BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY......!!!?If we are assuming Lundin NSM boat, how many do we get?
BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY......!!!?If we are assuming Lundin NSM boat, how many do we get?
Couldnt fathom how they will cancelling 3rd FREMM for fast attack craft
Taiwan also doing the same, instead of building proper frigate they opt for Tuo Chiang missile corvette....It makes me wonder which country is Indonesia modelling is navy after ? Iran ? who is known to lose half its fleet in a day ?Who the in the flying fuck are this people taking cue from?
I wonder what is this attachment to anything small like KCR and over emphasis on 'asymmetric warfare', 'guerilla at sea' yada yada ? A formiler who I have a lot of respect for alike the 'Asymmetric warfare' as the strategy of the loser side.
Because they know they will be overwhelmed + the invasion of Taiwan is not a matter of IF but WHEN. We are not in any way under possible imminent invasion, the navy should be geared the way that other navy which in particular have problems with PRC but not under imminent assault, like Japan, South Korea. In short Taiwan navy has only one mission, while ours has many. The Taiwan navy is akin to the Volkstrum of Berlin in the end of WW2, their gear is wholeheartedly designed to defend and to be cheap, we do not.Taiwan also doing the same, instead of building proper frigate they opt for Tuo Chiang missile corvette....
My best guess its faster abd cheaper to be built in quantity, also assuming our enemy already invaded in IDN sea teritorial.
You guys here while ago give them the idea.It makes me wonder which country is Indonesia modelling is navy after ? Iran ? who is known to lose half its fleet in a day ?Who the in the flying fuck are this people taking cue from?
I wonder what is this attachment to anything small like KCR and over emphasis on 'asymmetric warfare', 'guerilla at sea' yada yada ? A formiler who I have a lot of respect for alike the 'Asymmetric warfare' as the strategy of the loser side.
LGBT event in Indonesia scrapped after security threats
Rights groups have cancelled a Southeast Asian LGBT event in Indonesia after receiving security threats, the organisers said, the latest sign of increasing pressure on the community from religious conservatives in the country.www.reuters.com
I guess we know what threat comes from who
If we are assuming Lundin NSM boat, how many do we get?
What? Sauce is needed.Couldnt fathom how they will cancelling 3rd FREMM for fast attack craft
Its just personal opinion, based on the Alman art. 180mil upped to 900mil, with that amount, they could get a FREMM hull.What? Sauce is needed.
With TL is now joining ASEAN I think PNG will become more interested to follow suit.things getting more complex, might aswell ousted them and let PNG or other oceania partner join us
If I am not wrong we will get 12 Red & White Vrygate from PAL so I think its okay to ditch the FREMM, rather than 2 R&W Vrygate + 6 FREMM we get 12 R&W Vrygate instead.Its just personal opinion, based on the Alman art. 180mil upped to 900mil, with that amount, they could get a FREMM hull.
Its a problem, when we relied to much on PTPAL, would be faster to acquired from the overseas shipyard + more ToT in bulk purchase.With TL is now joining ASEAN I think PNG will become more interested to follow suit.
If I am not wrong we will get 12 Red & White Vrygate from PAL so I think its okay to ditch the FREMM, rather than 2 R&W Vrygate + 6 FREMM we get 12 R&W Vrygate instead.
Hopefully it wouldnt be corrupted like the ongoing OPV90 or some grey/wasted project.Building proper Navy need a lot of time, it is not the Navy and MoD not building and set aside budget for the capital assets, as they already giving green light for more "OPV" and the FREMM.
But in my opinion too much smaller assets is not much use for Indonesian Navy considering the geography except for Coast Guard and Polair, which all of the provinces has Coast and ocean area in their jurisdiction area.
If they got 900 Millions US dollar as spare why not to get used assets such as Karel Doorman class as the Dutch would retired them soon, or Type 23 Duke class or even get those Chinese Destroyer with those Corvettes
This is what 24/7 state propaganda done to you, everyday you are more detached with reality. Truth is we are not that vulnerable as our biggest trade partners are out of range from Iran
Dulu juga pernah dishare member lain mengenai hal ini.wtf Indonesia sudah bisa bikin kasel ditahun 1945, tapi semua insinyurnya dibunuh oleh Belanda
sumber : perkataan Bu Connie
ih ngerinyaa, ada Bossman sama Bu Cwtf Indonesia sudah bisa bikin kasel ditahun 1945, tapi semua insinyurnya dibunuh oleh Belanda
sumber : perkataan Bu Connie