Honestly Macron had it worst lmao. I think he's a good person, just not very lucky and very bully-able. I mean he was repeatedly assaulted by random citizens, insulted, and often got into embarrassing situations. Yes, he sometimes said stupid things, but quality-wise he isn't that bad. At least he's lucky that he only got thrown with a tomato and not grenade.
Maybe French people are just like that lmao, the revolutionary spirit is there, gotta attack monarchs whenever possible.
Btw can we trust Lembaga Keris "leaks"? I mean the source is simpang siur and we cannot confirm just yet, it remains just a rumor. Honestly, I doubt it because Wowo reputation is at stake here, we got Tier 1 government official and Presidential dandidate who openly made a program and deal with another country. It will be embarrassing if his program is for some reason modified by some faceless bureaucrats or vetoed one-sided-ly that it is no longer in line with his plan.
That dude put his credibility at stake here, I doubt that he will let other parties intervene with his plan.