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No wonder your thousand thread never developed into discussion in this forum.:ROFLMAO:

Thats a baseress craim! Prease be mindfur of western propaganda as US is a decrining power!

I'm tellin ya folks, its like wumao fortune cookie time after cheap take away from beijingwalker's hot pot emporium...which fortune cookie (of 5 total) will you get this time?

Wonder if he answers the phone there too...

☎️" " ....City wok, how may i herpp you? @Deliorman


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Yeah but are internet, forums, english/engrish language....typical Chinese inventions? :p
Got a feeling that a certain poster here (a certain 🇨🇳 poster) will make claim that it is. It's the same way they claim that COVID-19 is an ancient / prehistoric disease rather than something that came out from Wuhan lab


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Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang
Lets just hope that there will be peace in Afghanistan.


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Wah out of topic ini. Yang diomongin apa yang di bahas apa. Kapal besar seperti jung/jong Jawa belum ada temuan peninggalan arkeologisnya. Kalau yang dibahas anda itu kan kapal yang jauh lebih kecil, bahkan setara ukuran kapal Borobudur mungkin lebih kecil lagi (kapal Borobudur di rentang 19-20 m). Kalau temuan mengenai multiple planking (papan berlapis) dan jenis sambungan pasak untuk merekatkannya kan belum ada. Kapal palari-pinisi pakai sambungan pasak tapi mereka kan cuma 1 lapis papan. Mungkin anda belum tahu, kapal kolandiaphonta/kun-lun po yang dilaporkan dari abad ke-1 masehi itu berbeda dengan jong, papannya lebih tipis dan disambung dengan teknik papan ikat dan kupingan pengikat (sewn–plank and lashed–lug technique). Kalau jong berdasarkan linguistik baru dicatat abad ke-9 masehi.

Biasanya kapal besar justru susah ditemukan peninggalannya, ambil contoh kapal harta Cina/kapal Cheng Ho sudah sangat terkenal tapi belum ada temuan arkeologisnya. Yang lain seperti kapal Louchuan Wang Jun, Tessarakonteres, Thalamegos, Leontophoros, Syracusia, Isis, dan Cakra Dunia juga kurang lebih sama.
mkasudnya cmn kapal jaman itu mentok segtu yg di abad 7an, kapal 100-200 meter lwt tuh kan ya g mungkin di era kunoan


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Tanah Air ku
Tanah Tumpah Darah ku


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Kementerian Pertahanan Dapat Anggaran Terbesar di 2022, Nilainya Rp 134 Triliun​



Rr. Ariyani Yakti Widyastuti​

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2021 09:29 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Kementerian Pertahanan mendapat alokasi anggaran terbesar di antara kementerian lainnya dalam rancangan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara 2022 (RAPBN 2022). Untuk tahun depan, alokasi anggaran kementerian yang dipimpin oleh Prabowo Subianto itu mencapai Rp 133,9 triliun.

Anggaran Kementerian Pertahanan tersebut naik 13,28 persen bila dibandingkan dengan Rp 118,2 triliun pada outlook APBN 2021.

Anggaran Kementerian Pertahanan sebelumnya selalu menjadi sorotan karena jumlahnya yang besar. Global Firepower pada tahun 2019 menyebutkan, Indonesia mengeluarkan anggaran belanja militer senilai US$ 6,9 miliar. Nilai anggaran itu setara dengan Rp 98 triliun.

Dengan begitu, jumlah tersebut menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara dengan nilai anggaran militer terbesar kedua setelah Singapura di ASEAN yang memiliki anggaran US$ 9,7 miliar. Anggaran militer Singapura itu setara dengan Rp 135 triliun.

Bold move indeed! Disaat pandemi & ekonomi yg lagi rebound pemerintah berani masang anggaran pertahanan sebagai anggaran tertinggin diantara K/L lainnya. Mimpi gue sih diangka Rp 140-an triliun biar lebih longgar pihak TNI/Kemhan ngelola anggarannya tapi ya sudahlah, bisa dapet angka segitu saat kondisi kayak gini juga dah ok banget. Kado ultah Indonesia yang mantab ini. Cuman mau nitip pesen aja ke ibu SM "jangan dipotong ya bu" :LOL:


Edit: Wording/Biar ga salah kaprah 😁
Last edited:


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Does anybody like reading novel? If you do, what collection do you keep around?

My current novel collection (all in .epub or .mobi format)

Andy Weir
1. The Martian
2. Artemis

Andrzej Sapkowski
1. The Last Wish
2. Sword of Destiny
3. Blood of Elves
4. Time of Contempt
5. Baptism of Fire
6. The Tower of the Swallow
7. The Lady of the Lake

George R. R. Martin
1. A Song of Ice and Fire
2. A Clash of Kings
3. A Storm of Swords
4. A Feast for Crows
5. A Dance with Dragons

James S. A. Corey
1. Leviathan Wakes
2. Caliban's War
3. Abaddon's Gate
4. Cibola Burn
5. Nemesis Games
6. Babylon's Ashes
7. Persepolis Rising
8. Tiamat's Wrath
9. [Coming Soon] Leviathan Falls

J. R. R. Tolkien
1. The Silmarillion
2. The Hobbit
3. The Lord of the Ring

Larry Niven
1. Ringworld
2. The Ringworld Engineers
3. The Ringworld Throne
4. Ringworld's Children
5. Fate of Worlds

Michael Crichton
1. Eaters of the Dead (The 13th Warrior)
2. Congo
3. Sphere
4. Jurassic Park
5. The Lost World
6. Timeline

Tom Clancy + ghostwriters
1. Red Storm Rising
2. SSN
3. Against All Enemies
4. Without Remorse
5. Rainbow Six
6. The Hunt for Red October
7. Patriot Games
8. The Cardinal of the Kremlin
9. Clear and Present Danger
10. The Sum of All Fears
11. Debt of Honor
12. Executive Orders
13. The Bear and the Dragon
14. Red Rabbit
15. The Teeth of the Tiger
16. Dead or Alive
17. Locked On
18. Threat Vector
19. Command Authority
20. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
21. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Combat Ops
22. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Choke Point
23. Tom Clancy's EndWar
24. Tom Clancy's EndWar: The Hunted
25. Tom Clancy's EndWar: The Missing
26. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X


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Does anybody like reading novel? If you do, what collection do you keep around?

My current novel collection (all in .epub or .mobi format)

Andy Weir
1. The Martian
2. Artemis

Andrzej Sapkowski
1. The Last Wish
2. Sword of Destiny
3. Blood of Elves
4. Time of Contempt
5. Baptism of Fire
6. The Tower of the Swallow
7. The Lady of the Lake

George R. R. Martin
1. A Song of Ice and Fire
2. A Clash of Kings
3. A Storm of Swords
4. A Feast for Crows
5. A Dance with Dragons

James S. A. Corey
1. Leviathan Wakes
2. Caliban's War
3. Abaddon's Gate
4. Cibola Burn
5. Nemesis Games
6. Babylon's Ashes
7. Persepolis Rising
8. Tiamat's Wrath
9. [Coming Soon] Leviathan Falls

J. R. R. Tolkien
1. The Silmarillion
2. The Hobbit
3. The Lord of the Ring

Larry Niven
1. Ringworld
2. The Ringworld Engineers
3. The Ringworld Throne
4. Ringworld's Children
5. Fate of Worlds

Michael Crichton
1. Eaters of the Dead (The 13th Warrior)
2. Congo
3. Sphere
4. Jurassic Park
5. The Lost World
6. Timeline

Tom Clancy + ghostwriters
1. Red Storm Rising
2. SSN
3. Against All Enemies
4. Without Remorse
5. Rainbow Six
6. The Hunt for Red October
7. Patriot Games
8. The Cardinal of the Kremlin
9. Clear and Present Danger
10. The Sum of All Fears
11. Debt of Honor
12. Executive Orders
13. The Bear and the Dragon
14. Red Rabbit
15. The Teeth of the Tiger
16. Dead or Alive
17. Locked On
18. Threat Vector
19. Command Authority
20. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
21. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Combat Ops
22. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Choke Point
23. Tom Clancy's EndWar
24. Tom Clancy's EndWar: The Hunted
25. Tom Clancy's EndWar: The Missing
26. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X

Lot of good stuff on your list!

Maybe this thread is better for it?:

Can copy your post there etc (if you want)...and see if it helps out the thread....

My buddy didn't end up joining maybe this will help heh.


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Lot of good stuff on your list!
Thanks, it's did take decade collecting them. I start collecting them in 2009 or so.

Maybe this thread is better for it?:

Can copy your post there etc (if you want)...and see if it helps out the thread....

My buddy didn't end up joining maybe this will help heh.
I actually had posted it in other thread

It's quickly get sink by all those flood of threads made by those amateur political buzzers. To think of it, these places have begun to leaning toward similar to PakDef with all those unchecked buzzers who are posting ridiculous amount of new threads every day, thus blocking the view of other threads.

However, I want to gauge whether any of these Indon poster actually ever read any work of artistic literature (assuming they have access to any, of which I rather doubt)

Obviously, I don't expect much (if any) from the younger generation, but the older generation still have the necessary attention span to read & comprehend a work of artistic literature.

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