A good leader knows when he must fight and when not to fight. If you cant win a war, than there is no logic explanaition to fight because you are destroying yourself.
When it concerns Russia and Ukraine, to not fight more will die. Then once your occupied the life you live is utter hell, communist style hell. Russians only yesterday starved over 3 million Ukrainians to death. Trust, had Russia walked into Ukraine a massive purge would have taken place, maybe millions of Ukrainians would have perished.
From a Turkish perspective we cannot allow Russia to take any more land around the blacksea, the more they take the more energy and resources the Turks will have to allocated against Russia. It will limit our capacity to operate. And the bigger Russia grows the more she will interfere with Turkey and the higher the chance of war with Russia becomes.
As far as Ukraine is concerned they are doing really well, if they could just get some real weapons they could put this sick man of Eurasia to bed. Everyone would benefit from it, including the russians themselves who live a miserable existence.
Putin explained last week that Russia accepted every Ukrainian term in Istanbul in april 2022 when Erdogan brokered a peace deal. On everything was agreed, even on the status of Crimea the Russians made concessions.
And you believe Putin? Even if he did accept, he would break the deal the moment he could. As Turks we seen russian deals in syria, where nothing is stuck to. They make an agreement with you to placate you and then immediately shit on it to humiliate you. Rinse and repeat.
Both parties agreed, Turkey was the peacemaker and Erdogan would get a Nobel Price.
No western owned organisation is giving a hated islamist the peace prize. The western world has been dehumanising erdogan and Turkey for years not to just give that leader and that nation a nobel peace price.
And then Boris Johnson arrived in Kiev and told Zelensky to reject the deal.
No doubts the English will be shit stirring in the background, that's what they have done throughout history. A nation that always sticks her nose into other peoples business making things far worse. But Ukraine is in a desperate situation, she has to take whatever she can get.
The native Americans had the proverb, if you cross a stream and see the fish fighting, know that an Englishmen has passed. That's what the English do, they instigate trouble and conflict.
Even many conflicts today, whether it be kashmir, cyprus, the middle east have their roots in British engineering.
Ukraine and Turkey didnt debunked Putins claims this week. So it must be true.
Erdogan says plenty of nice things about Putin meanwhile he sends his armies and proxies to fight Russia in all theatres.