The guessed number is probably for the jets + training, I expect another 1-2B in armaments. At the end when all is said and done the sum will probably be around 8-9B. We will also have to pay a good sum if they agree to integrate our Missiles and Bombs.
There are rumours going around (not sure how credible) that TurAF wants a couple T1 for training purposes.
We also still haven't signd the official letter for procurement for the F-16? No? Would not suprise me if we see some news regarding the F-16 and F-35 in the near future (summer)
re: Typhoon
Correct line of thought.
Logical to train pilots on cheap T1 especially if we can get twin seats.
re: F16V70
We have already paid the initial down payment.
No one would pay that unless there is a signed contract.
It is up to the US to go back on their words. From our point of view it should be a signed, sealed deal.
re: F35
If they let us have the planes we paid for; great! Bring them up to may be a squadron strength. Then drag your feet for the rest. Hopefully, by the time they are due, KAAN is in inventory.