TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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That's probably the intention, pressure students into conformity and suppress formation of ability to question, learn and think independently, deny them adulthood and freedom on various subjects, like political views, like sexuality.

From the Daily Sabah article:

Zülfikar emphasized the concept of a "university without walls," symbolizing openness and inclusivity.

"We want to position the university where it rightfully belongs," Zülfikar remarked, alluding to Türkiye's resilience and unity. "The doors are open to everyone, as we believe in the unity of our nation," he added, reflecting on the university's commitment to fostering collaboration and dialogue across society.

Also describes the borders haha


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Considering the worst case scenarios:

If we say we have the political will,
this will undo pretty much all foreign policy that was aimed at the Muslim world, entire middle east will shun TR. The same will happen with the EU, who will immediately withdraw funding. Both sides may also engage in sanctions on TR, especially as millions start dying due to lack of food or water. There will be internal opposition too. 5 years is a long time, there will be world opposition the entire time. Social media will inflame both east and west against TR.

You would also have to spend lots on securing the border to ensure that entire migrant population doesn't smuggle back in for years.

The population on the borders of TR south and east will be even more hostile to TR, perhaps resulting in new terrorist organizations.

This will also be dangerous for Turkmen communities outside the border, who may be targetted for revenge or have their communities absorbed by mass migration.

The biggest threat is Iran, they will be able to exploit and mobilize this entire population and manpower to their benefit and influence more of the middle east.

i think because of some of these points the political will won't exist.

That is all very grim but the way I see it, it is only been a decade and at least time wise there is still a chance of relatively peaceful and successful resettlements of Syrian refugees back to their country. (I.e. safe zone)


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You guys ignore a more serious problem with this campus stuff. Sexual predators will flood into campuses to get with "easy" uni girls. There is this section of the population, hate education with every fiber of their being. They harbor a class hatred towards decent and educated people. And we are governed by them.


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That is all very grim but the way I see it, it is only been a decade and at least time wise there is still a chance of relatively peaceful and successful resettlements of Syrian refugees back to their country. (I.e. safe zone)

The infrastructure in its current state doesn't support that high of a population, needs the war to be over for infrastructure construction to happen

But yes, I'm pessimistic


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This is what I expected from a country that Aliyev rules as if it were his personal domain.
Elections took place both in Turkey and here. Erdogan received 52% of the votes, Aliyev - 92. You there, in England, are in the information zone of the West. And every day tons of dirt are poured on our heads. By the way, the same applies to Erdogan. It is difficult to live in Europe and at the same time be outside this information field. Surely today Aliyev is called an authoritarian or already a dictator. But that's not what I'm talking about.
The Independent newspaper (Türkce, April 27) writes that according to a survey conducted in Azerbaijan, 90.4% of respondents would like to see Erdogan again as president of Turkey. And now my question arises: How is this so? Do we have two dictators in Azerbaijan? Isn't this a lot for one country? :)

The rest of our candidates received some 3%, some 2, some - 1. I’m sure that if among these candidates there was Biden or Trump, or your prime minister (what’s his name?! However, what’s the difference ?!) they would have received a maximum of 0.1 or 0.2% of the votes. And they don't deserve more. That's who we are!
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You guys ignore a more serious problem with this campus stuff. Sexual predators will flood into campuses to get with "easy" uni girls. There is this section of the population, hate education with every fiber of their being. They harbor a class hatred towards decent and educated people. And we are governed by them.
I'm already on my way time to smash young p*ssy.


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Elections took place both in Turkey and here. Erdogan received 52% of the votes, Aliyev - 92. You there, in England, are in the information zone of the West. And every day tons of dirt are poured on our heads. By the way, the same applies to Erdogan. It is difficult to live in Europe and at the same time be outside this information field. Surely today Aliyev is called an authoritarian or already a dictator. But that's not what I'm talking about.
The Independent newspaper (Türkce, April 27) writes that according to a survey conducted in Azerbaijan, 90.4% of respondents would like to see Erdogan again as president of Turkey. And now my question arises: How is this so? Do we have two dictators in Azerbaijan? Isn't this a lot for one country? :)

The rest of our candidates received some 3%, some 2, some - 1. I’m sure that if among these candidates there was Biden or Trump, or your prime minister (what’s his name?! However, what’s the difference ?!) they would have received a maximum of 0.1 or 0.2% of the votes. And they don't deserve more. That's who we are!

Yes I know what you mean by this information field


17 1,707
You guys ignore a more serious problem with this campus stuff. Sexual predators will flood into campuses to get with "easy" uni girls. There is this section of the population, hate education with every fiber of their being. They harbor a class hatred towards decent and educated people. And we are governed by them.
this is the revenge of AKP Islam government from youth. they will be dead in next 10 years this country will remain for us and our REVANGE against Islam will be absolute there wont be any middle ground when we come to power
I'm already on my way time to smash young p*ssy.
ulan amk what do you thing university campus is ??? group sex party ???? and what make you think those girls will even look at you ??


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this is the revenge of AKP Islam government from youth. they will be dead in next 10 years this country will remain for us and our REVANGE against Islam will be absolute there wont be any middle ground when we come to power
Miss me with that revenge talk bro, when it goes over three digits I forego revenge. Focus on the practicality. We just need to punish individuals who did wrong and make sure they don't hold power, ever again. And openly claiming how you will take revenge from the popular religion makes you look crazy.


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For most countries these online IQ statistics are highly inaccurate. (I know that because I spent an unnecessary amount of time reading and researching on the topic of IQ for my own interest)

It is better to search and find each national statistic from each country's relevent national institutions. (I.e. studies done by well known think tanks & universities. They usually have better quality data)

For example, in case of Qatar, interestingly enough children seems to have much higher IQ than the previous generation. (Flyn effect)

"Furthermore, the study showed that younger children (6 to 9.6 year olds) obtained very high IQ (104.37 points), however, older children (10 to 11.6 year olds) obtained lower levels (95.73 points)."

I think a similar trend on Turkish children has been posted also on some other thread.
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Is it them again?, "hits source"...yup its them again.

In 2002, Lynn and Vanhanen produced a dataset which claimed to provide average ‘national IQs’ for
nation-states worldwide. Despite extensive critique, this dataset, and subsequent updated versions,
have been used in a large number of empirical publications. Here I evaluate the latest version,
produced in 2019 by Lynn and Becker, and show that this dataset is not fit for purpose. The primary
data sources are inadequate for estimating ‘national IQs’. The majority of data included originates
from samples which are wholly unrepresentative of their national populations. Many are
convenience samples with small sample sizes, often including only children and often including
individuals chosen because they had particular characteristics (i.e., samples which were deliberately
chosen to be unrepresentative). Data were collected using a range of different cognitive tests and
from such diverse populations that it is impossible to generate comparable measure of cognitive
ability. There is also evidence that further bias may have been introduced during manipulations of
primary data into ‘IQ’ scores. The extent of these biases differs by world region, meaning that the
dataset is not only inaccurate but systematically biased. This ‘national IQ’ dataset therefore does not
provide comparable, accurate and unbiased measures of cognitive ability worldwide, and should not
be used be draw inferences about global variation in intelligence.


  • IQ_critique-2.pdf
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Exactly, even without taking into account Lynn's extreme racist ideology, he deliberately uses data that are not meant for general use. For example in case of BD, he used this study as a source-

Except, It is literally a specific study on children whose IQ is expected to be lower than average due to exposer to arsenic.


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I take any statistics put on the internet with a pinch of salt. I used that map to visualize the differences between nations like Türkiye and Israel in comparison to the rest of the middle east.

Why is it always people from a certain bunch of countries who flee westwards, rape, kill and steal in the country which gave them refugee? Why do they leave their sh*tholes and then preach Islam and attempt to convert others to their religion? If their religion was so good, why are all their nations in ruins? All they can do is blame external forces, never themselves.

These people aren't only going to be a problem for Türkiye, but for Europe and beyond. They're a ticking time bomb.


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You guys ignore a more serious problem with this campus stuff. Sexual predators will flood into campuses to get with "easy" uni girls. There is this section of the population, hate education with every fiber of their being. They harbor a class hatred towards decent and educated people. And we are governed by them.

Uni Girls LOL

Uni Girls have themselves to blame they easily give themselves up to men.

If anybody is wanting a traditional wife from a uni you are literally dreaming.

Sexual predators know how to seduce and use various tactics to get women. People think they just can go grab women.

They are like serial killers they buy their time and strike.

Looking at Turkiye's shitty court system and its shitty justice system no surprise that murderers and rapists get away with it.

If Turkiye had the electric chair you think rapists regardless if they are native or an illegal immigrant would get away with their crimes?

Yemen even executes pedophiles in the public square with a nice Ak47 bullet to the head.

Akp and Chp wont care at all most of the politicians live in gated communities will constantly fill up their pockets and then offshore the money. Both will accuse each other of corruption while doing the same thing.

In Australia we have a spike of youth crime and the government both federal and state are not doing anything about it a lot of cops have also been forced to stood down.

Welcome to the clown world. Just hope putin can press the button so we can all start over again.

Metro 2033 anyone?


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I take any statistics put on the internet with a pinch of salt. I used that map to visualize the differences between nations like Türkiye and Israel in comparison to the rest of the middle east.

Why is it always people from a certain bunch of countries who flee westwards, rape, kill and steal in the country which gave them refugee? Why do they leave their sh*tholes and then preach Islam and attempt to convert others to their religion? If their religion was so good, why are all their nations in ruins? All they can do is blame external forces, never themselves.

These people aren't only going to be a problem for Türkiye, but for Europe and beyond. They're a ticking time bomb.

Bro in the UK they are literally changing their religion to christianity and some have put themselves as gays just to get asylum.

They are all trying to reach europe.

Interesting how Israel and Iran are all untouched by this.

Israel wants all refugees to go to Europe. While Iran is dumping them in Turkiye.


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Turkiye accepted lots of Kurdish refugees escaping Saddam.

Instead they all joined pkk.

I can see why a lot of people are saying refugees and illegal immigrants doing the same thing in Turkiye

History tends to repeat itself.


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Islam truly does rot brain.

I'm not sure how much longer this nation will be able to last with this older pious generation in charge. Utter corruption everywhere, only TSK and the defence industry are doing well. You can thank a number of legacy institutions for that. The second Islamists crack into these institutions, it's over. Fortunately, I don't see this happening.

I'm glad that the youth are rapidly awakening to the truth of Islam. The mass conversion to Islam was without a doubt the biggest blow to the Turks. We've essentially been believing in Arabic fairytales for the past 1000 years...

Now we can see how Islamists are openly welcoming millions of people from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Using your religion to justify demographic change in my nation is a red line which never should've been crossed.

We often think that PKK is the worst issue plaguing this country. We casually ignore that we just let millions of military aged men who will turn against us at any moment and who are being given citizenship in order to sustain the voter base for Islamists in the coming decades. This is treason.

Unless something changes, we will quickly start to resemble other middle eastern nations.

No more pussyfooting around this issue.

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If Islamists said we dont need this we have Allah.

This is the same mentality which the Muslim Africans got colonised by the European powers.

Muslim Africans had the belief that Allah is with us and that European bullets cant touch us. We seen how that turned put.

Another example is the Chinese boxer rebellion the Chinese believed their secret powers can best any military technology until they got blown up to piece by the European colonising powers.

Mamluks believed they did not need guns because their martial prowress and belief would win them the day.

I understand how morale and zeal can help in fighting but people should not tell me a guy with an Ak47 can win against a F22 or F35.

When we all know how much bravery and courage means to us until military tech easily tilts the favour to the other side.

There is a reason why we dont use swords and spears.
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