well there is GATE's fanfic when russia also give them the taste of URA
Any link there, i would like to visit the page
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well there is GATE's fanfic when russia also give them the taste of URA
Any link there, i would like to visit the page
Waduh kalau bisa kita jangan perang berkepanjangan lah.Tempat yang bener buat studi banding perang total selain China, Vietnam
Tim Working Group Studi Banding Perang Rakyat Semesta
Rabu, 15 Maret 2023
Jakarta – Dirjakstrahan Ditjen Strahan Kemhan Brigjen TNI Yudhi Murfi, S.IP., M.Si., didampingi Kolonel CZI Helda Risman (UNHAN), Kol Laut Dr. Steven T. Sambouw (Ditjakstra Strahan) dan Letkol Nav Marino (Sops TNI) pada hari Selasa, 14 Maret 2023 mengadakan kujungan ke beberapa tempat di Vietnam dalam rangka Studi Banding Perang Rakyat Semesta. Tempat tempat yang dikunjungi antara lain ; Natonal Defense Academy (NDA) setingkat Lemhanas dan diterima oleh Letjen Le Xuan Thanh, Deputy Commandant of NDA, Institute Defense Strategy (IDS) (Unhan Vietnam) diterima oleh Mayjen Phan The Ba, Deputy Director General of IDS, kemudian Tim yang dipimpin Dirjakstrahan itu juga berkunjung ke Kantor Kedutaan Besar Indonesia untuk Vietnam di Hanoi dan diterima oleh Duta Besar RI untuk Vietnam, Bpk. Deni Abdi,kemudian pada malam harinya, tim diundang untuk Dinner oleh tim IDS di Hotel FRD Hanoi. ($)
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It's kinda alarming the progress the Australia with Aukus lately, first with nuclear submarine and now with tomahawk, we'll be crush in the middle if both parties (China vs Aukus) fight, i guess we should step up our game plan also, is there any plan to own and develop our own long range cruise missile, having missile like khan help but the range was to short, kinzhal will be nice or Kalibr will be better, i am pointing out russian weapons because there's no way we could have tomahawk from the US
Selama TNI doktrinnya masih merebut wilayah yang dikuasai musuh ya sulit punya doktrin pre emptive strike kaya israel atau singapore, mindset dan strategi TNI yg sepertinya harus di ubahWaduh kalau bisa kita jangan perang berkepanjangan lah.
Sebelum musuh menjejak di tanah temggelamkan dulu.
Here one of my favorite, isekai the whole USAI kinda love isekai theme story', or something like GATE and Nihonkoku Shoukan. Always pondered if the one got transfered is an OP and bloody countries like US, China, French or Russia oh even the good old United Kingdom with their "interesting" diplomacy style there must be more interesting story' there.
The Russian must be itching to rolled off their thanks , armored vehicles and artillery. The US with overwhelmed Aerial superiority. China swarm of drones and very massive industry. And so on...
“It raises the more important question, what is Australia’s national interest – to have security arrangements and defence pact with Indonesia who in military terms couldn’t blow out a candle.
“Or to have an alliance with the United States and the UK with these nuclear subs and other military hardware for the defence of Australia in the medium to long term.”
Indonesia ‘couldn’t blow out a candle’: Keating’s defence strategy slammed
NSW One Nation Leader Mark Latham says journalists could have questioned Paul Keating’s defence pact with Indonesia in the 1990s as he criticised the AUKUS deal at Wednesday’s National Press Club conference. His comments come after former prime minister Paul Keating said in a 1999 phone...www.skynews.com.au
As Indonesian myself I feel that our military capability is indeed still lacking, I hope with the modernization program that is currently moving at a snail pace we can reach a point where our military can blow out a candle or even our downstairs neighbor.
Swallow the pride, sharpened your sword, give it back ten Times!!!
Be Patient ! Be Patient!