CFT are also in development for the EF-2000 which would give it a nice boost in range.
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Real question is will they let u integrate them?Normally, I'm not a big fan of the Typhoon but seeing it with CFTs and the illustration with Turkish insignia made me lean towards the idea of aquiring a few as a stop-gap alternative.
Integrating Turkish ordnance would be a precondition if I were in charge.
Imagine it with SOM-J, Akdogan, Gökdogan, Cirit, UMTAS, HGK, LGK etc.
If you are buying 40-60 planes they will! But will take time.Real question is will they let u integrate them?
I agree. Tranche 1 is too old in tooth now. Would be too difficult and long to upgrade.I wouldnt mind to buy around 2 squadrons worths of Eurofighters if the price is right. If not then there is no point considering more F-16's or even Hurjet is far better option considering our situation. Either way having dedicated air-to-air fighters jets is neccesary at some point and the Eurofighter could fill that role. I doubt we will get the latest T-4 and it will most likely be second-hand from the UK. If its T-1 then we should not even bother, litteraly throw to whole jet in the trashcan. They should pay us to have them.
As interim solution for F-4's the most likely foreign canidate imo, but i guess the inability to maintain it properly and therefore low combat readiness from the German Air Force side somehow polluted the Typhoons image.
Hürjet will turn maybe into a nice lightweight fighter and take some of the F-16s burden but never can compete with the Typhoon nor replace the F-4 equally, fact.