Thinking about it, this guy has a point. Humans shall not make other humans his slave (of his whims) which is what democracy is all about.
In a democracy, these peoples (politicians)
makes these people (the common man), fight each other
so that they could advance their personal ambitions (and fortune) in this kind of room
which in turn came up with their laws (based on their whims) to even enhance their fortune
This is why democracy which calims itself to get rid of lordships and kings, ended up becoming a de-facto kingdom itself.
Keluarga dan kerabat pejabat ataupun politisi yang berpolitik sudah menjadi hal lumrah di Indonesia. Politik kekerabatan saat ini masih menjadi isu yang hangat jelang Pemilu 2024.
Islam prevents its followers to be literal pawns for these criminals. Like I said (for Muslims), the more you understand how the world works, the more appreciative you are towards Islam. It is designed to protect you from these kind of people.
“Wahai Abdurrahman bin Samurah, janganlah engkau meminta kepemimpinan. Karena jika engkau diberi tanpa memintanya, niscaya engkau akan ditolong (oleh Allah dengan diberi taufik kepada kebenaran). Namun jika diserahkan kepadamu karena permintaanmu, niscaya akan dibebankan kepadamu (tidak akan ditolong).”
Hadits ini diriwayatkan Al-Imam Bukhari dalam Shahih-nya no. 7146
Isn't begging for leadership a part of democracy ?