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Ga juga lach. Batas amannya 240cm. Lebih dari itu kemungkinan karna tumor, dan bilamana bukan karna tumor resiko cardiovascular juga lebih tinggi.
Saya punya sepupu yg tingginya 210cm an berotot, kebetulan ybs kerja jadi penjaga pintu (bouncer). Itupun saya liat gerakannya dia lambat dan kurang stabil kuda2x nya, karna dia kalau mukul orang walaupun power nya gede tapi bentangan tangannya terlalu lebar
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Cricket gets a lot of flak for other sports not doing well in India but it's unfair. Almost all major European, African and South American countries also have soccer as their primary sport and devote most resources, advertising etc. to it. USA of course plays sports no one really does, except maybe Canadians.

India's problem has been corrupt administrators. Tennis is a classic example. The European juniors will have a coach, physical trainer, nutritionist etc. attached to a group of 5-6 youngsters who will travel for junior tournaments across Europe. Indian players will have the administrator's wife, children, relatives etc. using Govt. Funding to go shopping. They will also not assist in visas or anything. Most promising Indian tennis players end up becoming coaches in USA or Europe or Singapore. Those with money and resources can sustain it. One guy Ramkumar Ramanathan who is in top 200 I think has been lucky - he has been bankrolled by Chidambaram's son. Top ranked Indian singles player Sumit Nagal was bank rolled by Bhupathi and now lately by Virat Kohli, India's cricket captain.

I agree with lot you say here with certain caveats. I will air out more thoughts on this a bit later, maybe after olympics conclude.

Speaking of hockey earlier, and Orissa (Naveen Patnaik) role in it lately....his father (Biju) was true patriot for our motherland.

Indonesian members here might know of him (Story goes that it was Biju that suggested the name "Megawati" to Sukarno.):



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In this forum we clearly have one (or maybe more than one) of the best CN folks to present their side.

Spamming CCP propaganda threads (that no one reads), typical han supremacist blockheading, going in repeated circular logic like broken record when someone confronts the propaganda (theres just 5 points to be made in the end)....and lying for months when first joined here about initial identity....its all above-average good-faith principled stuff clearly.

He provides us with some good humour (at his narcissist expense) though, got to give him that:

LMAO, its still up there:

I guess some of you have to go for your turn to take this quality pony out for a ride as well to "get it"...

Really wish a more humble, balanced wiser fellow was representing CN here....but I guess we stuck with finder's keepers loudmouth having barged in first.


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Really wish a more humble, balanced wiser fellow was representing CN here
What you got is only that account lol

But I learn something, CCP is more about Chinese nationalism rather communism itself now, they even used "confucianism" card when @Gundala or who told them about Tibet. They should change the name of that party lol, maybe to Chinese Confucian Party lol


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350 m + WOODEN ship before 1800s is INDEED myth, no wood is strong enough to make ship such large.

In fact, above certain size (about 300 ft or 91 m) a wooden ship would be considered structurally unsafe. Only after 1800s and iron used for frame and hull, a ship can finally reach more than that size.

If you don't know already, the 120+ m figure for Chinese (Zheng He/Cheng Ho's) ship is now considered fairytale. The source that mentioned it is a fantasy novel published about 200 years AFTER the voyage. Even modern reconstruction of Zheng He ship (which was formerly attempted to be sail-worthy), in Nanjing is only about 70 m long, and this did not go to sea.

A 120+ m Chinese ship would be about 20.000 ton in displacement, whereas natural limit to the size of a wooden ocean-going ship is about 7.000 tons displacement.

The same problem would happen if you believe any wooden ship (regardless of nation) could reach more than 100 m. The displacement would be too heavy, the ship would break under its own weight (there are several pages on wikipedia claiming ships of such size, such as those of ancient Greece/Roman, but retracing the source cited will make it clear the estimate is usually made more than 100 years after the ship's supposed existence, and the people who made the estimate for the size is not even an engineer or knew the slightest about ancient shipbuilding).

The 350+ m for Javanese you mention is an estimate made by Irawan Djoko Nugroho, who is a philologist not an engineer. Now I do not know how heavy a 350 m wooden ship is, but it is certainly far exceed 7.000 tons displacement as a natural limit for wooden ship.

A 80 m long hull for a 1000-men Javanese Jong may have been make more sense, but there is not enough archaeological data to support this (until now). Admiral Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory (1758), is only about 57 m in deck length, and 69 m overall. A 80 m long ship would be considered large for a ship existing between 800 AD-1600 AD.
Hasil sementara menunjukkan beberapa informasi penting dari hasil penelitian.
- Pertama adalah kelengkapan sisa perahu bukan hanya masih berbentuk, tetapi juga banyak bagiannya yang dapat menjadi data teknologi perkapalan Nusantara kuno. Di Indonesia, situs perahu kuno dengan kondisi sedemikian lengkapnya belum pernah ditemukan.
- Kedua adalah umur kapal yang menunjuk pada abad ke-7 Masehi berdasarkan dating melalui sample tali ijuk. Jika dikaitkan dengan kerangka sejarah, masa ini kira-kira sejaman dengan awal perkembangan Mataram kuno di Jawa dan awal masa Srivijaya di Sumatra. Apakah perahu ini merupakan kapal dagang antara Jawa dan Sumatra belum dapat dipastikan karena banyak data yang harus ditemukan untuk itu. Namun, berdasarkan ukuran dan proporsi perahu, yaitu panjang sekitar 15 meter dan lebar sekitar 5 meter (sehingga proporsi 1:3), kemungkinan sebagai perahu dagang sangat mungkin, bahkan untuk mengarungi lautan dalam jarak jauh, demikian Manguin menambahkan.

this about oldest boat ever found oldest than borobudur


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Hasil sementara menunjukkan beberapa informasi penting dari hasil penelitian.
- Pertama adalah kelengkapan sisa perahu bukan hanya masih berbentuk, tetapi juga banyak bagiannya yang dapat menjadi data teknologi perkapalan Nusantara kuno. Di Indonesia, situs perahu kuno dengan kondisi sedemikian lengkapnya belum pernah ditemukan.
- Kedua adalah umur kapal yang menunjuk pada abad ke-7 Masehi berdasarkan dating melalui sample tali ijuk. Jika dikaitkan dengan kerangka sejarah, masa ini kira-kira sejaman dengan awal perkembangan Mataram kuno di Jawa dan awal masa Srivijaya di Sumatra. Apakah perahu ini merupakan kapal dagang antara Jawa dan Sumatra belum dapat dipastikan karena banyak data yang harus ditemukan untuk itu. Namun, berdasarkan ukuran dan proporsi perahu, yaitu panjang sekitar 15 meter dan lebar sekitar 5 meter (sehingga proporsi 1:3), kemungkinan sebagai perahu dagang sangat mungkin, bahkan untuk mengarungi lautan dalam jarak jauh, demikian Manguin menambahkan.

this about oldest boat ever found oldest than borobudur
Yang ini?


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Var Dracon

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Hasil sementara menunjukkan beberapa informasi penting dari hasil penelitian.
- Pertama adalah kelengkapan sisa perahu bukan hanya masih berbentuk, tetapi juga banyak bagiannya yang dapat menjadi data teknologi perkapalan Nusantara kuno. Di Indonesia, situs perahu kuno dengan kondisi sedemikian lengkapnya belum pernah ditemukan.
- Kedua adalah umur kapal yang menunjuk pada abad ke-7 Masehi berdasarkan dating melalui sample tali ijuk. Jika dikaitkan dengan kerangka sejarah, masa ini kira-kira sejaman dengan awal perkembangan Mataram kuno di Jawa dan awal masa Srivijaya di Sumatra. Apakah perahu ini merupakan kapal dagang antara Jawa dan Sumatra belum dapat dipastikan karena banyak data yang harus ditemukan untuk itu. Namun, berdasarkan ukuran dan proporsi perahu, yaitu panjang sekitar 15 meter dan lebar sekitar 5 meter (sehingga proporsi 1:3), kemungkinan sebagai perahu dagang sangat mungkin, bahkan untuk mengarungi lautan dalam jarak jauh, demikian Manguin menambahkan.

this about oldest boat ever found oldest than borobudur
Wah out of topic ini. Yang diomongin apa yang di bahas apa. Kapal besar seperti jung/jong Jawa belum ada temuan peninggalan arkeologisnya. Kalau yang dibahas anda itu kan kapal yang jauh lebih kecil, bahkan setara ukuran kapal Borobudur mungkin lebih kecil lagi (kapal Borobudur di rentang 19-20 m). Kalau temuan mengenai multiple planking (papan berlapis) dan jenis sambungan pasak untuk merekatkannya kan belum ada. Kapal palari-pinisi pakai sambungan pasak tapi mereka kan cuma 1 lapis papan. Mungkin anda belum tahu, kapal kolandiaphonta/kun-lun po yang dilaporkan dari abad ke-1 masehi itu berbeda dengan jong, papannya lebih tipis dan disambung dengan teknik papan ikat dan kupingan pengikat (sewn–plank and lashed–lug technique). Kalau jong berdasarkan linguistik baru dicatat abad ke-9 masehi.

Biasanya kapal besar justru susah ditemukan peninggalannya, ambil contoh kapal harta Cina/kapal Cheng Ho sudah sangat terkenal tapi belum ada temuan arkeologisnya. Yang lain seperti kapal Louchuan Wang Jun, Tessarakonteres, Thalamegos, Leontophoros, Syracusia, Isis, dan Cakra Dunia juga kurang lebih sama.


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Really wish a more humble, balanced wiser fellow was representing CN here....but I guess we stuck with finder's keepers loudmouth having barged in first.
Me too, they are everywhere and clearly not a one person account.


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Reading INA-US-PRC

In this forum we clearly have one (or maybe more than one) of the best CN folks to present their side.

Spamming CCP propaganda threads (that no one reads), typical han supremacist blockheading, going in repeated circular logic like broken record when someone confronts the propaganda (theres just 5 points to be made in the end)....and lying for months when first joined here about initial identity....its all above-average good-faith principled stuff clearly.

He provides us with some good humour (at his narcissist expense) though, got to give him that:

LMAO, its still up there:

I guess some of you have to go for your turn to take this quality pony out for a ride as well to "get it"...

Really wish a more humble, balanced wiser fellow was representing CN here....but I guess we stuck with finder's keepers loudmouth having barged in first.

Me too, they are everywhere and clearly not a one person account.
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