Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Oh, i see. Thats a new news for me.

Couldn't agree more!
Another thing that timnas could improve is replace arki ASAP! As a veteran, he was playing so bad, both in offense and defense. I wish in 3rd window, coach toro can replace him with kaleb.

Kaleb is injured, this is the reason he is not called by national team for second window game in Bahrain. I rather replace Hardianus with Kaleb if some how he is fit again since we need Arki to play in guard position if we face team with tall players as he is 188 cm height but quite good to play as guard with good dribble, defense, drive, passing and shooting.

I believe he was playing as guard when he played in NCAA since it is impossible for him to play as small forward in US university level. We need tall guard if we are going to face Syria/Iran/China/Australia/New Zealand, particularly if some how Abraham doesnt make many points so we need Arki to improve our defense while relying on Prastawa/Prosper/Jawato to make points.

Widi, a 21 years old guard, is quite good during the game and I believe he will be more developed if he gets more chance to play in national team, so I rather want to see him in the team instead of Hardianus who cannot make good scores during any games with national team.

I also want to see Agashi and Govinda more in the third window in Philippine as both players also performed well in previous game. Govinda has good shooting and defense with 195 cm height. Coach keep playing him after he first entered the game in the fourth quarter shows that he did bring positive contribution during that game.

Any way, Indonesia has also been confirmed Today as host of FIBA Asia Cup 2021 final round, so we have already qualified for the final round in Jakarta in August. AlhamduliLLAH.



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There are great opportunities to expand collaboration in the hi-tech sector, such as aircraft manufacturing, information technology, as well as energy, agriculture and biotechnology, and many more.

Si dubes ngasih kode adanya potensi kerjasama, mau kerja sama tingkat kecil apa besar? Produksi sub komponen pesawat atawa sesuatu yang malah lebih? Tentunya bukan local build Flanker.

Ngapain harus disebutin yah kalau cuman mau bikin pernyataan keliatan panjang masih bisa ditambahin yang lain misal potensi kerja sama pembangunan ibu kota baru dll, kek sekolah dulu biar esai kelihatan panjang dikasih bumbu ekstra. Tapi namanya juga potensi belum tentu bakal terjadi.


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There are great opportunities to expand collaboration in the hi-tech sector, such as aircraft manufacturing, information technology, as well as energy, agriculture and biotechnology, and many more.

Si dubes ngasih kode adanya potensi kerjasama, mau kerja sama tingkat kecil apa besar? Produksi sub komponen pesawat atawa sesuatu yang malah lebih? Tentunya bukan local build Flanker.

Ngapain harus disebutin yah kalau cuman mau bikin pernyataan keliatan panjang masih bisa ditambahin yang lain misal potensi kerja sama pembangunan ibu kota baru dll, kek sekolah dulu biar esai kelihatan panjang dikasih bumbu ekstra. Tapi namanya juga potensi belum tentu bakal terjadi.
doubt it , MRO sukhoi aja dari dulu pegel bolak balik ....


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doubt it , MRO sukhoi aja dari dulu pegel bolak balik ....
Manuver kali ya, ngasih kode kode kerjasama, soalnya yang lagi ngetren di berita f16, f15, f18, rafale, typhoon, jadinya biar produk pesawat mereka masih bisa ikutan mejeng di meja pejabat di jakarta.


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Wahyu (30) mencium anaknya saat beristirahat disela mengamen sebagai badut di Jalan Pangeran Antasari, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu (19/12/2020). Pria asal Bantul, Yogyakarta tersebut terpaksa menjadi pengamen badut untuk menghidupi keluarganya setelah kehilangan pekerjaan sebagai supir angkot di Ibu Kota karena terdampak pandemi COVID-19. ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan/rwa.

How much damage Kungflu had inflicted into our society and damaging futures of million Indonesian children for better life!!!


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View attachment 9006
Wahyu (30) mencium anaknya saat beristirahat disela mengamen sebagai badut di Jalan Pangeran Antasari, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu (19/12/2020). Pria asal Bantul, Yogyakarta tersebut terpaksa menjadi pengamen badut untuk menghidupi keluarganya setelah kehilangan pekerjaan sebagai supir angkot di Ibu Kota karena terdampak pandemi COVID-19. ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan/rwa.

How much damage Kungflu had inflicted into our society and damaging futures of million Indonesian children for better life!!!

Gua sebagai ayah bisa merasakan perasaan dia, semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir dan hidup kembali normal. semoga si bapak dilimpahkan rejeki nya.


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Gua sebagai ayah bisa merasakan perasaan dia, semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir dan hidup kembali normal. semoga si bapak dilimpahkan rejeki nya.

Many (million) had lost their jobs, children can't attend the school and met their friends and teacher, hundreds medical worker had met their demise ( in which under reported severely in Indonesia) , there is one thing for certain, we should not forget to take the account against China Commies for all of the misery caused by Kungflu pandemic.


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And those fucker keep sending their warships and Coast Guard vessels to our teritorial area, not shown an inch of a Shame about their manmade Kungflu and instead asking why Indonesia now intensively got much closer to US and Western European countries!!


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And those fucker keep sending their warships and Coast Guard vessels to our teritorial area, not shown an inch of a Shame about their manmade Kungflu and instead asking why Indonesia now intensively got much closer to US and Western European countries!!
Apakah sudah saatnya kita rada condong ke barat wlu UU kita memang non blok. opung bilang singapur dikasih mainan bagus kita enggak, pdhl kl terjadi konflik apa bisa singapur diandalkan.. mereka psti sibuk jaga negaranya sndri.


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manmade Kungflu
There is no prove that SARS CoV 2 was manmade, only people drenched with conspiracy theories and watched election time Fox News says that. Please, even though you hate the chicom or any other thing in this world, don't forget that all things have to be based by evidence.

Evidence evidence evidence


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Many (million) had lost their jobs, children can't attend the school and met their friends and teacher, hundreds medical worker had met their demise ( in which under reported severely in Indonesia) , there is one thing for certain, we should not forget to take the account against China Commies for all of the misery caused by Kungflu pandemic.

It not surprising, they been force-fed "communism" is the bestest thing ever, its the only thing they know (strangely most don't even understand communist theory itself).

The supremacists inevitably rise to power and stay there cocooned because of this absolute zero-sum thinking and then there is thus long history of self-inflicted damage now because of it...some of which summarized here:

So the damage done to others (by similar repeated stupid stuff that need cover up or face-saving when cover up failed) is completely de-sensitized to them or the others simply "deserve it" because "numba wan" etc etc

It is the most gaslit, stripped of rooted sense (but living in denial about that), country in the world by far.

I am just waiting for next pew survey or global survey about international impression of was already not good last time (before corona).

The consequences will come now over long period on CCP. 2021 is just beginning of the beginning....given scale of this frankenstein and what it will take to confront and deal with it by the rest.


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There is no prove that SARS CoV 2 was manmade, only people drenched with conspiracy theories and watched election time Fox News says that. Please, even though you hate the chicom or any other thing in this world, don't forget that all things have to be based by evidence.

Evidence evidence evidence

This is manmade, evidence though, you should know how the chicom can came far earlier and better prepared with tested vaccine meanwhile other must waiting for more than a year before of usage testing is allowed. Thus if not they had already research them far more before other countries with much better facilities starting to research the vaccine at more greater cost and Risks.

The strain itself easily mutated at slightest agitation is very unlike natural influenza strain who rarely mutated without exceptional condition


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This is my happy New year gift to you....

KRI Nusantara

View attachment 9037

Very limited capacity though for such wide deck, and such design limiting the ordnance the fighter can carry for each mission. I am prefer CATOBAR solution.

But thanks for the efforts. Btw if the Indonesian ever had the Aircraft Carrier level Warships, the Navy naming convenant would dictated them to be named after our Presiden list in the history first.


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Apakah sudah saatnya kita rada condong ke barat wlu UU kita memang non blok. opung bilang singapur dikasih mainan bagus kita enggak, pdhl kl terjadi konflik apa bisa singapur diandalkan.. mereka psti sibuk jaga negaranya sndri.

Garis Diplomasi Besar Diplomasi Indonesia itu seperti yang dijabarkan oleh Uda Muhammad Hatta,

“Mendayung di antara dua karang” itulah yang digagas oleh Mohammad Hatta dalam politik Internasional Indonesia. Maksud dari konsep itu bukanlah menjadikan Indonesia memilih jalan tengah antar dua blok yang berpengaruh (Komunis dan Liberal), tetapi politik internasional Indonesia didasarkan tanpa sentimen dan lebih memperhatikan aspek realitas dan kepentingan negara.

Hal ini pernah dikemukakan oleh Hatta dalam pidatonya sebagai Perdana Menteri Republik Indonesia di hadapan Badan Pekerja Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat (BP-KNIP) pada 2 September 1948;

“Tiap-tiap orang diantara kita tentu ada mempunyai simpati terhadap golongan ini atau golongan itu, akan tetapi perjuangan bangsa tidak bisa dipecah dengan menuruti simpati saja, tetapi hendaknya didasarkan kepada “realitiet”, kepada kepentingan Negara setiap waktu.”

Disadur dari Mendayung di antara dua karang

Jadi ga ada itu Indonesia harus netral dan bersikap ambigu selamanya. Yang ada kita sebagai bangsa harus mendasarkan pada kepentingan Nasional Indonesia dan bersikap realistis terhadap perkembangan geo politik dan hankam di kawasan.


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This is manmade, evidence though, you should know how the chicom can came far earlier and better prepared with tested vaccine meanwhile other must waiting for more than a year before of usage testing is allowed. Thus if not they had already research them far more before other countries with much better facilities starting to research the vaccine at more greater cost and Risks.

The strain itself easily mutated at slightest agitation is very unlike natural influenza strain who rarely mutated without exceptional condition
What you said were just connenting the dot, not a evidence. So, I will not agree with you until well known health center or institutions says that.

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