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  1. BalkanTurk90

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Hürjet is ready just need to mass produce it , And we have T-38 Talon around 60 and cf-5 some 15 so we need 80 hürjets which can be produced for 2-3 years
  2. BalkanTurk90

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    they still can be crashed and killing people in land bro , we need just replace all of them with hürjet ,old trainers and those stars f5
  3. BalkanTurk90

    TR Propulsion Systems

    Warships needs huge power so Batu is for generators ,I hope Turkiye will put Tf 35000 as soon possible in warships and get rid of LM 2500 engines . Desteoyers needs 100 000 SHP power in total .
  4. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aircraft Carrier and Amphibious Ship Programs

    Yes in future Turkiye needs to buipd naval KAAN perhaps smaller at 17 meter but should be air superiority fighter and steath. Aslo Air force needs to build after 2040 to replace f16V a single engine Kaan , smaller and cheaper like Russia did or USA with multirole f35 .
  5. BalkanTurk90

    TR Air Defence Programs

    When u say anti-drone , u mean anti jamming ? Then Turkiye already have good anti drone jamming systems . About Anti drone Sams like korkut we have little like 40 , but we have alot of oerlikon 35mm (120) and some (400) 20mm that Turkey have been upgrading them with radar but how good they work...
  6. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    So this test is for Atmaca that is in warships but for securitu they test it from land ?! This is not kara Atmaca ,right?
  7. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    As i know kara is land lunched and is heavier and needs ktj 3700 bigger engine , it has bigger warhead
  8. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Didnt they test this before and tj 3200 was in mass production ? or i am mixing with SOM test ?
  9. BalkanTurk90

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I dont think so , NATO article 5 say that countries that are part of NATO and if they are attacked in their land unprovocked can be defended by whole NATO , not PM in another country that is in war 🤦‍♂️
  10. BalkanTurk90

    TR Economy & Updates

    Bro do u really think i am gonna read all of this ? 😂 When i even laze to go to bathroom to pee 😂 So pls u can write summary short about Turkish economy
  11. BalkanTurk90

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    I hope they aslo adds some protection at tracks so will look better and protected
  12. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Bro do u know that USA operate 2 most important bases in Turkiye ?🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Incirlik nuke base and Kürecik Radar bases , both are vital for USA and mostly for israel at least the radar base . So thats why they give us 1 or 2 subsystems but not because they like us and want us to be strong .
  13. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    I think you misunderstand what i mean , S korea have 0 problems with Usa thats why can easy get tech and other weapons as it wants and habe big same opponent (China) This make them to raly on USA weapons easy and dont mind because they have 0 problems with each other , its like Azerbaijan with...
  14. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Bro take it easy , there is no need for big brain to understand that USA want u to develop 5 gen and can give u the tech even free since u are allies agaist china , same with Taiwan . And both of US and S korea have big 00000 problems with each other the complete opposite with Turkiye which US...
  15. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    perhaps they put Japan and it is really a country that should put at top 5 . S korea did the aircfraft with alot of help from US so its out but if succes to do itself will be top 6 i belive for 15 years at least 10 countries will build 5 gen fighter
  16. BalkanTurk90

    TR Naval Programs

    Does Turkiye aslo have or has been worked on the tech that can lunch missiles from underwater from submarines? I never heard about such projects but its so important about submatines capabilities like Milden . Any idea? And is this tech hard to achive ? Since even N Korea lunch missiles from...
  17. BalkanTurk90

    TR Navy Turkish Navy|News & Discussions

    Aslo projecting power far away is part of protecting your country and intetests 🤦‍♂️
  18. BalkanTurk90

    TR Navy Turkish Navy|News & Discussions

    We need AC , not 1 but 2 so i support if UK want to sell it its new and we can build another one ourself . We need 2 AC 2 LHD (anadolu like) and 12 Tf 2000 and 12 Frigates to protect our Vatan , and Goverment to want fuxckiing buy 40 billion $ useless 40 f16 aircrafts and parts from USA which...
  19. BalkanTurk90

    TR Economy & Updates

    Thats only for Istanbul or even in other cities ?? In istanbul its normal when have so many people and emigrants just like im london . Then thats 5x increase its aslo bacause of lira just like with other products and servives . We should compare it with other countries: - London / 2200 pound...
  20. BalkanTurk90

    TR Naval Programs

    bro Cenk perhaps has a diameter of 1+ meter , so its impossible , only if they design VLS deliberately for CENK like N korea did in submarine and place few of them like 5 or 6 .

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