TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Remember the story of how crossbows easily destroyed elite french knights.

Military technology advances at a pace where even your elite warriors can easily lose to a peasant.

Ufc fighter Khabib we all know face to face we cant fight the man. Lets tilt the favour with us using guns. You will win thanks to technology.

You see this as dishonorable. Warfare does not care about any kind of code of honour crap.


17 1,707


kenan evren : Siyaset yapmanın ölçüsü var mıdır yok mudur, yakında öğreneceklerdir. Samimi bir şekilde memleket meseleleri ile uğraşmak nedir? İdeolojik mücadele, bölücülük, anarşistlik nedir? Bunlar arasındaki fark nedir? Bunları da öğreneceklerdir !

kenan evren : Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne yön veren temel ilkelerden biri laikliktir. İrtica ve komünizmin aynı derecede tehlikeli olduğunu söylediğim doğrudur. Zira gerek irticanın gerek komünizmin amacı; temel insan hak ve hürriyetlerine saygı esasına dayalı, laik ve demokratik parlamenter sistemi ortadan kaldırmaktır. Bunlar söz konusu amaca öylesine bağlıdırlar ki yakın geçmişte aralarında ittifaklar oluşturabildiklerini dahi görmüşüzdür.


ismail hakkı karadayı : Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, çağdaş, laik ve her türlü bağnazlık ve gericiliğin karşısında bulunan sarsılmaz bir güçtür


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You and every keko with that insufferable haircut. You wouldn't think that way if your sister was attending one of these universities.
this is the revenge of AKP Islam government from youth. they will be dead in next 10 years this country will remain for us and our REVANGE against Islam will be absolute there wont be any middle ground when we come to power

ulan amk what do you thing university campus is ??? group sex party ???? and what make you think those girls will even look at you ??



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Hope the people like cyanide with their water in the Euphrates, AKP opened the Erzincan mine again and it collapsed, despite the people telling them not to.

Fun fact, the company operating it is 80% Canadian.

Colonized as fuck

Erzincan voted AKP 72%

This person says fox says the royalties are 2% for the government, company gets the rest


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This person says fox says the royalties are 2% for the government, company gets the rest

2% is still a lot if you want to fill up your pockets.

Then again its easy to rip off the government.

Some said the cyanide poisoning could reach chernobyl levels if nothing is done about it.


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2% is still a lot if you want to fill up your pockets.

Then again its easy to rip off the government.

Some said the cyanide poisoning could reach chernobyl levels if nothing is done about it.

If it's real, 2% is low enough to think the company also gives kick backs to members of government to secure the contract

It's like getting ton of gold for every forty nine the company gets


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I take any statistics put on the internet with a pinch of salt. I used that map to visualize the differences between nations like Türkiye and Israel in comparison to the rest of the middle east.

Why is it always people from a certain bunch of countries who flee westwards, rape, kill and steal in the country which gave them refugee? Why do they leave their sh*tholes and then preach Islam and attempt to convert others to their religion? If their religion was so good, why are all their nations in ruins? All they can do is blame external forces, never themselves.

These people aren't only going to be a problem for Türkiye, but for Europe and beyond. They're a ticking time bomb.

Whatever the cognitive ability/development is on average for some country in reality (compared to IQ which is just one marker and IQ studies which have flaws in even this limited approach)....there will always be meatheads in sufficient number even in the wealthiest/developed there are meathead ideologies like marxism and extreme conservatism and all its current and post-modern iterations (that simply do not intersect with the borders of the country and its political framework consensus).

So meatheads in country A tend to want meatheads from other countries to enter and skip the line etc....there is lot of meathead ideology in the end that must "prevail" no matter the cost on the non-meatheads that actually build, sustain and contribute to the country (signing up for the military is one such easy analysis to do on this).

Every country in world needs to have solid migration policy (for controlled legal immigrants, vetting screening naturalisation process etc) and strong policy on illegal immigration. War zone refugees is a tough one to balance in transient situation, but it needs to be fair (once the war is over, they need to return).

I personally take dim view of young males welfare shopping that are from "war zones", why are they here trying to freeload off taxpayers, when they should have stuck to fighthing back in own country to bring war to a close so peace and stability might start again. i.e they are not true fans of their own country, why would they be true fans of yours? Then there are huge numbers not even from war zones in first place, not even that flimsy pretext is there.....just pure economic compulsions to skip the line. Those that want to help other countries can do so within those countries as first basis rather than incentivise short cut illegal stuff (all to undermine own country for their feel good).

If there is a big slip up on all of this (this is common sense stuff known a very long time), it means meatheads have infiltrated enough places of power. The onus is on the larger country to recognise and correct this.


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Guys I wanted to ask about Kavali Mehmet Ali Pasha.

How do most Turks see him?

Postive, Negative or Neutral?

Is he ever taught in Turkish history class?

My views of him are mainly neutral its easy brandish him a traitor but at the same time you can understand why he did it what his own motives were.

People think it was Ottomans vs Egyptians while in reality it was basically Ottomans vs Ottomans. You can basically say a civil war in the empire.

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