies will launch a privately funded institute for rising leaders from ASEAN nations that will bring mid-career public sector officials to the United States for leadership training.” This one is interesting. Source from AP.
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Did you know another countries who commited regional security funding grant and enhancement capability program larger than US? and while doing so for every fucking years?

And while the number is "small" , those funding is not panacea for the regional countries to face the bully like China or so on in the first place, but more to increasing US engagement among ASEAN, increasing their exposure and cooperation


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Did you know another countries who commited regional security funding grant and enhancement capability program larger than US? and while doing so for every fucking years?

And while the number is "small" , those funding is not panacea for the regional countries to face the bully like China or so on in the first place, but more to increasing US engagement among ASEAN, increasing their exposure and cooperation
I am not saying that $150 million is the only aid that US will provide to the region

Other observers and analysts have also questioned the small $ announced for such a strategic meeting + narrative that the money will be used to help counter Beijing's influence in the region


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Btw, kualitas dan kuantitas peralatan utama kami harus menjadi prioritas, konflik besar seperti itu membutuhkan tingkat gesekan sebagai perhatian utama. Termasuk manajemen logistik dan kemampuan produksi dan kapasitas untuk membangun amunisi, sistem AT, armor, Manpad, pesawat tempur, artileri roket, helikopter, dan platform Angkatan Laut kami.

Indonesia itu diapit sama negara negara yang punya kapasitas dan kapabilitas industri militer yang lumayan besar, negara kek India, China, Jepang, Korsel, Australia punya industri militer yang kuat dan kalau ada kemungkinan konflik antara mereka kita harus bisa punya deterrence dan sekaligus punya modal untuk mengambil keuntungan dari konflik. Mereka pasti butuh munisi, logistik, pangan dan hasil industri lainnya, kalo bisa jualan bakalan cuan luar biasa.
Secure comunication ,network centric , logistic support,perbanyak AT dan Manpad adalah pelajaran yang harus dipetik oleh Indonesia dlm konfik Ukraine


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Did you know another countries who commited regional security funding grant and enhancement capability program larger than US? and while doing so for every fucking years?

And while the number is "small" , those funding is not panacea for the regional countries to face the bully like China or so on in the first place, but more to increasing US engagement among ASEAN, increasing their exposure and cooperation
Well, they got outmaneuvered by China in "economic funding". Like wth the US is only fast satset when the military-industrial complex is involved. Wth 150 million USD donation for entire ASEAN, 20 billion USD weapon package for Ukraine alone. Meanwhile, some Chinese BUMN banks and construction companies can throw in shtload of dirty Yuans to whatever shady country. China and US are the opposite of each other, China is slow and rigid in terms of arms sales but acts fast in civilian economic affairs, while the US is the opposite.

China is actually relatively poor in terms of diplomacy, maybe because their people are just naturally "kaku"? simply not as charismatic or tactful as some other nations. But by using Chinese loan hacks, they figure out a way to compensate for that and curry influence rapidly, catching up with the US.

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