Reverse engineering by copying, never gives good results. The material science used by you and the original will always be different. Therefore you will always hit snags. There could be certain fine critical points that may help design your own equipment. But that is where reverse engineering should stop. It is always best to design and produce your own.
I fully agree to you. If we go by the Meteor example, let's say you examined the Meteor Missile in 24 hours. The problems starts after that.
Especially those with very tight tolerances and requiring long periods of trial and error to integrate into the system, will often be extremely costly. In the Meteor example, this part should be solid-fuel ramjet.
Therefore, instead of copying directly, after understanding the main ideas in the Meteor missile, it is often cost-effective to produce a similar missile
from scratch with your own interpretation and techniques suitable for your own infrastructure.
This is probably why we chose nanoparticle Boron doped gel technology for the Gökhan Missile, because we already have expertise on Boron.