TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

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The company has always won the lawsuits against the allegations that have been going on for years.

Kılıçdaroğlu said something good or bad, there was a polemic with the company, there were mutual statements. But everyone who sees that there is good bread here before the elections does not pass by without filling his/her cup. After Mr Strategic Depth, the garbage cans from TIP who gave a lap dance to HDP have joined the caravan.


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The existence and the role of the members of the NSU terrorist organisation, controlled(or directed) by German intelligence, which had murdered at least 10 Muslims, 8 of whom were Turks, carried out at least two bomb attacks and 15 bank robberies in Germany between only 2000 and 2007, was revealed by coincidence on 4 November 2011. The fact that the German state-sponsored Neo-Nazi terrorist organisation had not been detected by the German security services for many years revealed that the NSU members had established relations with some intelligence informants in the past.

The LfV analysed the files and documents prepared by the LfV on the far right and covert operations carried out by state institutions to see if there were any links to the NSU and reported them, albeit with many shortcomings. The so-called "NSU files", which confidentiality order was issued for 120 years on the grounds of protecting the work management of the security services, and to some extent these terrorist acts were covered up.

The same German intelligence finances terrorist organisations based in Turkiye and supports the Indoctrination of militants. It is currently one of the two or three most important financial centres of the Pkk terrorist organisation in Europe, and terrorists can easily organise in Germany and collect extortion money from people. At the same time, it hides criminals with warrants and provides extensive propaganda opportunities. Germany is one of the safe harbours for both Fetö and Pkk.

The fact that a state whose history is full of genocides, fascism and anti-democratic practices, dastardly attacks and hypocrisy is arrogantly giving orders to TR today is a typical German orientalist idiocy. What they defend is not Kurdish rights, but the achievement of the Pkk terrorist organisation's goals. At the same time, it is the return of Fetö, the illegitimate child of the Atlanticist order, to the state levels.

edit: Turkiye has a great democratic experience of over century, and even though it has been interrupted by coups d'états, even though there have been great tragedies, disgraceful government experiences and even wars, the people have always responded at the ballot box. Even at the foundation of our republic, when there was only the Cumhuriyet Halk Fırkası, there was fierce opposition even to the Great leader Atatürk under the name of the Second Group. Next week, the people will make their decision and unless a miracle happens, they will either continue with RTE or they will demand a transformation and give this task to KK. This decision belongs to the Turkish people and those who are dissatisfied with the choices they have made should go back and face their own history.
Tribe of the antichrist, I tell ya


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The company has always won the lawsuits against the allegations that have been going on for years.

Kılıçdaroğlu said something good or bad, there was a polemic with the company, there were mutual statements. But everyone who sees that there is good bread here before the elections does not pass by without filling his/her cup. After Mr Strategic Depth, the garbage cans from TIP who gave a lap dance to HDP have joined the caravan.


They are hungry dogs, it does not matter if the news is fake from that feto remiz baysak ex Tusas engineer, they will use it. We can see it her in Defencehub, Baykar buy the ground for cheap price because of goverment pressure demiroren :LOL:.

boku cikti...


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As far as I know, the abroad votes will be counted on the same day as the national election right? If so, then how can they assume such stats?

They are directly asking for whom they voted. You can't do that in Turkiye on election day it is forbidden but It is not forbidden in foreign countries.
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In a long message, Izetbegovic emphasised RTE's mean for Bosnia and the role he plays in the Balkans and called on all Bosnians who are Turkish citizens to vote for RTE.

One by one, heads of state and important political figures with whom RTE has close relations are declaring their sides in the Turkish elections.

@Mehmed Ali

I think we are experiencing an election process that is being followed closely not only for us but also in many parts of the world. Unusually, not only through the media but this time we are witnessing a process in which party leaders and even members of governments in foreign countries are directly issuing calls about the elections in Turkiye, for one reason or another.
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“Ali Yesildag...
He is the real brother of Hasan Yeşildağ, who is alleged to be the bodyguard and secret safe of Tayyip Erdoğa from his prison years.

He claims that Tayyip Erdoğan has pocketed 1 Billion Dollars (21 Billion TL (Qutrillion)) from a single tender...”

The big exposure will be if we ever get to find out what his failed son in law did while running the central bank, i suspect billions could have been swindled.
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In a long message, Izetbegovic emphasised RTE's mean for Bosnia and the role he plays in the Balkans and called on all Bosnians who are Turkish citizens to vote for RTE.

One by one, heads of state and important political figures with whom RTE has close relations are declaring their sides in the Turkish elections.

@Mehmed Ali

I think we are experiencing an election process that is being followed closely not only for us but also in many parts of the world. Unusually, not only through the media but this time we are witnessing a process in which party leaders and even members of governments in foreign countries are directly issuing calls about the elections in Turkiye, for one reason or another.
Turkey's growing geopolitical infkuence under the AKP is a no brainer
For Many nations whom were either being prosecuted in the West or being eradicated by the China/Russia axis, Turkey is like an angel from the sky!
Unlike other dominant superpowers, Turkey and Erdo's foreign policy of treating other nations as equals and not inferiors is proving to be extremely successful

With the current growth in geopolitcial influence, military capabilities, and fame as a nation that cant be tampered with..... a lot of nations look at Turkey as the new black horse in the region. Many world leaders and international conflicts' fates will be determined in the upcoming Turkish elections. Nearly all Western states, Russia, China, Qatar, UAE, KSA, Azerbaijan and the Turkic nations, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, S.Korea, Japan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Syria, Armenia, African states, and Baltic states

Turks may be oblivious to this, but Turkey rn has a lot of soft & hard power in many areas of the world; although that may soon be evaporated
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Even one of the reasons the economist endorses KK's candidacy is to release the so-called "political prisoners" of the PKK
I believe tht all of Europe wants to see Turkey returns to an isolated nation just like the pre 2000s
This article bases all of Turkey's problems to the bad relations with the West but never even looks at why the relations are soo bad in the first place. Fqing hypocrites



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Our victory in the upcoming elections will mark a "new era for Europe". It is like he is nominating himself for the presidency of the European nations and not the nation known as Turkiye

That guy is a fqing clown

If he actually shouted "i am the guy westerners picked to govern over you untermench" it would be less to the point than this. What. The. Hell.


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Putin is a tyrant.

USA is a weird country but they hav 25 times bigger economy than turkey and their people can buy food unlike turkish people.

macron has autharitarian tendencies and french economy again 3-4 times bigger than turkish economy. Yet im pretty sure macrons convoy is a lot smaller than this.

xi ping is an dictator+Chinese economy is 20 times bigger than turkey
Japanese has almost no bodyguards .....

As a result?And Japanese people almost no gun.

If he had 400 harem that s crazy

But in Turkey which many people have gun.Many body guards is needed


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I seen these sorts of types in London, they behave in a way in which they think it makes them look important to the English but in reality the English look at them like they are 3rd worlders.
And when a Japanese or Korean wear the tradition dress,the westerner think they are cool


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Japanese has almost no bodyguards .....

As a result?And Japanese people almost no gun.

If he had 400 harem that s crazy

But in Turkey which many people have gun.Many body guards is needed
And because the japanese has almost no bodyguards, their former prime minister was assassinated in one of his rallies
And this is japan we are talking about; one of the most peaceful nations on earth

Now Imagine Turkey with its tense demography and multiple foreign enemies.....


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why tf are you sharing tweets from that convicted FETO scum?
You guys share akp accounts all they long. I think they are same, feto=akp.

Japanese has almost no bodyguards .....

As a result?And Japanese people almost no gun.

If he had 400 harem that s crazy

But in Turkey which many people have gun.Many body guards is needed
thats why anyone before him used the fraction of the security tayyip had. He is afraid of his people + he thinks that makes him badass. Alexa play kurtlar vadisi muzigi


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Its all about what kind of impact its has in the brain of the Westerner.
Wear West armor/dress bring a LongSword: A real Knight and brave!

Wear Japanese armor/dress bring a Katana: Oh so cool!like a legend!

Wear Chinese armor/dress bring a Chinese sword: Oh !Wonderful!Chinese civilization!

Turkic dress and Türk Kılıcı :What a evil barbarian!


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And because the japanese has almost no bodyguards, their former prime minister was assassinated in one of his rallies
And this is japan we are talking about; one of the most peaceful nations on earth

Now Imagine Turkey with its tense demography and multiple foreign enemies.....
No bodyguards and 4000 thousand bodyguards, choose your side, and give the only example of a FORMER prime minister got assasinated.
you guys would find the most absurt examples to defend erdogans lust for power and stateliness. İts really funny


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No bodyguards and 4000 thousand bodyguards, choose your side, and give the only example of a FORMER prime minister got assasinated.
you guys would find the most absurt examples to defend erdogans lust for power and stateliness. İts really funny
Honestly, it would be me who is surprised with how you ppl are trying to demonise Erdogan with excuses originating from thin air. I mean, criticise him as much as you want but keep it within the bounds of common sense

Idk how you ppl think it is easy for the FORMER PRIME MINISTER of the country with the third largest economy to be murdered in cold blood infront of hundreds of people just because one man hated him and again, we are talking about the safest nation on earth along with South Korea

Turkey amd Erdogan on the other hand are polarised, are in a geopolitical fight for supremacy to the point where the West initiated a bloody coup headed by FETO to topple him...... and yet somehow ppl are wondering why he has this many guards? The irony is insane and stupid. Erdogan is surrounded by dictators on all sides. From Egypt, to Syria, to Saudi Arabia, to even Israel who assassinated an Iranian nuclear scientist who was heavily guarded

But no..... lets have Erdogan stand among 150k people and be killed with ease so that our wish of a democratic nation comes true..... after all, the one who is planning to rule through decrees, release the PKK, and cant announce an economic team will surely do the right thing

Irony is on another levels
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I have a hunch that Sinan Oğan, Zafer party, TİP and YRP will get more votes than any poll predicts, and YSP (HDP) will get less than most polls predict.
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