TR Politics


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Yesterday Hakan Fidan invited Cemaat to join their ranks; I think they have made a deal with their new leadership. PKK and Gladio have always been intertwined. Western intelligence communities have always pushed for what later came to be known as Çözüm Süreci, maybe as part of their grand design for Middle East. AKP tried very meagerly to severe from them either in purely aesthetic terms or maybe in an honest but weak manner, but the results must have been traumatic enough for them to convince them to reconcile again, probably taking guarantees about their power not being challenged by the Western institutions either within or without the country (i.e. via opposition & finance and media institutions respectively).

In short, AKP is trying to turn back to the pre-2013 years as they think that was the source of the security of their power and the state of the economy; for that to become a reality the intelligence communities have forced them to sort out this PKK thing, effectively not challenging a YPG state, and their later inevitable swallowing of KRG (to be united with the Iranian Kurdistan later, and then...?) Probably PKK will just claim to merge with YPG (and this will be announced as a victory by the ruling coalition) only to effectively hold their ground in ways that matter. This is also a great tool for the Western intelligentsia who are careerists but also have some genuine liberal ideals to be convinced of the "New Liberal Turkey", promoting an organic reconciliation of Western institutions with the Islamists, as the status quo was before 2013.

For me to falsify this scenario I will need input from certain media organizations in the west, esp. those promoting Israel's interests. If despite the superficial rhetoric used both by our government and theirs, those institutions endorse these moves, then the rhetoric is truly the exact opposite of what is being talked behind closed doors. This is what I suspect is going on, but I'm about 40% sure. The remaining 60% is divided between other alternative scenarios, none reaching a plurality for now.


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I didn't believe there is something in the work until I saw Bahceli's traitorous statements. There's no logic in it.

All this shit shouldn't be viewed separately from the changes in the constitution theme of talk. All this is a coordinated process in which they will try to abolish the foundations and principles over which the Republic of Turkiye and the Turkish Nation are established.

When did the Turkish Nation or the MHP, AKP voters required from their representatives in the Parliament that Ocalan should talk in this holy place? After they let down the people on so many instances regarding so many topics it is now clear that they do not represent even their radical voters!

Another important point I want to make. Do you really think that Ocalan is controlling PKK? Ocalan is an idol for the simple mind, but currently he does not possess any power over the PKK itself. His opponents like Cemil Bayik are in the leading position and he has very different views on how PKK should develop. If you think that by Ocalan saying "drop your arms and surrender to the Turkish State" the terrorists in Qandil, Hakurk and in Syria will drop their arms and surrender, I don't have anything to say as I will most probably hurt your feelings.

Processes, negotiations, softening of the tone? No! We can only talk about unconditional surrender and cessation of the activities of the PKK's all military and political branches, NGOs and other type of official and non-official organizations. Unconditional!

What did Ocalan said to Atilla Ugur?

"America's whole issue is to turn Barzani and Talabani into a State. Their real prince is Barzani, just like Israel's prince. Talabani and Barzani are pawns. Now, after my situation, America's biggest investment will be in them and the threat to Turkiye will grow even bigger in my opinion. I am ready to serve to thwart their games, I can direct the organization against them in a way you deem appropriate."

If you thought on using this piece of shit, why didn't you use him before there was need to launch our cross-border operations in Iraq and Syria? Why didn't you use him before the US established an army of tens of thousands of terrorists on our southern border? Why didn't you use him before Iran intensify its support for them and before the Syrianizing project including the intervention towards the merger of Talabani's and Ferhat Abdi Sahin's political initiatives?

No matter if the ruling coalition or its opposition I only see shitshow after shitshow being formed and what we are happy and smile about is only the following actions aiming at damage control and desperate moves preventing a total catastrophe. This is explanatory enough for the state in which Turkish politics currently is moving (backwards).


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Yesterday Hakan Fidan invited Cemaat to join their ranks; I think they have made a deal with their new leadership. PKK and Gladio have always been intertwined. Western intelligence communities have always pushed for what later came to be known as Çözüm Süreci, maybe as part of their grand design for Middle East. AKP tried very meagerly to severe from them either in purely aesthetic terms or maybe in an honest but weak manner, but the results must have been traumatic enough for them to convince them to reconcile again, probably taking guarantees about their power not being challenged by the Western institutions either within or without the country (i.e. via opposition & finance and media institutions respectively).

In short, AKP is trying to turn back to the pre-2013 years as they think that was the source of the security of their power and the state of the economy; for that to become a reality the intelligence communities have forced them to sort out this PKK thing, effectively not challenging a YPG state, and their later inevitable swallowing of KRG (to be united with the Iranian Kurdistan later, and then...?) Probably PKK will just claim to merge with YPG (and this will be announced as a victory by the ruling coalition) only to effectively hold their ground in ways that matter. This is also a great tool for the Western intelligentsia who are careerists but also have some genuine liberal ideals to be convinced of the "New Liberal Turkey", promoting an organic reconciliation of Western institutions with the Islamists, as the status quo was before 2013.

For me to falsify this scenario I will need input from certain media organizations in the west, esp. those promoting Israel's interests. If despite the superficial rhetoric used both by our government and theirs, those institutions endorse these moves, then the rhetoric is truly the exact opposite of what is being talked behind closed doors. This is what I suspect is going on, but I'm about 40% sure. The remaining 60% is divided between other alternative scenarios, none reaching a plurality for now.
I think the talks with Scholtz and also the Iranian MoFA visit is also part of these negotiations.


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AKP-CHP-MHP are working in synch, because the shitshow that is running is to smooth, their speeches, their actions this is odd.

The whole scenario makes no f*cking sense, i opened social media today saw all the staments from the different parties and was like wtf am i dreaming? This whole shitshow makes no sense, the claims by Bahceli are beyond hilarious if someone believes the PKK/YPG will surrender because that bastard OCalan said so then you are out of your mind. Then Özgür Özel taking that statement and literally adding his approval and support...


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Can we get some different perspectives about the current situation in hand? For example from pro Cumhur ittifaki members like @Zafer and others on how they’re feeling right now? If my memory serves correctly there were lots of name calling and labeling during the election cycle against millet ittifaki


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Btw my post might be read as meaning that the ruling coalition wants to avoid the chaos by uniting different factions; this is not what I mean, I think they predict a chaotic situation (maybe even fanning it?) and they are preparing to use it as an excuse to implement unpopular measures.
I read it the way you meant to, trust me because that’s what they’ve been doing for the last two decades. Fear mongering, accusations, create political upheaval to use for their own benefit.
So, yeah, you’re right. That’s nothing new.


17 1,712

mansur yavaş give negative reactions while imamson supported bahçeli


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AKP-CHP-MHP are working in synch, because the shitshow that is running is to smooth, their speeches, their actions this is odd.

The whole scenario makes no f*cking sense, i opened social media today saw all the staments from the different parties and was like wtf am i dreaming? This whole shitshow makes no sense, the claims by Bahceli are beyond hilarious if someone believes the PKK/YPG will surrender because that bastard OCalan said so then you are out of your mind. Then Özgür Özel taking that statement and literally adding his approval and support...
These guys are proud to be a Turkiyeli. Yes, Turkiyeli!

After they tried to abolish Turkishness (Turkluk), introduced this "genial invention", touched upon a federation system, changed the ruling system and created the basis for a demographic catastrophe trough the refugee crisis, which will cost the country its Turkish identity in favor for a multi-cultural mess, now they are in the final preparations for a constitutional change which will validate all their positions and thesis. They think that by doing what they are doing they will be the white pigeons of peace uniting everyone, but they will fail miserably.

This is no longer a talk about discrimination based on ethnic or religious beliefs, this is no longer a talk about oppression or lack of rights, but this is a talk on externally supported actors who try everything possible to create imaginary problems and solutions to these problems in order to weaken the State, so they can rape the sovereignty of the Republic of Turkiye.

There is a reason why Mustafa Kemal ATATURK decided to found the country and unite the Nation based on the known foundational principles. Yes, the constitution is not an eternal thing, the State together with the world is transforming itself and appropriate reforms might be done, but what they are trying to do is totally different. The whole political system is infiltrated.

"I am the herd, I am the shepherd and the wolf is again me!"


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When I was in Hakkari, there was a saying I heard from a Kurdish poet: Osman's game and Zeydan's lamb never end. By Osman he meant Turks. Zeydan was already the dominant tribe there. By lamb he meant the Kurds.
Now Osman has opened a new game. Ozgur Özel has fallen straight into the trap.

Now I ask, is it better for Abdullah Öcalan to die in Turkey? Or abroad in France or Germany?

If you see Devlet Bahceli as a party leader, you will make a mistake.


17 5,186
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These guys are proud to be a Turkiyeli. Yes, Turkiyeli!

After they tried to abolish Turkishness (Turkluk), introduced this "genial invention", touched upon a federation system, changed the ruling system and created the basis for a demographic catastrophe trough the refugee crisis, which will cost the country its Turkish identity in favor for a multi-cultural mess, now they are in the final preparations for a constitutional change which will validate all their positions and thesis. They think that by doing what they are doing they will be the white pigeons of peace uniting everyone, but they will fail miserably.

This is no longer a talk about discrimination based on ethnic or religious beliefs, this is no longer a talk about oppression or lack of rights, but this is a talk on externally supported actors who try everything possible to create imaginary problems and solutions to these problems in order to weaken the State, so they can rape the sovereignty of the Republic of Turkiye.

There is a reason why Mustafa Kemal ATATURK decided to found the country and unite the Nation based on the known foundational principles. Yes, the constitution is not an eternal thing, the State together with the world is transforming itself and appropriate reforms might be done, but what they are trying to do is totally different. The whole political system is infiltrated.

"I am the herd, I am the shepherd and the wolf is again me!"
The castle is unfortuntely crumbling from the inside.

If the people don't wake up and protest, if the military doesn't stop them from changing the constitution then this will lead to chaos and further could lead to a civil war.


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Ok if this is how they're going to justify it, even a good portion of AKP-MHP base will find it childish, unless something happens which will make the justification work on some level. Islamists and nationalists are generally dimwits, so you'd fully expect them to make a bad calculation but even then they've been preparing and coordinating this for some time now and they know they're swimming against the current of political climate. The political climate couldn't be more different than the first çözüm süreci.

Case in point, here's the first comment:


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I think very differently from Cem Gürdeniz on most issues but he's extremely erudite and smart. His two books are in my top 50 favorite books of all time, which is quite impressive as I don't agree with almost any of the main arguments. But he has been singing the praises of our BRICS application, meaning that he took it seriously. He should've been asking himself how can one square that circle, considering the rest of the picture?


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When I was in Hakkari, there was a saying I heard from a Kurdish poet: Osman's game and Zeydan's lamb never end. By Osman he meant Turk. Zeydan was already the dominant tribe there. By lamb he meant the Kurds.
Now Osman has opened a new game. Ozgur Özel has fallen straight into the trap.

Now I ask, is it better for Abdullah Öcalan to die in Turkey? Or abroad in France or Germany?

If you see Devlet Bahceli as a party leader, you will make a mistake.


15 1,624
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I think very differently from Cem Gürdeniz on most issues but he's extremely erudite and smart. His two books are in my top 50 favorite books of all time, which is quite impressive as I don't agree with almost any of the main arguments. But he has been singing the praises of our BRICS application, meaning that he took it seriously. He should've been asking himself how can one square that circle, considering the rest of the picture?
I respect Admiral Gürdeniz immensely, but he has damaged my trust in him by sugesting Russian naval base in Cyprus.


Think Tank Analyst
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When I was in Hakkari, there was a saying I heard from a Kurdish poet: Osman's game and Zeydan's lamb never end. By Osman he meant Turk. Zeydan was already the dominant tribe there. By lamb he meant the Kurds.
Now Osman has opened a new game. Ozgur Özel has fallen straight into the trap.

Now I ask, is it better for Abdullah Öcalan to die in Turkey? Or abroad in France or Germany?

If you see Devlet Bahceli as a party leader, you will make a mistake.
What people call Derin Devlet have mostly been American puppets. So yeah he's more than a party leader, probably the top 3 of the Derin Devlet, but still only a puppet in the big picture. These same irrelevant people have unwittingly helped U.S. establish two Kurdish states right on our border, their capitalists have helped one of these states prosper when they could be stifled and destabilized to change ethnic makeup under more astute political actors. They have agreed to Finland and Sweden accession without being able to gain any concessions, and are bankrolling Israel's genocide through their main gas pipeline while propagandizing simpletons to the contrary. Greek coast guard violate our mainland, Eastern med maximalism of Greece has been unchallenged since 2021, etc.

These are low-educated, stupid puppets, nothing more. I'm not against playing these games, but principled and highly-educated people should be playing them not rustic hustlers.


17 1,712

İstanbul Barosu'nda PKK halayı!


İbrahim Kaboğlu who pavying the legal path for changing the first 4 item of constitutions and always defend PKK


i will rewrite short version of my old post about PKK organization

1) finance : this is the branch that gather money for PKK which made of 2 branch legal illegal. legal branch are made of legitimate bussineses made and some time used for money laundering. illegal branch are those who control drug dealers prostitutes and protection money . they hide their true identity

2) intelligence : this branch is provide by foreign country's secret services

3) think tank : this is the branch that prepare plans for PKK made of academia and people on powerful positions, from doctors to lawyers to engineers to university professors historians sociologist etc. İbrahim Kaboğlu Şebnem Korur Fincancı are few of them. they hide their true identity

4) core member : these are the most trusted and oldest member they receive money from finance branch intelligence from western countries and plans from think tank then choose the best path then send the money plan and intelligence to execution branch to be executed

5) execution (icra) : these are the people whom their faces are know to all of us and their duty to execute the PKK plans made of 2 branches legal and illegal. the illegals are PKK terrorist in the mountains . the legal are from HDP members of parliament to actors to singers who victimized PKK and start psychological war on people to those who made movies song and documentaries for PKK and against Turkish state and Turkish identity. aynur doğan who singe for PKK and can dundar who made documentary against Ataturk and show him a drunk kafir and eren erdem who defended them are few people in legal execution branch


from left to right : mehmet baransu, şebnem korur fincancı,İbrahim Kaboğlu think tank of PKK who revealed their true color​


the picture above is mehmet baransu with bagged full of forige documentry who started ergenekon and balyoz kumpas trails and become a PKK terrorist who killed more turkish generals then PKK and ASALA combine


şebnem korur fincancı who was head of berö of health he was called as health expert to ergenekon and balyoz kompas trail and althogh the evidence show adil serdar saçan head of combating orginazed crime didnt done any toucher who give false testemoney that he did hence leave 10-9 years old girls to be gangraped in the pedephil tarikat of adnan oktar. later she said TSK use chemical weapons in afrin in order to blackend the name of the army


İbrahim Kaboğlu head of istanbul law berö perparing pkk lawyers and secretly gave law idea for PKK against Turkish police and army



firat sari PKK terrorist doctor who was arrested in old turkey and in Erdogan's new turkey during çozüm süreci allowed to return to medicine he is famously scamming as much money as possible for PKK and killing Turkish babies​
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