Good atmosphere in Australia a lot of our so called football matches are garbage in atmosphere.
Literally went to a few games I even want to Real Madrid in 2015 it was dead the atmosphere.
tbh its same thing here in Canada overall. Soccer (as we call it) just isn't that popular in the national consciousness.
No real enthusiasm. (Ice) Hockey rules the roost here and basketball + baseball are super popular in the States as well.
"Football" here to begin with refers to NFL/CFL, entirely different ball game. Its loosely like rugby but you can throw forward etc heh. I actually got into it for a while, till I lost interest in more recent years.
In Australia though, I remember my Aussie friend saying its really "footy" (Aussie rules), cricket and rugby that are most popular spectator sports overall with devoted fanbases.
We had a good Aussie teacher in our school in Singapore that made aussie rules popular when I was there (he ran and extra-curricular for it).
So no surprise that soccer is pretty boring atmosphere in comparison, probably something similar to the overall atmosphere here till Groundskeeper Willy spices things up finally lol:
In fact I often use that line whenever Soccer does manage to come up here this side of the pond lol.
Ack you call this a soccer riot? C'mon bois, lets take em to skooool. OI OI OI