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Bonnie Triyana of Historia will be DPR RI member replacing Tia Rahmania from the same electoral district after she ousted by PDIP for criticizing vice chairman of KPK too harsh.

Kayak gini bahas sejarah, geopolitik, pertahanan bakal nyambung. Komisi 1 ini udah.


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Bila merujuk pada drone copter yang digunakan pada misi intai di Papua, maka Korps Marinir menggunakan tipe drone DJI Enterprise Matrice 350 RTK dan DJI Enterprise Matrice 30 Series. Meski kedua drone DJI ini adalah drone sipil, tapi keduanya punya payload yang cukup untuk meluncurkan amunisi ringan, yang bila dicermati konsepnya jamak digunakan dalam perang di Ukraina.

Seperti DJI Enterprise Matrice 350 RTK, drone ini mampu membaw payload hingga 2,7 kg. Sementara DJI Enterprise Matrice 30 Series, merupakan drone copter berukuran mini namun dikenal sebagai drone tangguh, karena drone ini dapat dioperasikan bahkan di saat kondisi cuaca ekstrem sekalipun seperti hujan berat maupun bersalju. Kaki-kaki drone pun dapat dilipat, sehingga lebih mudah untuk diletakkan pada tas khusus saat di bawa ke mana saja. Bobotnya sekitar 3,7 kilogram dan sangat cocok untuk penggunaan di sektor enterprise.



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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesian Minister of Defense and President-elect Prabowo Subianto has expressed deep concern over the escalating geopolitical tensions worldwide, fueled by conflicts in various regions. He warned that these tensions pose a significant threat to world peace and stability.

"There is a pressing crisis in a distant corner of the world that has profound implications for the entire planet," he said in a working meeting with Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) as monitored from YouTube TV Parliament on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

He revealed that he had received intelligence from international defense experts suggesting the possibility of a World War III. He cautioned that such a conflict could escalate into a devastating nuclear exchange.

Amidst this looming threat, Prabowo expressed gratitude for Indonesia's steadfast commitment to its non-aligned foreign policy. He noted that this stance enables Indonesia to remain neutral and avoid involvement in such destructive conflicts.

"Thank God, Indonesia's tradition of non-alignment is a cornerstone of our foreign policy," he stated.

However, Prabowo recognized the need for Indonesia to maintain a robust defense posture to mitigate the potential consequences of a nuclear war. He emphasized that even if Indonesia remains uninvolved in direct hostilities, the impact of such a conflict could be felt domestically.

"Even if we are not directly involved in a global nuclear war, I think we will experience a severe impact," he stated.

Therefore, he expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the DPR Commission I for their support of the Ministry of Defense in its mission to safeguard the nation from all threats. He commended the ratification of the Defense Cooperation Bill with five countries.

"We are heading towards the full ratification of the Defense Cooperation Bill with five nations," he announced. These countries include India, France, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, and Cambodia.

According to Prabowo, defense cooperation with these five nations is necessary, particularly with India and France, both of which possess nuclear weapons.

Gak mungkin sih dapet nuclear umbrella treaty.

Gak harus Prancis ma India, asal mau ote ote signifikan boleh digaet biar tambah dekat lagi, kek Turki.


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Bila merujuk pada drone copter yang digunakan pada misi intai di Papua, maka Korps Marinir menggunakan tipe drone DJI Enterprise Matrice 350 RTK dan DJI Enterprise Matrice 30 Series. Meski kedua drone DJI ini adalah drone sipil, tapi keduanya punya payload yang cukup untuk meluncurkan amunisi ringan, yang bila dicermati konsepnya jamak digunakan dalam perang di Ukraina.

Seperti DJI Enterprise Matrice 350 RTK, drone ini mampu membaw payload hingga 2,7 kg. Sementara DJI Enterprise Matrice 30 Series, merupakan drone copter berukuran mini namun dikenal sebagai drone tangguh, karena drone ini dapat dioperasikan bahkan di saat kondisi cuaca ekstrem sekalipun seperti hujan berat maupun bersalju. Kaki-kaki drone pun dapat dilipat, sehingga lebih mudah untuk diletakkan pada tas khusus saat di bawa ke mana saja. Bobotnya sekitar 3,7 kilogram dan sangat cocok untuk penggunaan di sektor enterprise.

selama ini kita pikir drone sipil/ dalam hal ini DJI rentan dari sistem jamming militer, ternyata tidak. Bahkan drone DJI jadi backbonenya UA, terutama untuk surveilence bahkan Baba Yaganya UA mirip sama Agras 20 DJI.. kebayang, Agras 20 dimodif, bisa bawa 20 kg peledak

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