Those of us living in any Western country that is under the yoke of Rainbow-Marxism should read this:
Complex Systems Won't Survive the Competence Crisis
Same story is films and games.
Look at all the games that we cherished as kids.
They got rid of the old developers and replaced them with diversity hence why you see so many videogames failing while the corporate dogs like ea and actvision charge battle passes and season passes.
Not to mention they made it clear that we are not wanted they want new gamers mainly diversity anf the lbgt crowd.
You see many games artik that dont feel in place especially in military shooters where your characters are suppose to be soldiers but instead they are all replaced by clowns, anime and fortnite rainbow skins.
Now they are going after racing games they believe racing games set an awful example in trying to go green also most players are men.
Basically this diversity and woke crap has destroyed western society itself.
Canada is now forcing lbgt classes on kids but Muslims and Christians have now banded together.
The pushback artik is getting bigger dont be surprised if the Western Marxists end up using totalatarian methods in trying to impose their woke crap.
Whoever opposes their bs will now be called extremists or domestic terrorists.