TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

Bilge adam reis

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You have Sean Strickland as your profile pic, no wonder you're writing so much nonsense. You should spend less time on X/Twitter for your mental health.
Strickland told some truth about religion thats probably hurt your feelings, but still facts are facts, because of some people we can't even afford meat while some people live in europe and praising their freedom while wanting their own country to suffer and become a islamic shithole like Iran.

Also my point still stands Islam is a updated hebrew religion for the arabic people.

Fuzuli NL

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arkadaşlar bi sorum var neden bazı gurbetçiler almanya ya da diğer avrupa ülkelerinde yaşayıp özgürlüklerini tadıp Türkiyenin daha az özgür ve kusura bakmayın bok çukuru olmasını destekliyorlar. ekmek olmuş 20 tl et yemeye kalksan cüzdanı bırakıyorsun nasıl bir ülke olduk
Bok çukuruysa ne bekliyorsun? çık git!

Fuzuli NL

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Islam is just a updated hebrew religion this isn't anti islam every prophet, angel entity comes from the hebrew myhtology. Kaaba was a ziggurat that was used to store statues of goddeses and the so called hacca gitmek was also a paganist ritual.
Acting like jews OH ANTI SEMITISM!! whenever muslims do something fucked up and we point on it you guys bring out the islamaphobia card the ones running the country are not christians mate.
All three Abrahamic religions are connected. What's new?
Islamophobia is clear and present. Exhibit A and B! Not a card!

Fuzuli NL

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Sizin gibi almanlara kölelik etmek istemiyorum kardeşim, ya da welfare da yaşamak :D Ordan yaşayıp türkiyenin daha da kötüleşmesini istemek kolay.
Kime kölelik yaptığın belli zaten. Kan bozuksa gerisi boş.

Fuzuli NL

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Yaw türkiyede bile değilsin, kime kölelik yaptığımı söylemezsen namertsin.
Sen Türkiyedeesin, imrenmektense neredeyse gebereceksin.
Almana kölelik yapmakla sucluyorsun kendi g.tünden bile habersiz.
Türkiyedesin ama milyonlarin kutsalina hakaret ediyorsun ona da susmaliyizu öylemi?
Suc sende degil de senin gibilerini muhatap edende.


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So a Kurd burned the Quran in front of a Turkish embassy, then a Lebanese Muslim attacked him with a knife... No Turks involved, but he just had to burn it infront of a Turkish embassy.

This has happened several times now where they do it in front of a Turkish embassy.

Why aren't they burning it in front of a mosque, Saudi or Iranian embassy? Why burn it in front of a secular country's embassy?

They're targeting us because it benefits them. Now the video of this dumbass Lebanese guy who attacked him with a knife is getting shared around as a being a Turk. The goal is to make us indistinguishable from other middle eastern nations, erode Turkish nationalism and replace it with Islamism, and ultimately turn us into the next Iran.

If things continue to go like this, in 10-20 years it won't be Russia or Iran, but it will be Türkiye that will be the West's biggest enemy in Eurasia. We must not fall for their games.

I know a lot of you are Muslims, but we are all well aware about how the West supported Islamists in Türkiye both during the cold war and afterwards as well. You can read up about how they wanted the Kemalist military removed and replaced with a mild Islamist regime that would assist with their regional designs. That's exactly what FETÖ and AKP are.

There's tons of non-Turks who make up the ranks in Tarikats, who constantly insult Ataturk and threaten the constitution. They've been funded by western NGOs, with Saudi support for decades.

Yes Islamophobia is rising amongst Turks, it's all because of these games which have been played for decades, along with AKP trying to shove it down everyone's throats.

Iranians, Armenians, Kurds and Greeks have attacked Turkish nationalism for a long time through various methods. They do this because they can't face us on the battlefield, so their only choice is to destroy from within. Trust me when I say that there's nothing they hate more than Atatürk and his vision. Their goal for decades has been to replace Turkish nationalism with Islamism, sold under the guise of Ottomanism. I'm all for more land, but this has NOTHING to do with expansion, it's all about turning Türkiye into a multi ethnic state, and eventually turning it into a federation prime for balkanization.

Our regional enemies want to us to Islamize until we become a Sunni version of Iran, isolate us from the west and make us hostile to them, and then ultimately trigger a war between us and the west. They're trying their hardest to sell their "take back Constantinople" bullcrap to western nationalists. Like mentioned earlier, this is the only way they can weaken us, it's all because they can't face us themselves, so they're trying to get the west to support them.

Bilge adam reis

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Sen Türkiyedeesin, imrenmektense neredeyse gebereceksin.
Almana kölelik yapmakla sucluyorsun kendi g.tünden bile habersiz.
Türkiyedesin ama milyonlarin kutsalina hakaret ediyorsun ona da susmaliyizu öylemi?
Suc sende degil de senin gibilerini muhatap edende.
ne imrenecem amk tabi senin tuzun kuru orada euro ile maaş alıp besleniyorsun gel buraya asgari ücretle yaşa hele, kutsalın benim hayatımı mahvediyorsa o kutsalını daha çok hakaret ederler.

Bilge adam reis

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lavuğa bak almanyada euro ile maaş alıp babalar gibi yaşıyor türkiyede rahatsınız diyor :DDD gençliğimi siktiniz


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So a Kurd burned the Quran in front of a Turkish embassy, then a Lebanese Muslim attacked him with a knife... No Turks involved, but he just had to burn it infront of a Turkish embassy.

This has happened several times now where they do it in front of a Turkish embassy.

Why aren't they burning it in front of a mosque, Saudi or Iranian embassy? Why burn it in front of a secular country's embassy?

They're targeting us because it benefits them. Now the video of this dumbass Lebanese guy who attacked him with a knife is getting shared around as a being a Turk. The goal is to make us indistinguishable from other middle eastern nations, erode Turkish nationalism and replace it with Islamism, and ultimately turn us into the next Iran.

If things continue to go like this, in 10-20 years it won't be Russia or Iran, but it will be Türkiye that will be the West's biggest enemy in Eurasia. We must not fall for their games.

I know a lot of you are Muslims, but we are all well aware about how the West supported Islamists in Türkiye both during the cold war and afterwards as well. You can read up about how they wanted the Kemalist military removed and replaced with a mild Islamist regime that would assist with their regional designs. That's exactly what FETÖ and AKP are.

There's tons of non-Turks who make up the ranks in Tarikats, who constantly insult Ataturk and threaten the constitution. They've been funded by western NGOs, with Saudi support for decades.

Yes Islamophobia is rising amongst Turks, it's all because of these games which have been played for decades, along with AKP trying to shove it down everyone's throats.

Iranians, Armenians, Kurds and Greeks have attacked Turkish nationalism for a long time through various methods. They do this because they can't face us on the battlefield, so their only choice is to destroy from within. Trust me when I say that there's nothing they hate more than Atatürk and his vision. Their goal for decades has been to replace Turkish nationalism with Islamism, sold under the guise of Ottomanism. I'm all for more land, but this has NOTHING to do with expansion, it's all about turning Türkiye into a multi ethnic state, and eventually turning it into a federation prime for balkanization.

Our regional enemies want to us to Islamize until we become a Sunni version of Iran, isolate us from the west and make us hostile to them, and then ultimately trigger a war between us and the west. They're trying their hardest to sell their "take back Constantinople" bullcrap to western nationalists. Like mentioned earlier, this is the only way they can weaken us, it's all because they can't face us themselves, so they're trying to get the west to support them.

The Kurd burnt infront of the Turkish embassy.

What a prick he clearly targeted at Turkiye.

Only for a Lebanese guy to attack him with a knife.

I cant feel sorry to be honest as the Kurds have already fcked our image up in Japan just like in Germany.

All the honour killings cases all got blamed on the Turks. While it was the Kurds who engaged in it.


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excuse me ?? which part is the part that i dont understand ?? be spesific ? if you are talking about quran the book, its written at the time of 3rd chaliph osman and he famously said i burn false qurans !! which given his history with power and corruption (and its also the reasons for his death) i dont trust the guy with task !!! so what ?? and if you are taking about other thing be specific !! you wanna cherry pick to what you want and what you dont want and i call on your BS. no need to show your islami culture when responding

Nobody has ever heard of how the Quran was standardised.

Quran was compiled whatever other versions people have had got burnt.

There is a reason why the Quran does not have like 100 versions.

Quran that comes from Volgar Tatar is the same one from Hejaz. Only difference is the script.

Numerous different scripts of Arabic.


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Islam is just a updated hebrew religion this isn't anti islam every prophet, angel entity comes from the hebrew myhtology. Kaaba was a ziggurat that was used to store statues of goddeses and the so called hacca gitmek was also a paganist ritual.
Acting like jews OH ANTI SEMITISM!! whenever muslims do something fucked up and we point on it you guys bring out the islamaphobia card the ones running the country are not christians mate.

LoL kaabah was built by Ibrahim as a place of monotheism. Overtime it got corrupted.

People who worshipped God alone overtime began to worship semitic pagan Gods.

Nunerous examples of people worshipping God/Allah/Tanri alone only to be corrupted.

It is said that Tengrism also had the same struggle vs Shamanism. With certain Turks just believing one Tanri while the other Turks began to have Totems and other stuff it is believed this is where the Nazar boncuk bs started from.


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So a Kurd burned the Quran in front of a Turkish embassy, then a Lebanese Muslim attacked him with a knife... No Turks involved, but he just had to burn it infront of a Turkish embassy.

This has happened several times now where they do it in front of a Turkish embassy.

Why aren't they burning it in front of a mosque, Saudi or Iranian embassy? Why burn it in front of a secular country's embassy?

They're targeting us because it benefits them. Now the video of this dumbass Lebanese guy who attacked him with a knife is getting shared around as a being a Turk. The goal is to make us indistinguishable from other middle eastern nations, erode Turkish nationalism and replace it with Islamism, and ultimately turn us into the next Iran.

If things continue to go like this, in 10-20 years it won't be Russia or Iran, but it will be Türkiye that will be the West's biggest enemy in Eurasia. We must not fall for their games.

I know a lot of you are Muslims, but we are all well aware about how the West supported Islamists in Türkiye both during the cold war and afterwards as well. You can read up about how they wanted the Kemalist military removed and replaced with a mild Islamist regime that would assist with their regional designs. That's exactly what FETÖ and AKP are.

There's tons of non-Turks who make up the ranks in Tarikats, who constantly insult Ataturk and threaten the constitution. They've been funded by western NGOs, with Saudi support for decades.

Yes Islamophobia is rising amongst Turks, it's all because of these games which have been played for decades, along with AKP trying to shove it down everyone's throats.

Iranians, Armenians, Kurds and Greeks have attacked Turkish nationalism for a long time through various methods. They do this because they can't face us on the battlefield, so their only choice is to destroy from within. Trust me when I say that there's nothing they hate more than Atatürk and his vision. Their goal for decades has been to replace Turkish nationalism with Islamism, sold under the guise of Ottomanism. I'm all for more land, but this has NOTHING to do with expansion, it's all about turning Türkiye into a multi ethnic state, and eventually turning it into a federation prime for balkanization.

Our regional enemies want to us to Islamize until we become a Sunni version of Iran, isolate us from the west and make us hostile to them, and then ultimately trigger a war between us and the west. They're trying their hardest to sell their "take back Constantinople" bullcrap to western nationalists. Like mentioned earlier, this is the only way they can weaken us, it's all because they can't face us themselves, so they're trying to get the west to support them.

I doubt they will put a crusade. I mean religion is dying in the West. A lot of crusade larpers dont even go church.

And Russia and China are a big threat.

Turkiye is no longer living in the 1920s when its own homeland was under threat.

Crusade larpers are no different to our Jihad Larpers. They all larp but cant even follow their religion properly. I wonder how many crusade larpers go to church how many of our larpers can even wake up for Sabah namazi lmaoo


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Catholics failed to conquer any part of the Islamic World and the Ottomans reached the gates of Vienna.

Crusades in short failed.

British and the French came back with the might of machine guns and tanks.

Now crusade larpers take credit for it.

Muslims should curse their own leaders for accepting the status quo just like China. Instead the West surpassed both.

If Muslims and Africans want to throw down the shackles of slavery. They should look to China as an example.

We need nukes, jets and emps.

The Americans have B2 bombers. Not one imam in a Friday khutbah will mention this not one. Its always the topic of marriage or mundane topic everybody knows.

We should blame ourselves to be honest. The White Man evolved itself on how to wage war our leaders sat like a hibernating bear thinking its all fine.

Then they came at our gates.


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Hayreddin Barbrossa even realised if the Osmanli Devleti is gonna survive it needed to engage in Colonialism.

Spanish wars were all backed up by gold and silver from the Americas.

He even knew that other European powers will get on the fun instead the Ottoman higher ups shut him down for it to focus on the Med sea.

Even the Russians reached Alaska now imagine the raw materials they gained by reaching Siberia and Alaska. Russia became so big nobody would even bother conquering it.


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It is said that Tengrism also had the same struggle vs Shamanism. With certain Turks just believing one Tanri while the other Turks began to have Totems and other stuff it is believed this is where the Nazar boncuk bs started from.

Lots of confusion out there about this.

To sum it up:

  • Shamanic practice is part of Tengrism, you could say that Shamans are the imams or priests of Tengrism. Shamanism isn't a religion by itself.
  • Tengrism was originally polytheistic. Of course Tengri was above all the other deities, as it represented everything, whereas lower deities were responsible for elements, fertility, etc. These other deities were viewed as important parts of the Tengrist world view, however they weren't worshipped, and were seen as "extentions" of Tengri, as represtations of elements and aspects of our universe, in other words personifications of forces of nature, fire, water, fertility, war, etc. Tengrism later got influenced by monotheistic religions, Shamanism was frowned upon as dark magic and that lead to Tengrism going underground. Whilst later dynasties treated Tengrism a monotheistic religion, a lot of Turks in the modern day who say Tengrism is monotheistic are either misinformed or trying to make Tengrism more similar to Islam for political purposes or to make it look like Turks were always monotheists.
  • The main components of Tengrism are Animism (everything can house a spirit), ancestor worship (reverence for your ancestors) and shamanism (connecting to the spirit world for answers).


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Lots of confusion out there about this.

To sum it up:

  • Shamanic practice is part of Tengrism, you could say that Shamans are the imams or priests of Tengrism. Shamanism isn't a religion by itself.
  • Tengrism was originally polytheistic. Of course Tengri was above all the other deities, as it represented everything, whereas lower deities were responsible for elements, fertility, etc. These other deities were viewed as important parts of the Tengrist world view, however they weren't worshipped, and were seen as "extentions" of Tengri, as represtations of elements and aspects of our universe, in other words personifications of forces of nature, fire, water, fertility, war, etc. Tengrism later got influenced by monotheistic religions, Shamanism was frowned upon as dark magic and that lead to Tengrism going underground. Whilst later dynasties treated Tengrism a monotheistic religion, a lot of Turks in the modern day who say Tengrism is monotheistic are either misinformed or trying to make Tengrism more similar to Islam for political purposes or to make it look like Turks were always monotheists.
  • The main components of Tengrism are Animism (everything can house a spirit), ancestor worship (reverence for your ancestors) and shamanism (connecting to the spirit world for answers).

Whats interesting both the Altai and the Yakuts opposed Islam and Christianity.

Overtime they began to embrace different religions.

Hungarians their ancestors the Avars and Magyars began as Tengrists before coming Christians.

Khazars were syncretic some of their rulers were Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim.

Seljuk was also a mercernary who served the Khazars before becoming a Muslim and founding his own dynasty. Would make for a interesting movie.

Ottomans coming to Anatolia would have to be a interesting series if its done right. They lost their lands to the Mongol Invasions before coming to Anatolia they served as Mercernaries for various Muslim Kingdoms. Their journey reminds me of the Boers from South Africa.

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