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Ada yang gagal paham, taik emang ini .... apalagi sekelas leadership buat para ilmuwan

Nama lembaganya Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, yang dikejar ya jelas hasil riset dan inovasinya. Namanya lembaga riset ya jelas mereka itu black hole buat budget dan jelas gak boleh dilihat dari cost and benefit apalagi dari sisi perihal ekonomi dan bujet. Yang penting itu hasil riset, pencapaian inovasi teknologi nya.



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Maksud dia lisensi adalah lisensi kerja sama hasil riset dan inovasi penelitian BRIN yg dipakai industri dan nanti bisa jadi produk untuk dibeli masyarakat. Kita kan suka ngeluh hasil riset cuma mentok di tahap prototype dan ga pernah masuk tahap mass production sampe disebut negara 1001 prototype. Nah, BRIN sekarang fokusnya ke lisensi kerja sama mass production dengan industri.

Konsep ini bagus karena si peneliti bisa dapat $💵$ dari royalty hasil penelitian dia yg dipakai industri dan produknya dibeli masyarakat. Nanti si peneliti bisa lebih semangat meneiti. Dan juga nanti hasil penelitian gak cuma jadi tumpukan kertas fisik/digital + barang protoype, tapi mass production barang yg tersebar di masyarakat.

Perlu baca ini kenapa kepala BRIN berpikir begitu:
Lu gagal paham juga

Ini badan riset dan inovasi bukan badan pengkajian dan penerapan teknologi atau juga bukan lembaga lisensi dan hak paten industri

Lagian kalo ga ada riset dan inovasinya apa juga yang mau diterapkan ke industri dan apa juga yang mau dijual hak paten dan lisensi inovasinya. Goblok kok dipiara.

Ini udah jelas mau ngarah kemana kok, beli lisensi dari luar negeri, dijual lewat perantara broker (BRIN) ke lembaga atau industri dalam negeri. Nanti dari sini udah ketauan ada cuannya yang jelas daripada ribet bikin riset sendiri kek selama ini. Makanya salah satu contohnya mereka nolak hasil riset teknologi deteksi tsunami buatan lokal, tapi malah nyari dari luar negeri


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Hasil eksekusi belum tentu sesuai teori.

Kamu salah pemahaman makna dari lisensi yg dikatakan kepala BRIN. Sudah jelas dikatakan secara langsung oleh dia, literally quote dia dari artikel:

It's literally and clearly written in the article.
Tell me you failed to comprehended an article without telling me you failed to comprehended an article:
I even emboldened the text for you.

Royalti yang mana ? Temen temen yang mana? Ada list nya kah? Termasuk yang tempat kerja mereka ditutup karena gak sepaham itukah 😘


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Don't call me, don't test my patience. Nuff said 😘

What's evermore for people who are using clone account for whatever reason you has.
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Whatever just using your own account lah, coward!!! Fucking clone bastard, trying to looking cool but actually fucking troll with multiple personality!!!


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Ada yang gagal paham, taik emang ini .... apalagi sekelas leadership buat para ilmuwan

Nama lembaganya Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, yang dikejar ya jelas hasil riset dan inovasinya. Namanya lembaga riset ya jelas mereka itu black hole buat budget dan jelas gak boleh dilihat dari cost and benefit apalagi dari sisi perihal ekonomi dan bujet. Yang penting itu hasil riset, pencapaian inovasi teknologi nya.
Indeed, memang masalah terbesar di pemerintahan yang sekarang adalah doktrin keuangan yang terlalu kaku, karena negara disetel harus profit, atau paling tidak gak rugi. Ini tentu gak bisa selalu diterapkan di pemerintahan, karena lembaga publik (Kementerian/ Lembaga) itu tidak harus profit, dan memang semestinya tidak. Produk lembaga negara bukanlah uang, tetapi public service/ public goods.

Doktrin keuangan ini merembet kemana-mana:

- Beasiswa LPDP terlalu muluk-muluk dengan menginvestasikan dana beasiswa untuk mendanai bisnis startup agar profit, tapi dalam program memberi beasiswa pendidikannya sendiri seringkali salah target.

-Proyek IKN gak mau pake duit APBN, dikira seluruh pembangunan bisa cuma pake duit investasi saja, gak mau modal istilah. Tentu ini karena mereka maunya pembangunan itu profit, gak mau rugi.

-Proyek infrastruktur lain juga menganut doktrin yang sama. Jalan tol misalnya, pemerintah males keluar APBN untuk bangun, mereka kerjanya cuma bikin lisensi untuk swasta bikin jalan tol yang setelah sekian puluh tahun nanti jadi milik pemerintah. Proyek kereta cepat pun skemanya serupa. Makanya sekarang jarang dibangun rel kereta api baru (yang antar provinsi), karena tentu lebih profit memanfaatkan yang sudah ada daripada membuat baru (terutama di luar Jawa).

-Pembiayaan untuk akuisisi alutsista jadi lambat. Ada beberapa faktor. Pertama, memang sangat-sangat rugi dari sisi profit. Kedua, berat dari sisi fiskal, karena bisa menghabiskan devisa negara. Ketiga, karena bertabrakan dengan kebijakan moneter Kemenkeu.

Saya kira tidak layak bagi seluruh pemerintahan untuk diatur menggunakan logika swasta. Mungkin kementerian/ lembaga yang berhubungan dengan keuangan dan BUMN boleh saja berorientasi seperti ini. Tetapi bagaimana dengan lembaga seperti Kemhan, Kemenko, BRIN, dkk yang memang tidak bisa dituntut profit? Hasilnya seperti yang bisa dilihat, membuat lembaga yang berorientasi keuangan perkembangannya cepat, sedangkan yang tidak terkesan ditelantarkan.


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Vietnam’s military jets crash due to age, lack of pilot training, experts say​

Hanoi has an obsolete fleet of 71 Soviet-era warplanes.
By RFA Vietnamese

Vietnam’s military jets crash due to age, lack of pilot training, experts say
A Vietnamese Su-22 similar to this one crashed in Yen Bai province, Jan. 31, 2023.
Hoangprs5/Wikimedia Commons
A spate of military jet crashes in Vietnam, including one last month that killed the pilot, can be blamed on poor training and an aging fleet of obsolete warplanes, experts told Radio Free Asia.
State media reported that a Sukhoi Su-22 fighter jet piloted by Capt. Tran Ngoc Duy crashed Jan. 31 while trying to land at Yen Bai, an airbase in the country’s north, following a training mission.
The crash was the third deadly warplane accident since 2016, and all three point to an over reliance on flight simulators, as pilots spend very little time in planes, Carl Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defence Academy, told RFA’s Vietnamese Service.
Vietnam’s air force has a fleet of 71 Soviet-era planes, many of which were acquired in the 1980s, he said.
“In 2019, U.S. defense officials serving in Hanoi reported that Vietnamese military officers had expressed their unhappiness with Russian equipment and services,” Thayer said.
The cause of the January crash is likely due to either faulty landing gear or pilot error, he said.
“According to one study, Vietnamese air force pilots use virtual flight rules or radar vector in perfect weather only and have no experience with adverse weather conditions,” he said.
Accident captured on video
State media reported that the Su-22 encountered a problem while landing and Duy was ordered to eject. He then tried to correct the problem manually but failed, and the plane crashed.
In a video about the accident filmed by a cell phone and posted on Facebook by one of the pilot’s relatives, when the Su-22 was about to land on the airstrip, it suddenly tilted and wobbled and a small flame started in the cockpit. Then, the pilot seat ejected but a parachute was not seen.
Shortly after that, the plane crashed onto the runway, causing an explosion with a big column of smoke and fire.

The Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence launched an investigation after the accident, but so far has not announced any findings.
Capt. Tran Ngoc Duy was posthumously promoted to major. He had served 13 years in the air force and piloted many types of aircraft, logging 725 flight hours
Old aircraft
Prof. Zachary Abuza from the U.S. National War College said that Vietnam’s aging fleet was definitely a problem.
“The People’s Army Air Force has a lot of very old airframes, including the Su-22, and many are at the end of their lifecycle,” he said. “Another problem is that since the airframes, especially the newer ones like the Su-27, are very expensive, there is a reluctance to use them and train on them.”
Abuza said both factors work to create a vicious cycle. The lack of training on the expensive models results in more accidents when they are flown.
Pilot training these days is a rarity due to a lack of budget and fuel, said Nguyen Dinh Am, a journalist who once worked for the Vietnam Heritage tourist magazine.
“I live near Gia Lam Military Airport [in Hanoi] and I can easily hear an aircraft taking off, but these days I rarely hear airplane sounds,” he said. “Ancient aircraft, improper maintenance, and pilots with poor flying reflexes due to lack of practice could lead to mistakes and accidents.”
At the National Party Congress in early 2021, the government approved a major military modernization program that prioritized air force upgrades.
Nguyen The Phoung, a lecturer from the Faculty of International Relations, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance, told RFA that upgrades were badly needed to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty.
“The entire fleet of Vietnam’s fighter and fighter-bomber aircraft are of Soviet-Russian origin,” he said. “The procurement of fighter aircraft is a big investment. Besides purchasing equipment, training, maintenance, and suitability for combat requirements are also needed,” he said.
But because Russia is the supplier of Vietnam’s combat aircraft, rapid modernization is not feasible immediately because Moscow is fighting a war in Ukraine, he said. “Obviously, Vietnam cannot buy Russian weapons freely like it did in the past. It needs to take the international community’s reactions into account.”
Thayer said Vietnam was in “critical need” to modernize.
“In late-2020, Vietnam moved to restructure its logistics support services to improve maintenance, repair and overhaul of its legacy combat air fleet,” he said. “Special priority has been accorded to maintaining, repairing and overhauling Vietnam’s Su-30MK2 multi-role jet fighters.”
Both Thayer and Abuza said Vietnam was looking to purchase a fifth-generation fighter from Russia like the Su-30, -35, or -57, but Moscow has been capped on weapons exports after it annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. The invasion of the country in 2022 further decreases the likelihood of such a transaction.
American shift?
In December, Reuters reported that U.S. defense companies had discussed supplying military gear, including helicopters and drones, to Vietnam in talks with top government officials, a new sign that Vietnam may reduce its reliance on Russian arms.
Thayer said that in late 2021, Vietnam placed an order for twelve T-6 jet trainers and Vietnamese pilots commenced participation in the U.S. Air Force Aviation Leadership Program in the United States, moves that may lay the foundation for the sale of the U.S.-made F-15E Strike Eagle to Vietnam by the end of this decade.
Vietnam placed an order in 2021 for American T-6 training aircraft [shown] and Vietnamese pilots began participating in the U.S. Air Force Aviation Leadership Program. Credit: AFP
Hanoi also ordered six Boeing Insitu ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles for its Coast Guard under the U.S. Maritime Security Initiative in 2019, he said, and suggested that the war in Ukraine has raised the salience of drones and other UAVs in armed combat, meaning Vietnam would be a great market for U.S.-made weapons.
“There are two constraints on Vietnam’s purchases of non-Russian weaponry. The first is the legacy of dependency on Russia for spare parts, servicing, maintenance support and language. The second constraint is cost and time,” he said. “U.S. and European weapons are expensive and Vietnam would need to develop an appropriate logistics support network that would take considerable time to develop.”
But Abuza said there was no chance that Vietnam would buy American jets.
“I am paying close attention to the recently upgraded ties with South Korea, now a comprehensive strategic partner,” Abuza said. “South Korea has been trying to sell its latest fighter overseas. It’s a lot more expensive than the Russian fighters, but still cheaper than American or European [ones].”
According to former military intelligence officer Vu Minh Tri, it is very difficult for Vietnam to import Western countries’ weapons due to its limited budget.
He said that Vietnam spends most of its defense budget on wages, food, and supplies, while the funding for weapons makes up only a small part.
Corruption and the lack of transparency are the biggest challenges the military faces, he said.
“In general, Vietnam’s procurement of weapons and military equipment is not transparent,” Tri said. Vietnam’s “partners have told me that those assigned to purchase weapons always increase the purchasing prices to keep the difference. Western countries don’t accept this practice.”
In addition, Western countries do not trust Hanoi because Vietnam considers China a close ally, and Vietnam does not trust the United States and other Western countries, thinking they intend to topple the current regime, Tri said.
Translated by Anna Vu. Edited by Eugene Whong and Malcolm Foster.

Nguyen lebih sering pake simulator training ketimbang latihan terbang langsung, skill terbatas dan sulit untuk melakukan penerbangan di situasi yang kompleks. Hobi numpuk alutsista tapi jarang latihan kek gini


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"Kemarin sudah saya sampaikan ke Presiden, mulai tahun ini kita adakan operasi yang sifatnya pamtas, pam perbatasan. Di situ kan ada perbatasan dengan Tiongkok, Vietnam, ada Malaysia, kita susun khusus untuk melaksanakan pamtas," kata Yudo usai Rapim TNI 2023 di Museum Satria Mandala, Jakarta, Kamis (9/2).



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Looking at how Ukraine and Russian spent their bombs and missiles on a theater level battlefield just like water flowing on the river, those 1000++ JDAM number is feel too small for such consumption Rates.

Unless you has complex and complete military industry along with chain supply or uninterrupted supply routes one can't Wage the war at all.

All the more Indonesia should embark such large scale along with complete military industrialization if Indonesia want to persist in any large scale campaign.


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"Kemarin sudah saya sampaikan ke Presiden, mulai tahun ini kita adakan operasi yang sifatnya pamtas, pam perbatasan. Di situ kan ada perbatasan dengan Tiongkok, Vietnam, ada Malaysia, kita susun khusus untuk melaksanakan pamtas," kata Yudo usai Rapim TNI 2023 di Museum Satria Mandala, Jakarta, Kamis (9/2).

Internationally we are not recognizing their claim


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Modern human waves attack, jadi Russia ngambil tahanan yang punya masa hukuman panjang buat dijanjikan bebas. Pada dasarnya memang Kriminal yang mereka kirim

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Dua mantan tentara dari perusahaan militer swasta Rusia Wagner mengungkapkan pengalaman mengerikan mereka saat perang di Ukraina timur. Kedua pejuang itu ditangkap oleh pasukan Ukraina akhir tahun lalu.
"Kami ada 90 orang. Enam puluh tewas dalam serangan pertama itu, terbunuh oleh tembakan mortir. Segelintir orang terluka," kata salah satu tentara, dikutip dari CNN, Minggu (12/2).

"Jika satu kelompok tidak berhasil, yang lain segera dikirim. Jika yang kedua tidak berhasil, mereka mengirimkan kelompok lain," lanjutnya.

Baca artikel CNN Indonesia "Eks Tentara Bayaran Rusia Ungkap Momen Horor Perang di Ukraina" selengkapnya di sini:

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Modern human waves attack, jadi Russia ngambil tahanan yang punya masa hukuman panjang buat dijanjikan bebas. Pada dasarnya memang Kriminal yang mereka kirim

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Dua mantan tentara dari perusahaan militer swasta Rusia Wagner mengungkapkan pengalaman mengerikan mereka saat perang di Ukraina timur. Kedua pejuang itu ditangkap oleh pasukan Ukraina akhir tahun lalu.
"Kami ada 90 orang. Enam puluh tewas dalam serangan pertama itu, terbunuh oleh tembakan mortir. Segelintir orang terluka," kata salah satu tentara, dikutip dari CNN, Minggu (12/2).

"Jika satu kelompok tidak berhasil, yang lain segera dikirim. Jika yang kedua tidak berhasil, mereka mengirimkan kelompok lain," lanjutnya.

Baca artikel CNN Indonesia "Eks Tentara Bayaran Rusia Ungkap Momen Horor Perang di Ukraina" selengkapnya di sini:

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