TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Apparently it chased dolphins and ended up beaching itself which led to its death. Sounds like Orca behaviour, I don't think a Sperm whale would chase dolphins. But everything else points to it being a sperm whale. Maybe it was a rogue sperm whale which was driven to madness because it was isolated. Just my guess.

When you think about how small ships were back then, this thing was truly a sea monster to them.

It sucks we cant get any accurate stuff from the past because its a mix of myths, legends and superstition.


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Whats interesting the reporting of bull sharks swimming in the Euphrates and tigris river dates back to the 1200s.

Many people actually dismissed it as a myth until it became true.

Bull sharks do actually swim in these rivers.


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Great White Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks along with the Oceanic White Tip Shark.

Are actually considered the most dangerous.

If anybody seen videos of Oceanic White tips just watch how quickly they get agressive.

Everytime ships sank the Oceanic White tip was there.


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Apparently it chased dolphins and ended up beaching itself which led to its death. Sounds like Orca behaviour, I don't think a Sperm whale would chase dolphins. But everything else points to it being a sperm whale. Maybe it was a rogue sperm whale which was driven to madness because it was isolated. Just my guess.

When you think about how small ships were back then, this thing was truly a sea monster to them.

Sperm whales and Orca have the capability to kill a human being.

Good thing they dont.

Imagine if the Whale Sharks were predators themselves. We are screwed lol

Orcas are such intelligent animals look how the pod worked together to escape humans from capturing their young.

Fuzuli NL

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Sperm whales and Orca have the capability to kill a human being.

Good thing they dont.

Imagine if the Whale Sharks were predators themselves. We are screwed lol

Orcas are such intelligent animals look how the pod worked together to escape humans from capturing their young.
Man! That was hard to watch.


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The only radio station I listen to.


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Televizyonlarda gosterilen yerler genelde sehrin gobeginde yer alan merkez mahalleler.

Biraz disarida kalan mahallelerde durum daha kotu, ama cok gosterilmedi.

Koyler vs daha vahim, telefon cekmedigi icin ancak helikopterle ulasilip haber aliniyor.


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Something's cooking

The evacuation of Syrians from the disaster area is served provocatively by a pkk media outlet and then hundreds of trolls start spreading this news.
Another example, this is an incident in Pendik Cemevi. In this incident, it is being sharing by many social media users that the Turkish state is targeted the Alevis. In fact, the incident is very different, in fact, according to the Head of Yesevi Bektashi Oguz Ocakları, was an incident caused by a fight between two individuals.

When these small-scale disinformative activities and provocations reach a certain intensity and attract the attention of the general public, a series of major provocations will follow. I hope that the relevant authorities will be vigilant enough to see where these small crumbs are going.
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Something's cooking

The evacuation of Syrians from the disaster area is served provocatively by a pkk media outlet and then hundreds of trolls start spreading this news.
Another example, this is an incident in Pendik Cemevi. In this incident, it is being sharing by many social media users that the Turkish state is targeted the Alevis. In fact, the incident is very different, in fact, according to the Head of Yesevi Bektashi Oguz Ocakları, was an incident caused by a fight between two individuals.

When these small-scale disinformative activities and provocations reach a certain intensity and attract the attention of the general public, a series of major provocations will follow. I hope that the relevant authorities will be vigilant enough to see where these small crumbs are going.
And that is why the authorities said that due to the large number of misinformation, social media will be restricted

The amount of fake news ever since the earthquake incident has been unprecedented. The main aim is just to incite hatred and divisions within the Turkish community. Many foreign and local actors are seeing it as a chance to pass on their agenda; PKK, for one, is having a party in social media and god knows how many ppl are being brainwashed


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And that is why the authorities said that due to the large number of misinformation, social media will be restricted

The amount of fake news ever since the earthquake incident has been unprecedented. The main aim is just to incite hatred and divisions within the Turkish community. Many foreign and local actors are seeing it as a chance to pass on their agenda; PKK, for one, is having a party in social media and god knows how many ppl are being brainwashed
Obviously I have a slightly different perspective on this. Of course, disinformation and provocation activities reach an extraordinary intensity in events that cause outrage, such as earthquakes or nationwide protests. Unfortunately, we are not a country with many friends in the world, and there are too many traitors among us.

My observation at this point is that two points should not be overlooked. First of all, due to the political polarization in our country, there are many dissident citizens who are easily manipulated in such post-truth activities. This is something that is often mentioned in the mainstream media, but what is not mentioned in the mainstream media is that these post-truth activities can also be instrumentalized to silence the voices of people who oppose the current government, but who have never carried water to the mill of traitors and whose only concern is to criticize corruption in institutions or wrong policies.

In fact, we should open a thread directly dedicated to social media and psyop, and discuss all this there. Because there is a multi-layered struggle here.


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Obviously I have a slightly different perspective on this. Of course, disinformation and provocation activities reach an extraordinary intensity in events that cause outrage, such as earthquakes or nationwide protests. Unfortunately, we are not a country with many friends in the world, and there are too many traitors among us.

My observation at this point is that two points should not be overlooked. First of all, due to the political polarization in our country, there are many dissident citizens who are easily manipulated in such post-truth activities. This is something that is often mentioned in the mainstream media, but what is not mentioned in the mainstream media is that these post-truth activities can also be instrumentalized to silence the voices of people who oppose the current government, but who have never carried water to the mill of traitors and whose only concern is to criticize corruption in institutions or wrong policies.

In fact, we should open a thread directly dedicated to social media and psyop, and discuss all this there. Because there is a multi-layered struggle here.

Actually, the forum has exactly the kind of thread you're looking for.


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Dün akşam ortak yayınla yapılan afet bölgesine yardım programında, devlet kurumları ve bağlı iştiraklari hariç olmak üzere özel sektör kuruluş ve şahıslarca sanırım 40 milyar tl'ye yakın bir nakdi yardım tutarı taahhüt edildi. Ancak program kısa süre içerisinde bir şirket reklam yayınına dönüştü. Bakın bu tip ulusal ölçekte yardım programlarında şirketlerin isimlerinin zikredilmesiyle ilgili hiç bir problemim yok hatta şirketlerin diğer sektör paydaşlarını teşvik etmesi açısından bence güzel de bir durum.

Ancak dikkatimi çeken şu, X şirket sözüm ona depremin ilk saatlerinde bölgeye ulaşmış ve tüm çalışanlarıyla ve makina parkıyla seferber olmuş hatta 50 milyon 100 milyon ayni ve nakdi yardımda bulunmuş, bu gecenin hatırına da ek '1 milyon tl' ek katkıda bulunmuş muş... Tek tek çetelesini tutmadım ama o 15-30 milyarlık yardımı yapan şirketlerin YK başkanı ya da üyelerince ifade edilen, sanki aynı şirketler bunun 4-5 mislini zaten halihazırda bölgeye ulaştırmışlar gibi bir tablo çizdiler.

Bu şirketler içerisinde gerçekten de bunu yapmış şirketler olabilir, onları tenzih ederim. Ancak çoğunluğu yalan söyledi kardeşim. Bu kadar milleti aptal yerine koymayın. Bu şirketler şimdiye değin bölgeye 60-80 milyar yardım mı yağdırdılar... Hepsi 1 milyon tl taahhüt ile 40 tv kanalında 30'ar saniyelik reklam yaptılar. Şirketleri bu kanallarda aynı anda yayınlanacak bir 30 saniyelik reklam filmi hazırlasa bile maliyeti bunun 40 katı olur. Tabela parasına reklam yaptılar. 150-200 milyon liraya ofis katı satan şirketler 20-30 milyonu bile sesi titreyerek taahhüt etti orasına girmiyorum bile.

Biri çıkıp diyor ki 80 milyon tl tutarında konteyner evleri bölgeye ulaştırıyoruz, birim maliyet hesabı yapıyorsun adamın hesabına göre bir tane konteyner 250000 tl. Öte tarafta bir diyor ki 50 milyon tl tutarında malzeme yolladık. Adam kendi deposundan malı parekende fiyatından bile değil fahiş bir fiyattan fiyatlandırıp bölgeye şu kadar milyon lira yardım yaptık diyor.

Bu gün gelir idaresi sosyal medyada bir açıklama yaptı ve vergilendirmeyle ilgili konuya açıklık getirdi. Yardım tutarları vergiden değil matrahtan düştüğünü açıkladı. Ancak bizim milletimiz bunun da bir çaresini bulmuş gibi, fautarları olabildiğince şişiren şirketler var, bunu önlemek için devlet bir denetim mekanizması geliştirecek mi , şimdilik bilinmez. Sonuç olarak böylesine büyük afette bile birileri bu durumu servetine servet katmak için kullanıyor. Artık ayıptır, günahtır bile diyemiyorum, midem artık kaldırmıyor.

Bakın sosyal medyada şöyle bir arkadaşa denk geldim, kimdir necidir bilmem, ama tam olarak bununla ilgili bir şeyler söylüyor, izleyin:
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Obviously I have a slightly different perspective on this. Of course, disinformation and provocation activities reach an extraordinary intensity in events that cause outrage, such as earthquakes or nationwide protests. Unfortunately, we are not a country with many friends in the world, and there are too many traitors among us.

The forum is full of that people lol....

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