These girls are like clones.
Bu gerizekalilar amerikanlarin sjwlarin gerzek ideolojisini getiriyorlar.
Gece gunduz white male ve hristiyan onlara gece gunduz kufur ederler.
Ama gerizekalilar unutuyorlar Kurtlerde ve Araplarda cogu Sunni ama bi laf soylemezler cunku hepsi Turk dusmani.
Bunlara gore Turksen. Ermeni, Yunanlilar, Kurterleri ve Araplari eziyetediyorsun ve Sunni sen Alevileri ve Hristiyanlari eziyet ediyorsun.
Tam bi timarhane.
Unhealthy pale skin, check
Holier than thou attitude, check
That friggin glasses, check
That haircut, check (they used to shave one side, something about looking rebellious)
Obsession with being opressed by male authority, check (daddy issues)
They are the epitome of the term useful idiots. They distibute bulletins, lure horny freshmen into far-left groups, do drugs and constitute soft harems for kurdish separatists with Behzat Ç beards. Only upside of this certain demographic is they are wild in bed.
How would you know you may ask? ODTÜ represent. I can't count the times I pretended to listen these types while they ramble on about feminist empowerment or some other BS only to discover they like really, really rough stuff. "Yeah Öykü, spinoza had a point there..."