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  1. mulj

    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    So, this is newest lame excuze in order to maintain low cold relations with Turkey. Now i am thinking that usa will probably stop selling engines for Hurjet program once you need them for mass production just to screw it, if i am planer i would incorporate precaution measeures in program that...
  2. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    Simply, you would be less affected by usd lira ratio.
  3. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    Bro, Rome is not built overnight.
  4. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    this is what smart people tells
  5. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    @tornadoss you can laugh all you want but this is quite realistic scenario, check the situation in last couple of months in retail stores.
  6. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    There are big chances that Erdogan would be praised for his long foresight as the USA supply chain is on verge of collapse which will cause hyperinflation.
  7. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    Sure, still you decrease import export ratio steadily, i understand what you are implying but that is more related for net profit ratio.
  8. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    It is obvious that something is fishy and not normal behind lira drop, it is not normal for lira to be this weak when your export figures are all times high with stable and diverse production chaines.
  9. mulj

    TR Economy & Updates

    Currency depreciason is only problem for first world economies, for Turkey at the moment not that much. Otherwise you can control it in certain extemt with supporting companies which are do not bussiness in usd primarely, do not buy fairy detegent for example and so on.
  10. mulj

    Somalia|News & Discussions

    can someone with more insight could tell how would this Ethiopia war with TDF on wining side, impact on Somalia affairs?
  11. mulj

    TR Politics

    lets face it. that is just small part of never ending east west conflict, pick a side.
  12. mulj

    TR Air Defence Programs

    good news, it seems Siper is on fast track
  13. mulj

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    So, he admits they are basically screwed. Otherwise i have to say that russians reacted rather quickly after ukraina showed of their new asimetric capabilities via tb2 drones, denying opportunity to them playing atrition game with separatists.
  14. mulj

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Turkey done its deeds in Ukraine and it is unreasonable to assume that wil involve further. West has that kind of obligation towards it, as much as it is sad to say in realpolitic terms and aspirations this conflict suits Turkey geopolitic interests but can not act as solo player by any means.
  15. mulj

    Casual Discussion Football: Juan Roman Riquelme: on & off the pitch

    he was good but slow as snail.
  16. mulj

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    that should not be questionable at all, they will be and you should put it in equation without any doubts. which is rather disadvantage for the wholesome project. cross fingers for speedy work on domestic propulsion systems.
  17. mulj

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Hurjet will be new hot thing for exports by TDI, hope that once all tests and procedures are conducted that there will be sufficient production capacities also ready .
  18. mulj

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Turkey should monitor situation closely, if this intensification of conflict continues to grow and emerge in full blown war between Ukraine and separatists, that would be perfect opportunity to fulfill its own goals in Syria, as i really doubt that Russia could handle two hot situations...
  19. mulj

    World Energy Market

    it will be worse with this rush towards to the electric cars, so that will add another burden to the current systems, i simply do not see how they will make it balanced with so many ecological issues raised by EU and woke voters base. it blows mind how they did discarded coal generated power...
  20. mulj

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    if there is opportunity connect Nakhchivan with mainland and finish this conflict once for all.

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