Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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ps: the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban are indeed one.


not only China btw, but many central Asia CSTO members as well.

Could this cause a split among the Taliban??

Ones who just want to stay in Afghanistan while the other side that wants to take their revolution abroad.

This revolution abroad is what got Afghanistan invaded in the first place which led to their regime to collapse.

Will they risk it again?


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Reminds me of communism.

You had two sidea. One side that just wanted to stay put and become the fortress of communism while the other side wanted to take it world wide.


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Could this cause a split among the Taliban??

Ones who just want to stay in Afghanistan while the other side that wants to take their revolution abroad.

This revolution abroad is what got Afghanistan invaded in the first place which led to their regime to collapse.

Will they risk it again?

for the senior Taliban leadership maybe not, but who knows what's inside the young fighters mind especially among the numerous field commanders who could ended demobilized after the establishment of the new govt.

Islamist in general would not just sit after once they finished a campaign in a particular country. the anti soviet Jihad in the 70-80s spurs militancy in the Philippines, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. Now that Taliban has showed that indeed armed struggle are indeed worth it, expect more emboldened islamist. not only in Afghanistan, but in the MENA as a whole tbh if u ask me.

Islamist doesn't have the same logic as nationalists. Nationalist are ok with borders, Islamist are not. hence u see ISIS expanding footprints everywhere, Idlibi jihadists congratulating the Taliban etc.

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The Split between various Islamist groups.

Ones that want to participate in the political process aka Islamic Democracy.

Second one just wants to take power in their own respective countries while not spilling it to other countries. They just want to implement their own sharia in their own country.

Third is Islamists that wont stop in taking over their own country but want to take over the whole world by declaring global jihad. Will fight at every corner. With whatever means necessary even to the point where they have to kill Muslims or Non Muslims to achieve their dreams of global revolution. Their calls to global jihad is like a total war or a world war where its them vs the world. Their dream of a worldwide caliphate. This dream is still clinged on with Isis and Aq.

Boko Haram and Armed Islamic group of Algeria are complicated because their end goal is just kill, kill and kill even more.

Thats why the GIA is dead and Boko Haram got overtaken by Isis in Nigeria I just found out the leader of Boko Haram, Shekau blew himself up as Isis insurgents surrounded him at his compound in the Sambisa forest.

I suggest everybody look up the atrocities that the GIA committed. They wiped out entire villages from the entire map.
I disagree with you on Global Jihad matter.
If CIA and Mossad funds for another group of terrorist then it can happen. But BUT young Muslims all over learned what happend with the FAKE ISIS.
So they won't be Falling for the same mistake.

The last thing for Muslim that remains unfinished is the Masjidul Aqsa and Palestine. And we Muslims know how it will happen.

The Greatest War in the land of Ash Sham Led by Imam Mahdi and Prophet Isa (pbuh). Malhamatul Qubra or known as Armageddon


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for the senior Taliban leadership maybe not, but who knows what's inside the young fighters mind especially among the numerous field commanders who could ended demobilized after the establishment of the new govt.

Islamist in general would not just sit after once they finished a campaign in a particular country. the anti soviet Jihad in the 70-80s spurs militancy in the Philippines, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. Now that Taliban has showed that indeed armed struggle are indeed worth it, expect more emboldened islamist. not only in Afghanistan, but in the MENA as a whole tbh if u ask me.

Islamist doesn't have the same logic as nationalists. Nationalist are ok with borders, Islamist are not. hence u see ISIS expanding footprints everywhere, Idlibi jihadists congratulating the Taliban etc.

Dont nationalists at times not stay put in their own borders???

I mean a lot of nationalists also harbour territorial irrendentism or greater something like Greater Israel, Greater Italy, Greater Germany what not.


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Dont nationalists at times not stay put in their own borders???

yes, when you live in the 30s Europe, maybe...but Islamist in general doesn't like the concept of borders nor do they respects it.
I mean a lot of nationalists also harbour territorial irrendentism or greater something like Greater Israel, Greater Italy, Greater Germany what not.

But most of them are sober enough to know their limits, islamist on the other hand are not as sober. Because they believe what they're doing are worth it in front of god, hence logic doesn't count.

don't believe me??

hence how could you explain why Al-Qaeda started the 911 attack, cole bombing against world superpower etc. Why does ISIS seems so eager to face the whole world when they're clearly incapable to do so?? Why does Hezbollah scream "bomb me Israel" everytime in their statement.

this kind of islamism is like a powder keg now present in Afghanistan as the video I shared had already proven.
the thing for you to understand is what will be the 75K+ Taliban once they demobilized??? hint for you, the Afghan jihad of the cold war doesn't stop when Soviet army crosses back into Uzbekistan.

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Presenting you the most educated people on the planet :
That's why You need to believe in Judgment day. Cause Without Deen there is no way to prove Good and Bad.

The First Chapter revealed to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh):

1. Recite in the name of your Lord who created –
2. Created man from a clinging substance.
3. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous –
4. Who taught by the pen –
5. Taught man that which he knew not.
6. No! [But] indeed, man transgresses
7. Because he sees himself self-sufficient.
8. Indeed, to your Lord is the return.
9. Have you seen the one who forbids
10. A servant when he prays?
11. Have you seen if he is upon guidance
12. Or enjoins righteousness?
13. Have you seen if he denies and turns away –
14. Does he not know that Allah sees?
15. No! If he does not desist, We will surely drag him by the forelock –
16. A lying, sinning forelock.
17. Then let him call his associates;
18. We will call the angels of Hell.
19. No! Do not obey him. But prostrate and draw near [to Allah].
[Surah Al-Alaq]


To sum it up for today :
- IEA / Taliban's won the most unmatched war in history
- IEA / Taliban's are moving from strength to strength, 1st on the battlefield and now on the political arena.
- Iran handed over all the Vehicles back to IEA which were brought in by escaping ANA
- Oil i.e gasoline price reduced in Afghanistan under IEA, they now have no problem of gasoline.
- Horde at Kabul air port is swelling by the day as every one wants a piece of that American pie, more people are coming from neighbouring countries then people going to those countries.
- No railway, land route or navel access, the synthetic situation dramatised at kabul air base to divert the attention of media and to not focus attention on whooping of the century is nothing more then a brewing disaster.
- IEA is keeping away from kabul air base as they dont want any part of the problem & quickly approaching disaster.
- All trade is being halted with India by IEA for their propaganda campaign on steroids against IEA.
- IEA enjoyed the 5th day without any murder, b52 bombing, night raids and all the fun of forced exported democracy
- Members of previous government like Abdullah Abdullah, Hamid Karzai and others met with hight profile members of IEA to form a unified Government.
- So far a peaceful day for Afghanistan.


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yes, when you live in the 30s Europe, maybe...but Islamist in general doesn't like the concept of borders nor do they respects it.

But most of them are sober enough to know their limits, islamist on the other hand are not as sober. Because they believe what they're doing are worth it in front of god, hence logic doesn't count.

don't believe me??

hence how could you explain why Al-Qaeda started the 911 attack, cole bombing against world superpower etc. Why does ISIS seems so eager to face the whole world when they're clearly incapable to do so?? Why does Hezbollah scream "bomb me Israel" everytime in their statement.

this kind of islamism is like a powder keg now present in Afghanistan as the video I shared had already proven.
the thing for you to understand is what will be the 75K+ Taliban once they demobilized??? hint for you, the Afghan jihad of the cold war doesn't stop when Soviet army crosses back into Uzbekistan.

Explains why so many are concerned in the region.


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There is nothing called Islamism.
It's the Muslim who acts.
the Afghan jihad of the cold war spurs what become the long story of the war on terror. after the Afghan war, demobilized jihadi troops spread elsewhere and brought with them the dream of making islam the superior law on earth. so yes it's Islamism.

the Bali bombing, Cole bombing, 9/11 all are perpetrated by ex afghan war veterans returning from Afghanistan.

heck, even ISIS came from the war in Afghanistan.

meet Abu Mus'ab Al Zarqawi. Founding father of ISIS. there's no CIA here lmao



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the Afghan jihad of the cold war spurs what become the long story of the war on terror. after the Afghan war, demobilized jihadi troops spread elsewhere and brought with them the dream of making islam the superior law on earth. so yes it's Islamism.

the Bali bombing, Cole bombing, 9/11 all are perpetrated by ex afghan war veterans returning from Afghanistan.

heck, even ISIS came from the war in Afghanistan.

meet Abu Mus'ab Al Zarqawi. Founding father of ISIS. there's no CIA here lmao

We still live with the effects of the cold war and its aftermath.

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