Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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putin strategy :poop:.
He is calling herself Master strategist.
He is doing fail after fail and more failures....

putin army from second strongest in the world. To second strongest in Ukraine. Soon to be second strongest in russia.

It would be nice if the USA stopped dicking around and gave Ukraine what they need. There is no need for this war to drag out for another few years. Russia is no threat or danger to the USA whatsoever, it cannot touch the USA.


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The Foreign Ministry explained to Indonesia why their "peace plan" is good only for garbage🤣

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted to the statement of Indonesia

Indonesia proposes to freeze the war in the current status quo, Ukraine has reacted.

The "peace plan" proposed by Indonesia for Ukraine will only lead to Russia gaining a foothold in the occupied territories and preparing for a new stage of military expansion. This plan will not bring true peace.

This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko on his Facebook.

According to him, Ukraine "appreciates the attention" that Indonesia pays to the issue of restoring peace in Ukraine, but the mistake of the Indonesian view of the problem is that there are no "disputed territories" between Ukraine and Russia on which referendums should be held.

Nikolenko stressed that the territories seized by the Russian army are occupied, not disputed, which is recorded in official UN documents.

"In the occupied territories, the Russian army commits war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
Russia must get out of Ukrainian territories, and Ukraine must restore its territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. There can be no alternative scenarios," the diplomat said.

Nikolenko stressed that a ceasefire, a 15-kilometer disengagement of forces and the creation of a demilitarized zone would not work. According to him, the cessation of active hostilities without the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory will allow Russia to regroup and build up forces for a new phase of aggression.

"Long-term peace in Ukraine means the liberation of Ukrainian territories from Russian occupation. This is what the Peace Formula of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is aimed at. We invite Indonesia to join its active implementation," Nikolenko said.


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The Foreign Ministry explained to Indonesia why their "peace plan" is good only for garbage🤣

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted to the statement of Indonesia

Indonesia proposes to freeze the war in the current status quo, Ukraine has reacted.

The "peace plan" proposed by Indonesia for Ukraine will only lead to Russia gaining a foothold in the occupied territories and preparing for a new stage of military expansion. This plan will not bring true peace.

This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko on his Facebook.

That would be a really dumb move for Ukraine. Freeze the war, let the Russians regroup and then launch another invasion 10 years from now, knowing the first invasion paid off with territorial gains.

Indonesians are talking absolute nonsense here.


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More than 90 thousand people used the Kyiv metro as a shelter during May


More than 90 thousand people used the Kyiv metro as a shelter during May

The metropolitan subway, as a shelter during the curfew for a month, was used by 92 thousand people.

In May, 92,000 people, including 10,300 children, used the metro stations of the capital as shelters during nighttime alarms. This was reported by the press service of the metro.

"The infrastructure, the staff of the enterprise and the police are working around the clock to ensure the proper level of security and living conditions. The stations have bathrooms, water fountains and extra chairs. If necessary, the station workers give out mattresses and blankets, but most of the people during the night alarms, come with their kits," the message says.

Recall that on the night of June 1, during a rocket attack by Russian invaders in Kyiv, three people were killed, including a 9-year-old child.


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Myopias because they can't see far from their country.

I don't know what their relationship with Russia is, maybe they see Russia as a friend and feel by saying kind words towards Russia it will benefit their own nation. But as far as Ukraine is concerned, the worst thing she could do is make territorial concessions. That will legitimise the russian invasion and encourage another round down the line.


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yeah terrible idea. It would have been better to say nothing.

The best option for Ukraine is to continue the war until all lands are liberated. Once liberated to then join NATO. That can guarantee a long term peace. They give any territorial concessions and no UN presence will stop the next Russian invasion of Ukraine.

From a Turkish geopolitical perspective, any favours made towards Russia directly hinders and harms our position in all other theatres where Russia has directly deployed her army against us.

From a Muslim perspective any favours towards Russia helps her maintain her occupation of countless Muslim nations.

From a moral perspective, any favours towards Russia prejudices the victims of Russia.

If the situation was the other way around Russians wouldn't even entertain such ideas, they would exploit every opportunity to its absolute fullest.
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Let's wait for the end of Ukraine counter offensive when both parties already spend all their strength (true stalemate situation), and then devise Peace Plan from that.

Fuzuli NL

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That plan would not be in favour of Ukraine, however, there will be a tremendous life loss from both sides.


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Let's wait for the end of Ukraine counter offensive when both parties already spend all their strength (true stalemate situation), and then devise Peace Plan from that.

fortunately Ukraine and her allies are not thinking like the Indonesian diplomat. It seems the days of appeasing Russia and then invoking her violence for showing good faith are over.


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What I would say to the Indonesian Minister is the following. Why don't you broker that deal by giving up roughly 15-17% of Indonesia to Ukraine to compensate them for their lost territory, shipping ports, coast line, natural resources, etc. That would be an example of fanatstic deal brokering.

I've selected a nice chunk of land from Serang, through Jakarta, continuing through Surabaya and ending at the coast just across from Bali... Care to make the trade for peace?


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Let's wait for the end of Ukraine counter offensive when both parties already spend all their strength (true stalemate situation), and then devise Peace Plan from that.
How about we wrote that to our MoD and MoFA 1st to make up their blunder.


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What I would say to the Indonesian Minister is the following. Why don't you broker that deal by giving up roughly 15-17% of Indonesia to Ukraine to compensate them for their lost territory. That would be an example of fanatstic deal brokering.

I've selected a nice chunk of land from Serang, through Jakarta, continuing through Surabaya and ending at the cost just across from Bali... Care to make the trade for peace?

The problem is it wont lead to peace. It will lead to more wars and give the Russians a chance to regroup.


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Let's wait for the end of Ukraine counter offensive when both parties already spend all their strength (true stalemate situation), and then devise Peace Plan from that.
This is the way. Ukraine is going to want to give a thunderous blow back, inflict maximum casualties and destruction on the Russian army in the regions they counter attack in, before they even consider going to the negotiating table. They want to negotiate from a position of strength, with Putin on his heels. They also want enough time to go by that the war becomes deeply unpopular in Russia, creating pressure on Putin from his own populous.


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The problem is it wont lead to peace. It will lead to more wars and give the Russians a chance to regroup.
It's was a facetious comment. Clearly I'm not suggesting that Indonesia, or any other country give up territory.


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This is the way. Ukraine is going to want to give a thunderous blow back, inflict maximum casualties and the the destruction of the Russian army in the regions they counter attack in, before they even consider going to the negotiating table. They want to negotiate from a position of strength, with Putin on his heels. They also want enough time to go by that the war becomes deeply unpopular in Russia, creating pressure on Putin from his own populous.

Ukraine's ability to conduct war is based on her supply chain that comes from her allies. To me that supply can come for another 20 years if need be, it seems like everyone understands the situation and the benefit to send material aid.

If it takes a hundred offensives, then its the safer bet to fight now then to capitulate and allow the Russians a chance to regroup. If they get land out of this, in their heads the war will have been worth it. The whole reason they felt so confident as to attempt an entire invasion of a country the size of Turkiye, is because they got a way with it recently in Georgia and Crimea.

Russians walked into a landmine, its best they are made to suffer dearly over it. If this was the other way around the Russians would screw their victim for eternity and not look back.


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It's was a facetious comment. Clearly I'm not suggesting that Indonesia, or any other country give up territory.

no i get that, but what i'm trying to say is that giving the Russians land will not lead to peace, it will lead to more wars. If you want peace you have to crush their armies that are attacking you. So anyone who suggests the Russians can have land, are basically ok'ing another war. Its the opposite of peace, if you want peace you need Ukraine to reclaim all her land back.

If Ukraine reclaims all her land back, the Russians will not be any rush to launch another war. But if she gets 15% of the country, she will say why not do another war and take another 15/20%.

We dealt with the Russians throughout history, but in the recent history we have dealt with them in syria and libya, outside of direct fighting they shit over all agreements and always look to undermine and harm you, these people don't believe in peace, they only believe in power and domination. No agreement ever held with them, the only lines that are holding are where the armies are face to face.

Its for good reason that i find the Russian political class as degenerate as they come.

And lets not forget how the entire Russian state at the start of this war was boasting about how they were going to invade half of Europe. Then the threats of nuclear war over their evil invasion, these people need to punished and punished hard.
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