This is really bizarre that they arent backing down. It has been usually poke and prod in the past but seems like their objectives are different. Our China experts ? Are they able to understand the Chinese ?
Guys, sorry about the redirecting glitch that takes you to the first post of the thread rather than the specific post thats redirected.
Working on fixing that...I wont redirect anymore for now.
If its working fine on your end, let me know.
Ok so i would say the Chinese side is that White line and the Indian line is that Yellow Line and the LAC is the Red Line and the inbetween space is the no man land. Both of you are certainly dividing things up
White Line - Indian claim line
Yellow Line - Chinese claim line
Everything in between claimed by both sides. Over the past few years, there has been continuous encroachments by the Chinese side into the no man's land in between. And the Indian side has normally lodged protests but has rarely acted on the ground. This time, the reaction from the Indian side is of using a leaf from the Chinese playbook. Enter terrain in no man's land not occupied or left for a period of time by Chinese forces.
The frustration of China lies now, in their inability to dislodge an opposing force. They have just realised they have bitten more than can chew, unlike the SCS area. The repercussions for these are huge. The Indian state is ready to push forces into no man's land and area that China claims. Militarily.
Only ways China can make India move? Either withdraw reciprocally from areas we expect them to vacate or physically make us. Second option, of course will have other problems.
I assume that India and China don't want to divide the disputed area, but can anyone shed light on how the area became disputed ?
I know that some of Jamu region has been "rented" to China by Pakistan, but There are almost no definite borderline between China and Jamu/Kashmir.
s it safe to assume that China expanded during a time where India and Pakistan wasn't looking ?
Other way round.
White Line - Indian claim line
Yellow Line - Chinese claim line
Everything in between claimed by both sides. Over the past few years, there has been continuous encroachments by the Chinese side into the no man's land in between. And the Indian side has normally lodged protests but has rarely acted on the ground. This time, the reaction from the Indian side is of using a leaf from the Chinese playbook. Enter terrain in no man's land not occupied or left for a period of time by Chinese forces.
The frustration of China lies now, in their inability to dislodge an opposing force. They have just realised they have bitten more than can chew, unlike the SCS area. The repercussions for these are huge. The Indian state is ready to push forces into no man's land and area that China claims. Militarily.
Only ways China can make India move? Either withdraw reciprocally from areas we expect them to vacate or physically make us. Second option, of course will have other problems.
Went to PeeDeeF after a long time yesterday. The delusion levels were amazing. The degrading of quality after Fartanout got involved with Windfarter is there for everyone to see.
Who are these two gentlemen in your last sentence?
Guessing Aeronaut and Windjammer
Windjammer, yes, that's easy to guess, and he really shouldn't use any nick with the phrase 'Wind-' in it; it's a hostile Internet out there. Aeronaut? Hmm. Didn't know that he had made such an impact.
A localized military engagement between India and China is imminent. Victory for PLA will mean that they will be encouraged to make further aggressive moves in the SCS. A Victory for India will mean, Xi will be humiliated and he will be forcefully removed from power soon.
Even a back to Status quo will be advantage India right now considering how India has managed to show the Chinese as the aggressive side.
after a long time yesterday. The delusion levels were amazing.
Everything seems to be working fine.
on say 10 emb platforms
I agree and I've seen a couple of globalmasters landing pretty close to the border in India yesterday. Presumably giving some goodies to Indians? A lot of those where landing in Turkey, departing from Spain. I have no idea what is going on Since France is stepping forward against TurkeyIndia only have to make it expensive enough for the Chinese, they can't be pre occupied with India while at the same time struggling in the S China Sea + Taiwan