I know TCG stands for
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gemisi (Republic of Turkey’s Ship) but what does that “B” stand for?
Funny you brought this up.
Recently I’ve seen a short interview for the need of creation of a mutual robotic warfare command.
Türkiye için ‘İnsansız Sistemler Komutanlığı’ artık bir ihtiyaç mı? Türkiye, halihazırda birçok insansız hava, kara, deniz ve denizaltı projesi yürütüyor.
Dr. Can Kasapoğlu is a non-resident senior fellow at Hudson Institute
He, in this short interview, points out the necessity for the creation of a mutual robotic warfare domain command.
He breaks down the need in three key areas
1- Military technologies are only successful as long as they are integrated with operational design and military doctrine. Therefore, conceptual work is a must to create a dominant operational design together with technological advancement.
2- MIR, MARLIN and various Turkish SUVs are designed by NATO standards and they’ve already proved themselves at some NATO exercises. Such a mutual command would be more efficient at contributing and operating at joint NATO operations.
3- Such a command would also have to assume the role of reviewing various robotic warfare trends, works and conflicts. All the learned and gathered data would also fall under the authority of this command to act upon accordingly.